«Союзнички»: зачем Казахстану биолаборатории США? (Руслан Осташко) 146,664 views•Apr 29, 2020; Ima Google prevod!!!!


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«Друг познаётся в беде» – гласит мудрость нашего народа. Беда уже пришла – в мире бушует пандемия коронавируса, и болезнь ежедневно отбирает жизни граждан России. А значит, помимо борьбы против COVID-19, неплохо бы оглядеться по сторонам, чтобы увидеть, как ведут себя наши так называемые «друзья».

Лаборатория смерти под Тбилиси: опубликованы записи об опытах над людьми и биологическом оружие - …Ima Google prevod!

Лаборатория смерти под Тбилиси: опубликованы записи об опытах над людьми и биологическом оружие - …
Россия 24
5.02M subscribers
Минобороны России приступило к анализу сенсационных документов экс-министра безопасности Грузии. Игорь Гиоргадзе заявил о том, что в лаборатории под Тбилиси американские военные проводили эксперименты над людьми.


Биологическая лаборатория в Одессе является опасной для населения — сербское издание «Печат»

Журналист Зоран Милошевич из сербского издания «Печат» в своей статье от 12 августа «Зачем США превращают Украину в биологическую бомбу?»  пытается найти связь между американскими биологическими лабораториями в Украине и вспышками опасных болезней.


«С 2014 по 2017 год на Украине было построено в общей сложности 15 американских военных биологических лабораторий. В них работают исключительно американцы, а финансируются они полностью из бюджета Министерства обороны США. Местные власти обязались не вмешиваться в их работу. Эти военные лаборатории, где занимаются в основном изучением и производством вирусов и бактерий, находятся в следующих городах: Одесса, Винница, Ужгород, Львов (три), Харьков, Киев (три), Херсон, Тернополь», — заявляет журналист.

Милошевич пытается связать вспышки опасных инфекций с деятельностью американской военной биологической лаборатории в Одессе.

«Сейчас известно, что Украину постигло уже несколько эпидемий (до 2009 года их не было). Население Украины связывает их с началом работы первой военной биологической лаборатории США в Одессе. Примечательно, что для борьбы с каждой новой эпидемией киевскому правительству приходилось закупать новую вакцину у американских фармацевтических компаний. Только на защиту населения от свиного гриппа (H1N1) государство потратило 40 миллионов долларов, и даже начались разговоры о том, что все это просто-напросто рэкет. Государство, которое не покупает вакцину, каким-то чудом становится очередной жертвой новой эпидемии.

К сожалению, похожие эпидемии на Украине случались и ранее. В 2016 году в Измаиле (город в Одесской области) произошла вспышка неизвестной кишечной инфекции, от которой особенно пострадали дети. Буквально за 24 часа было госпитализировано более 400 детей. Причина вспышки не установлена. В том же году Украину «постигла» невероятная эпидемия свиного гриппа, который приводит к атипичной пневмонии», — подымает тревогу «Печат».

Журналист считает, что таким образом в Украине создана «биологическая бомба», которая опасна не только для людей но и для животных. По его мнению, все учащающиеся случаи африканской чумы свиней и птичьего гриппа — это следствие подобной практики.

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биологическая лаборатория в алматы:


Биологическое ОРУЖИЕ США уже в Украине ? Лаборатория минобороны США в Херсоне 13,852 views•Dec 9, 2018 -

Биологическое ОРУЖИЕ США уже в Украине ? Лаборатория минобороны США в Херсоне
13,852 views•Dec 9, 2018
Тамир Шейх
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ТРЕНИРОВКИ ,ОТДЫХ, ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИЕ в Крыму Круглый год ПОДРОБНОСТИ здесь http://tamircentr.com/



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Coronavirus: How the deadly epidemic sparked a global emergency | Four Corners 10,130,504 views•Feb 24, 2020; 45:51 min.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19.

Coronavirus: How the deadly epidemic sparked a global emergency | Four Corners
10,130,504 views•Feb 24, 2020
ABC News In-depth
216K subscribers
It’s likened to a scene from an apocalypse. Wuhan — a city more populous than London or New York — placed in ‘lockdown’ following the outbreak of the new and deadly coronavirus.

In China, more than two thousand people have died, with tens of thousands more infected, and authorities are resorting to extreme measures to try to halt the contagion. In interviews filmed on smartphones, Chinese activists and Australians trapped in the lockdown explain what they are going through.

