3,617 viewsPremiered Jul 14, 2021
Sve je ovo oko knjigovodstva, deltoidi, lamboidi, G-20 samit video konferencija- sve je po planu- Dizniland- mora nesto da se menja- kriza zbog svetske vlade koja je vec tu; lazni novac na dodjem ti; bankostan- novi poredak; kultura, moral, sistem vrednost, kultura- virtualni sistem, enormno duzni; univerzalni porez; kompletno poslovanje ce ici preko interneta; bez gotovinski novac; karbonska taksa umesto carinskih povisica; era novih licemrrja; lokalne ekonomije nisu potrebne; zelena industrija i revolucija dolazi; mora se ziveti zivot od realnih prihoda; bez inflacija; sve je po planu, kompletna transformacija Diznilanda; stvarni i izmisljeni poslovi; administracija i privreda; do sada je ekonomija bila pokrice i pravan za politicare; deficitarni poslovi ce poskupeti; a inflacija(nase cistiliste) ce unistiti izmisljene-neproduktivne poslove/ekonomiju; puna zaposlenost=dizniland; reset= menjanje kompletne paradigme- novi raspored prihoda/i raspodela unutar zajednice/zona u svetu novih ne realnosti; gospodar pravi novi sistem, bice vam lakse; mi smo sada u novom svetu; generacije koje nisu ziveli od realnih prihoda, nece vise moci; smak sveta; transmisija suverenosti?; exploatacija jadarita/lithiuma; ulazimo u novo knjigovodstvo koje ce jos vise biti virtuelno; peglanje starih gresaka i vodjenje produktivne ekonomije; kreacija i odrzavanje diznilanda da se sprecavaju revelucije i da se mase zabljavaju; ulazimo u faze haosa i da se nikada ne vidi bilans dosadasnjeg poslovanja; ulazimo u skromniju ekonomiju; mi smo vodili do sada, i od sada, a mase naucili da slusaju; pocinje pozoriste na mnogim i paralelnim scenama; morace se naci krivac za urusavanje sadasnjeg Diznilenda; dali ce biti efikasnije knjigovodstvo ili i dalje nepostenije i vizionarsko eksploatatorski odnosi/ko ce vladati; bice kriva omladina koja nije htela da se vakcinise, i sve djavo odneo?



Viktor Aleksikj
2 days ago

Pero Chessmaster
2 days ago
Da tacno, oni vec znaju da dolazi Delta..Ali Delta ce na jesen da mutira ? recimo u Uragan...koji ce kasnije da preraste u Omegu...Ali Omega ce vremenom da slabi u Alfa Romeo...I tako u krug...

Mila Arnaut
1 day ago
Danas "diznilend" nekada gladijatorske borbe. Kako stvari stoje, nacionalni stadioni će poslužiti upravo za završnu fazu diznilenda. Ništa mi još nismo videli.

dragan dugonja
2 days ago
"Chaos in South Africa 'intensifies' ">jedan od clanova G20(primjer medjuljudskih odnosa)

Nada Petkovic
2 days ago

Gordana Markovic
2 days ago
Jedino ovog coveka slusam, ima fenomenalnu ekipu!
Koliko vidim, ponovo cemo kalajisati serpe i lonce i popravljati kisobrane ...
Najgore je sto svi mi placamo ceh rasipnika, a zivimo skromno.

Viktor Aleksikj
2 days ago
Jbg...NEKAD treba I pomoci od BOGA direktno....Evo primer...ja kad Sam dosao na vrhunac da mesec. platom +5500$. Uvodeo Sam da je sve OVO samo Sarena laza I sve NAPUSTIO I dosao na selo ziveti...I Evo nikad mi Nije bilo bolje...DOK SVI strepe sta CE biti sutra...ja uzivam u ZIVOTU I nikad nisam bio srecniji....a pare...PARA JE VADODUSNICA...POZZ

Milovan Radosavljevic
2 days ago
Postovani Aleksandre.
Hvala ti na ovim lepim analizama stanja u svetu,uzrocima i posledicama koje prozivljavamo.Moram priznati da mi je ponekad teze pratiti iako ti prilicno pojednostavljeno i slikovito prezentiras pojmove kojima se bavis.Tesi me cinjenica da dosta tvoji pratilaca ima veci problema u prepoznavanju sustine od mene samog sto se moze videti u komentarima.Preraspodela prirodnih resursa kao i resursa ljudskog rada i znanja su glavan preokupacija onih koji vode poredak i tako je od vajkada.Nadam se da si u pravu kad kazes da su ovaj puta odlucili da na novi nacin urade transformaciju poredka sa nizim intezitetom nasilja i represije bar za sada.Jedino sto me muci neznam dali pripadam budalama ili fukarama posto sam budzetski korisnik iz zdrastveni razloga.
Zelim ti jes mnogo dobrih emisija i mnogo pratilaca kojim ces pomoci da spoznaju bolje svet u kakvom zive.Zivio.

sabina pkj
2 days ago
Hvala Sasa. Sve jasno.

Ljiljana Klajic
2 days ago
Hvala,veliki pozdrav iz Toronta

Mikeli Perović
1 day ago
A za nas na Balkanu nema zime.Mi smo ovo vec prosli tako da nije nikakvo iznenadjenje.I Jezda i Dafina i komplet urusena ekonomija tako da novi diznilend vec funkcionise.Sto veli Sasa, nista se ne bojte mi smo pretece novog poretka.