Four Corners charts how the outbreak occurred and investigates whether a cover-up by Chinese authorities allowed the virus to spread.


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US Biowarfare Act Author: Studies Confirm Coronavirus Weaponized! 101,955 views•Feb 22, 2020; 36:23 MIN

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Get the latest information from the CDC about COVID-19.
US Biowarfare Act Author: Studies Confirm Coronavirus Weaponized!
101,955 views•Feb 22, 2020
Spiro Skouras
22.5K subscribers
In this interview, the Author of the US Biowarfare Act, Professor Francis Boyle uncovers four separate studies which he claims confirm as ‘smoking gun’ evidence the Wuhan Coronavirus known as COVID19 was in fact weaponized.

Professor Boyle also discloses where he believes the true origin of the virus originated and the extent that the US government was involved.

This is a must see interview as Professor Boyle also reveals never before disclosed information.


Study: The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade

Study: SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronavirus pose threat for human emergence

Study: Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry

Study: The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus

Study: Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in China

SMOKING GUN: China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From U.S.

Full transcript of “smoking gun” bombshell interview: Prof. Francis Boyle exposes the bioweapons origins of the CoVid-19 coronavirus
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Italijani imaju ZASTRAŠUJUĆU TEORIJU o mestu na kom je počeo horor scenario EPIDEMIJE KORONA VIRUSA i kockice se poklapaju: Kako je došlo do ovakve agonije?

22.03.2020. 19:51

Šta je u stvari dovelo do crnog scenarija u severnoj Italiji i šta je to uzrokovalo eksponencijalni rast zaraženih virusom COVID-19 u Italiji? Da li su epidemije u Bergamu i Milane imale dodirnu tačku? A imaju li i epidemije u Italiji i Španiji zajednički faktor?


Italijom poslednjih nekoliko dana kruži teorija kojom se bavi krizna jedinica italijanske Civilne zaštite, a za koju ne postoje dokazi, ali spekulacije se teško zaustavljaju... U osnovi je utakmica Lige šampiona na kojoj su se susreli Atalanta i Valensija, a koja se odigrala 19. februara 2020. na stadionu San Siro u Milanu, prenosi italijanska La Repubblica.


Potraga za nultim pacijentom u Italiji je trajala predugo, a nije dala rezultate, pa se prešlo na drugu strategiju - razmišljali su da li je širenje zaraze možda omogućilo neko masovno okupljanje?

"Pomenuta utakmica mogla bi da bude izvor širenja zaraze virusom COVID-19. Ta koncentracija desetina hiljada ljudi iz istog područja na jednom mestu možda je važan faktor spontanog širenja zaraze", rekao je Masimo Gali, nadređeni u odeljenju Infektologije u bolnici Sacco di Milano.

Da li je onda zapravo 19. februar i utakmica na kultnom stadionu u Milanu početak agonije i tragedije kojoj se ne nazire kraj?

Ono što je činjenica, piše La Repubblica, jeste da je samo šest dana pre utakmice u Valensiji preminuo muškarac koji je bio pozitivan na korona virus. No, do ove informacije došlo se kasno - istina je utvrđena tek 3. marta, kada su ekshumirali njegovo telo. On je ujedno bio i prva potvrđena žrtva ovog smrtonosnog virusa u Španiji. Danas broj umrlih u Španiji iznosi 1.725 ljudi.

Tog 13. februara, kada je pomenuti muškarac preminuo, epidemija je već bila zahvatila jug Španije. Zato se i postavlja pitanje da li je on bio izolovan slučaj ili među 2.500 španskih navijača koji su stigli u Milano šest dana kasnije, 19. februara, još neko bio zaražen?


U isto vreme, odnosno 14. februara u jednom restoranu u Conju, mestašcetu pored Bergama obeležavao se Dan zaljubljenih. Devet dana kasnije sve koji su prisustvovali proslavi kontaktirala su službena lica - jedan od prisutnih u restoranu bio je pozitivan na koronavirus.

Na spornoj utakmici u Milanu na tribinama i u okviru stadiona bilo je više od 45.000 ljudi - a gotovo svi su se družili, slavili, grlili, pevali, dodirivali, rukovali... Kasnije je ustanovljeno da je u podzemnoj železnici sa navijačima bio i španski novinar Kike Mateu, za kog je posle nekoliko dana potvrđeno da ima korona virus.


Potencijalni putevi kojim je virus mogao dalje da se prenosi i grana nesagledivi su, a epilog danas znamo. Ono što je pored spleta nesrećnih okolnosti doprineloširenju COVID-19 u Italiji jeste olako shvatanje situacije - građani isuviše dugo nisu shvatali koliko je situacija ozbiljna, opirući se ionako zakasnelim merama vlade, i insistirajući na pokušajima da uprkos svemu vode relativno normalan život.

Koliko se brzo virus širi najbolje ilustruju statički podaci iz Italije, koji uprkos tamošnjem karantinu ne jenjava. Dakle, na Čizmi je 15. februara bilo registrovano troje ljudi pozitivnih na virus, a sedam dana kasnije taj broj je počeo naglo sa se širi. Tako je na primer 23. februara bilo ukupno 157 slučajeva, a posle desetak dana sve je bilo daleko alarmantnije - 10. marta zabeleženo je da je bilo 10. 149 zaraženih ljudi. Danas, 22. marta na sajtu Worldometers.info objavljeno je da je širom Italije obolelo 53. 578 ljudi, a da je broj umrlih 4,825.

Uprkos najcrnjoj statistici, ogromnom broju umrlih, vapaju iznurenih lekara i medicinskih radnika, alarmantnim upozorenjima, apelima uticajnih Italijana i nadležnih da se poštuju mere izolacije - narod kao da je živeo u uverenju da je imun na korona virus. U to su se 20. marta uverili i kineski zvaničnici - potpredsednik Crvenog krsta Kine Sun Šuopeng posetio je regiju Lombardiju, ostavši zatečen stanjem koje nije odgovaralo užasavajućoj situaciji u zemlji.


"Ovde u Milanu baš i ne postoji stroga politika karantina: javni prevoz i dalje radi, ljudi se i dalje kreću, i dalje idete na večere i zabavljate se u hotelima, ne nosite maske… Ne znam da li uopšte mislite… Shvatite, svaki građanin mora biti uključen u borbu protiv koronavirusa. Savetovao bih vam da odmah zaustavite sve ekonomske aktivnosti i smanjite mobilnost ljudi. Svi bi trebalo da ostanete u kućama, ljudski životi su najbitniji", rekao je Šuopeng.

S druge strane, način na koji se Slovenci nose sa situacijom može da nam bude primer i pokazatelj - uprkos činjenici da su na samoj granici sa Italijom i da nisu u malo broju pogođeni korona virusom, uspeli su da broj žrtava drže na minimumu - za sada je samo jedna osoba preminula.

U Sloveniji je ukupno 414 zaraženih korona virusom, ali zahvaljujući strogom pridržavanju mera izolacije, oni danas beleže pad rasta broja obolelih.

Ostajući kod kuće, poštujući savete stručnjaka i ne kršeći mere izolacije borimo se protiv ove opake epidemije. To je naš jedini zadatak - kako bi spasili sopstvene i živote svojih bližnjih. Nemojmo dozvoliti da nam se ponove scenario Italije ili Španije - leđa Srbije to neće podneti.


17 March Trends Journal: "The Greatest Depression Has Begun" 50,054 views•Mar 17, 2020; 7:29 MIN.

Gerald Celente
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Emergency News from USA March 18-2020!!!Срочные новости из США поразили весь мир. 16,235 views•Mar 18, 2020; 10:11 min.

Ameri snizili kamatu na 0%, i pozajmicu svojoj ekonomiji "stimulus" na 700 miliardi $ - "drasticne mere davljenika" -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8obDJBMEKR0&feature=push-sd&attr_tag=zUCYy9tmm7oBdDbQ%3A6 - Срочные новости из США поразили весь мир. 16,235 views•Mar 18, 2020; 10:11 min.

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19 Mart-2020- Globalisti unistavaju Ameriku, i sele sve u Kinu!! Kopoнaвupyc - прикрытие совсем другой эnuдeмuu 120,505 views•Mar 19, 2020

Kopoнaвupyc - прикрытие совсем другой эnuдeмuu
120,505 views•Mar 19, 2020

Essence of THINGS
313K subscribers
Будущее наступило? Стивен Кинг кусает локти от зависти … к реальности. Мы вошли в эпоху, когда стопроцентно поменяется человеческая психология.

Kopoнaвupyc - прикрытие совсем другой эnuдeмuu
Автор: Галина Иванкина

Источник: https://clck.ru/MZZFD

- RusBalt148 10 hours ago Я сразу сказал что это НЕ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ вирус , а ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ !!!
- Полковник Кудасов, 10 hours ago, Глобальщики планомерно сливают сша в унитаз, перенося всё в китай!!!

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Why the Coronavirus Has Been So Successful


One of the few mercies during this crisis is that, by their nature, individual coronaviruses are easily destroyed. Each virus particle consists of a small set of genes, enclosed by a sphere of fatty lipid molecules, and because lipid shells are easily torn apart by soap, 20 seconds of thorough hand-washing can take one down. Lipid shells are also vulnerable to the elements; a recent study shows that the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, survives for no more than a day on cardboard, and about two to three days on steel and plastic. These viruses don’t endure in the world. They need bodies.


But much about coronaviruses is still unclear. Susan Weiss, of the University of Pennsylvania, has been studying them for about 40 years. She says that in the early days, only a few dozen scientists shared her interest—and those numbers swelled only slightly after the SARS epidemic of 2002. “Until then people looked at us as a backward field with not a lot of importance to human health,” she says. But with the emergence of SARS-CoV-2—the cause of the COVID-19 disease—no one is likely to repeat that mistake again.

To be clear, SARS-CoV-2 is not the flu. It causes a disease with different symptoms, spreads and kills more readily, and belongs to a completely different family of viruses. This family, the coronaviruses, includes just six other members that infect humans. Four of them—OC43, HKU1, NL63, and 229E—have been gently annoying humans for more than a century, causing a third of common colds. The other two—MERS and SARS (or “SARS-classic,” as some virologists have started calling it)—both cause far more severe disease. Why was this seventh coronavirus the one to go pandemic? Suddenly, what we do know about coronaviruses becomes a matter of international concern.



The structure of the virus provides some clues about its success. In shape, it’s essentially a spiky ball. Those spikes recognize and stick to a protein called ACE2, which is found on the surface of our cells: This is the first step to an infection. The exact contours of SARS-CoV-2’s spikes allow it to stick far more strongly to ACE2 than SARS-classic did, and “it’s likely that this is really crucial for person-to-person transmission,” says Angela Rasmussen of Columbia University. In general terms, the tighter the bond, the less virus required to start an infection.

There’s another important feature. Coronavirus spikes consist of two connected halves, and the spike activates when those halves are separated; only then can the virus enter a host cell. In SARS-classic, this separation happens with some difficulty. But in SARS-CoV-2, the bridge that connects the two halves can be easily cut by an enzyme called furin, which is made by human cells and—crucially—is found across many tissues. “This is probably important for some of the really unusual things we see in this virus,” says Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research Translational Institute.


For example, most respiratory viruses tend to infect either the upper or lower airways. In general, an upper-respiratory infection spreads more easily, but tends to be milder, while a lower-respiratory infection is harder to transmit, but is more severe. SARS-CoV-2 seems to infect both upper and lower airways, perhaps because it can exploit the ubiquitous furin. This double whammy could also conceivably explain why the virus can spread between people before symptoms show up—a trait that has made it so difficult to control. Perhaps it transmits while still confined to the upper airways, before making its way deeper and causing severe symptoms. All of this is plausible but totally hypothetical; the virus was only discovered in January, and most of its biology is still a mystery.

The new virus certainly seems to be effective at infecting humans, despite its animal origins. The closest wild relative of SARS-CoV-2 is found in bats, which suggests it originated in a bat, then jumped to humans either directly or through another species. (Another coronavirus found in wild pangolins also resembles SARS-CoV-2, but only in the small part of the spike that recognizes ACE2; the two viruses are otherwise dissimilar, and pangolins are unlikely to be the original reservoir of the new virus.) When SARS-classic first made this leap, a brief period of mutation was necessary for it to recognize ACE2 well. But SARS-CoV-2 could do that from day one. “It had already found its best way of being a [human] virus,” says Matthew Frieman of the University of Maryland School of Medicine.


This uncanny fit will doubtlessly encourage conspiracy theorists: What are the odds that a random bat virus had exactly the right combination of traits to effectively infect human cells from the get-go, and then jump into an unsuspecting person? “Very low,” Andersen says, “but there are millions or billions of these viruses out there. These viruses are so prevalent that things that are really unlikely to happen sometimes do.”

Since the start of the pandemic, the virus hasn’t changed in any obviously important ways. It’s mutating in the way that all viruses do. But of the 100-plus mutations that have been documented, none has risen to dominance, which suggests that none is especially important. “The virus has been remarkably stable given how much transmission we’ve seen,” says Lisa Gralinski of the University of North Carolina. “That makes sense, because there’s no evolutionary pressure on the virus to transmit better. It’s doing a great job of spreading around the world right now.”


There’s one possible exception. A few SARS-CoV-2 viruses that were isolated from Singaporean COVID-19 patients are missing a stretch of genes that also disappeared from SARS-classic during the late stages of its epidemic. This change was thought to make the original virus less virulent, but it’s far too early to know whether the same applies to the new one. Indeed, why some coronaviruses are deadly and some are not is unclear. “There’s really no understanding at all of why SARS or SARS-CoV-2 are so bad but OC43 just gives you a runny nose,” Frieman says.

Researchers can, however, offer a preliminary account of what the new coronavirus does to the people it infects. Once in the body, it likely attacks the ACE2-bearing cells that line our airways. Dying cells slough away, filling the airways with junk and carrying the virus deeper into the body, down toward the lungs. As the infection progresses, the lungs clog with dead cells and fluid, making breathing more difficult. (The virus might also be able to infect ACE2-bearing cells in other organs, including the gut and blood vessels.)  


The immune system fights back and attacks the virus; this is what causes inflammation and fever. But in extreme cases, the immune system goes berserk, causing more damage than the actual virus. For example, blood vessels might open up to allow defensive cells to reach the site of an infection; that’s great, but if the vessels become too leaky, the lungs fill even more with fluid. These damaging overreactions are called cytokine storms. They were historically responsible for many deaths during the 1918 flu pandemic, H5N1 bird flu outbreaks, and the 2003 SARS outbreak. And they’re probably behind the most severe cases of COVID-19. “These viruses need time to adapt to a human host,” says Akiko Iwasaki of the Yale School of Medicine. “When they’re first trying us out, they don’t know what they’re doing, and they tend to elicit these responses.”


During a cytokine storm, the immune system isn’t just going berserk but is also generally off its game, attacking at will without hitting the right targets. When this happens, people become more susceptible to infectious bacteria. The storms can also affect other organs besides the lungs, especially if people already have chronic diseases. This might explain why some COVID-19 patients end up with complications such as heart problems and secondary infections.


But why do some people with COVID-19 get incredibly sick, while others escape with mild or nonexistent symptoms? Age is a factor. Elderly people are at risk of more severe infections possibly because their immune system can’t mount an effective initial defense, while children are less affected because their immune system is less likely to progress to a cytokine storm. But other factors—a person’s genes, the vagaries of their immune system, the amount of virus they’re exposed to, the other microbes in their bodies—might play a role too. In general, “it’s a mystery why some people have mild disease, even within the same age group,” Iwasaki says.

Coronaviruses, much like influenza, tend to be winter viruses. In cold and dry air, the thin layers of liquid that coat our lungs and airways become even thinner, and the beating hairs that rest in those layers struggle to evict viruses and other foreign particles. Dry air also seems to dampen some aspects of the immune response to those trapped viruses. In the heat and humidity of summer, both trends reverse, and respiratory viruses struggle to get a foothold.


Unfortunately, that might not matter for the COVID-19 pandemic. At the moment, the virus is tearing through a world of immunologically naive people, and that vulnerability is likely to swamp any seasonal variations. After all, the new virus is transmitting readily in countries like Singapore (which is in the tropics) and Australia (which is still in summer). And one recent modeling study concluded that “SARS-CoV-2 can proliferate at any time of year.” “I don’t have an immense amount of confidence that the weather is going to have the effect that people hope it will,” Gralinski says. “It may knock things down a little, but there’s so much person-to-person transmission going on that it may take more than that.” Unless people can slow the spread of the virus by sticking to physical-distancing recommendations, the summer alone won’t save us.

“The scary part is we don’t even know how many people get normal coronaviruses every year,” Frieman says. “We don’t have any surveillance networks for coronaviruses like [we do for] flu. We don’t know why they go away in the winter, or where they go. We don’t know how these viruses mutate year on year.” Until now, research has been slow. Ironically, a triennial conference in which the world’s coronavirus experts would have met in a small Dutch village in May has been postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

“If we don’t learn from this pandemic that we need to understand these viruses more, then we’re very, very bad at this,” Frieman says.

We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters@theatlantic.com.

ED YONG is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he covers science.




Informer.rs/Užice oglasna tabla|22. 03. 2020.

 RODITELJI SU SVAKO JUTRO DOLAZILI DA ME VIDE ŽIVU! Ako vam je teško zbog karantina, pročitajte JEZIVU ispovest užičke doktorke koja je sve preživela za vreme VARIOLE!
Mnogim građanima je teško zbog mera koje se uvode zbog borbe sa koronavirusom, ali sećanje poznate užičke doktorke Rade Smiljanić pokazuje da je bilo i mnogo gorih epidemija koje su mogle biti savladane samo krajnjom disciplinom i angažovanjem

Njeno svedočanstvo o danima koje je proživela u karantinu u Čačku, objavljeno na Fejsbuk stranici Užice oglasna tabla prenosimo u celini: 

"Prošla sam 1972. god zbog velikih boginja izolaciju-karantin u Čačku, kao učenica medicinske škole. Karantin je trajao nepunih mesec dana. Policija je čuvala karantin dan i noć.

U jednoj sobi je bilo nas 12 učenica, koje smo imale direktni kontakt sa obolelim od velikih boginja. Imale smo 17 god i 18 godina. Ostale učenice i profesori su bili u karantinu, jer su bili u kontaktu sa nama. Zbog njih smo za svaki izlazak u hodnik stavljale masku, kojih je bilo dovoljno. Na spratu su bili civili zbog kontakt sa obolelim-ležali su na istom odeljenju čacanske bolnice. Neki od civila su bežali nesvesni opasnosti koju predstavljaju za druge, ali ih je policija uvek nalazila i vraćala u karantin.

Imali smo metalni tanjir i kasiku, krilo umesto stola. Kupatila i tople vode nije bilo. Svako jutro merenje temperature, vizita, u 10h dezinfekcija-po dve osobe u zaštitnoj opremi od glave do pete sa bocama na leđima i prskalicama, su dezinfikovale vazduh, podove, zidove, krevete, nikad opranu ćebad. Podela doručka, ručka, večere od strane osobe u kompletnoj zaštitnoj opremi.


Lekarski pregledi od lekara kriznog staba i briga jer se drugarici i meni ne prima vakcina.

U dvorištu do našeg bio je jos jedan karantin sa drugom vrstom kontakata sa obolelim.

Jednog dana se razbolela jedna drugarica.Odvezena je u adaptirani objekat u drugom delu grada za smestaj i lečenje obolelih.

Čekale smo koja je sledeća na redu. U toj muci, beznađu smo skovale prijateljstva za ceo život. Brinule smo jedna za drugu, pomagale, hrabrile i dočekale da zdrave izađemo.

Izlečena je i drugarica koja je dobila velike boginje.Verujte, nije bilo lako. Svi smo imali roditelje, braću, sestre i nismo znali da li ćemo ih ikad videti. Moj brat, student je dobio otkaz stana zbog mog karantina, spavao je u tramvaju 2 koji stalno kruži, jer dok je bila borba sa velikim boginjama niko nije izdavao sobe ni stanove u Begradu, a kući nije mogao da dođe, jer je vazila zabrana putovanja izmedju gradova. Roditelji su mi bili izolovani u stanu u Lučanima, svi su se sklanjali od njih, nisu mogli ni u prodavnicu. Sa propusnicom su svako jutro u tišini sedali u kola,dolazili u Čacak, čekali tamo negde daleko od žice i policajca, da vide da li ću i ja izaći u dvorište dok se dezinfikuju sobe,da me vide zivu.Zadovoljni odlazili pre opomene policajca da bi opet sutradan došli.

Sada korona virus Covid-19 zahteva samo da budemo disciinovani, izolovani u toplini svoga doma, sa svojom porodicom, i da se trudimo da budemo među onih 20% koji se uopšte neće razboleti. Želim vam da budete jedan/a od tih 20% na radost porodice ,prijatelja, rodbine i svih nas!"