Marie-Jeanne Kuzmanovic
2 days ago

1 day ago
Dragi Saša, koliko mogu redovno pratim tvoje emisije, pa šta razumem, razumem. Uostalom imaš toliko pohvala od mnogo relevantnijih pratilaca, ja se bavim uglavnom umetničkim disciplinama i zahvalan sam ti na jednostavnom jeziku koj koristiš u svojim izlaganjima. Jasno mi je da je glavni naslov tvojih emisija "Kako se vlada svetom", to jest, otkrivaš nam mehanizme funkcionisanja sveta. I to je sasvim u redu i dovoljno, mađutim, ja kao vrlo impulsivan čovek, pitam se da li mi uopšte možemo sami nešto da uredimo, promenimo, ili je baš sve tako zadato. Naravno, mi u Srbiji ne možemo ni neke osnovne stvari da promenimo, pa je verovatno i glupo pitanje šta možemo ozbiljnije da preduzmemo. U svakom slučaju, nastavi sa svojom misijom, u čemu ti želim mnogo uspeha i nadalje! Hvala!

Čomski: Deset strategija manipulacije ljudima

Siromašnijim slojevima treba onemogućiti pristup mehanizmima razumevanje manipulacije njihovim pristankom. Kvalitet obrazovanja nižih društvenih slojeva treba da bude što slabiji ili ispod proseka, da bi ponor između obrazovanja viših i nižih slojeva ostao nepremostiv.

NOAM ČOMSKI / 14. Oktobar 2013




Фашистичка изјава Карла Билта: Православље је претња за западну цивилизацију

Објављено: 10.05.2014.год.


Запад ипак не може, а да не одоли свом вековном пориву: дешавања у Украјини натерала су Карла Билта, министра спољних послова Шведске, да каже да је православље главна претња Западу, јер се око њега сабира Русија.

Карл Билт, министар спољних послова Шведске (и некадашњи високи представник УН и ЕУ у Б и Х), изјавио је пре три дана да је Русија 90-тих била боља држава него данас, јер је стремила демократији и западним вредностима, а данас стреми православљу.

„У данашњој Русији ситуација је много гора. Путин демонстрира приврженост не међународним вредностима, већ православним. Његова подршка Асаду у Сирији може се објаснити тиме што је Асад штитио православне у Сирији. Поред тога, православље је опасније од исламског фундаментализма и због тога представља највећу опасност за западну цивилизацију.“

‘Right to Be Forgotten’ Privacy Rule Is Limited by Europe’s Top Court

The European Court of Justice said the landmark privacy law cannot be enforced beyond the European Union.


  • Sept. 24, 2019Updated 2:00 p.m. ET

LONDON — Europe’s highest court limited the reach of the landmark online privacy law known as “right to be forgotten” on Tuesday, restricting people’s ability to control what information is available about them on the internet.

The ruling to limit the geographical reach of the right to be forgotten is a victory for Google against a Frencheffort to force the company and other search engines to take down links globally.

The court said the right to be forgotten “is not an absolute right.”


Google has become a quasi-judicial authority on the right to be forgotten, determining what constitutes private information or not. It has received requests to take down more than 3.3 million links, and has granted about 45 percent, according to company figures.

Joris van Hoboken, a law professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel who studies privacy policy, said that Tuesday’s decisions were an attempt to maintain an individual’s right to privacy against the public’s right to know, but that the rulings delegated the decision making to Google.

“The assumption is that Google is going to do that balancing well,” Mr. van Hoboken said.

Jonathan Zittrain, a law professor at Harvard University who studies internet privacy, said concerns about the right to be forgotten remained. He said companies risked fines if they fought a takedown request, but weren’t penalized for deleting something.


“This creates asymmetric pressure on corporate decision making that will tilt toward individual demands over the public interest,” Mr. Zittrain said.

Google, which has created an internal team to review takedown requests, deletes links only within the European Union. Most Google searches occur on country-specific sites like Google.fr in France or Google.it in Italy.

But in 2015, the top data-protection regulator in France, known as CNIL, said that Google’s geographically targeted approach didn’t go far enough and that it wanted the company to remove links from its global database. The authority argued that a regional application of the rule was worthless because people could still find the information if they were outside Europe.

Google and other opponents of enlarging the territorial reach, including the Wikimedia Foundation, Microsoft, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and the Internet Freedom Foundation, argued that people would try to use the rule in Europe to erase unflattering information elsewhere.

“Courts or data regulators in the U.K., France or Germany should not be able to determine the search results that internet users in America, India or Argentina get to see,” Thomas Hughes, executive director of Article 19, a privacy group that supported Google in the case, said in a statement.

The decision leaves open the possibility for France and other national governments in the European Union to force Google to take down links globally in special cases judged necessary to protect an individual’s privacy.

The other case that was decided on Tuesday stemmed from an attempt by several individuals to require Google to remove links to websites found when searching for their names. They argued that certain categories of data, such as information related religion, political beliefs, sex life and past criminal convictions, should be expunged from search results.


The court gave a mixed ruling, saying certain categories of data deserve special consideration but must be weighed against the public’s right to information.

The individuals who brought the case included a politician under investigation, someone convicted of sexual assault against minors and a person referred to as a public relations officer in the Church of Scientology.

Opponents of their demands said removing links would have set a dangerous precedent and made it much easier for information in the public interest to be deleted from the internet.


 - & who decides "what's no longer relevant or not in the public interest"? Just yesterday the NYT ran an article about the perpetrator of a stabbing who successfully got a legitimate news article about his crime taken down & the journalist fired. This law is ridiculous & ripe for abuse. To me, that's just the tip of the information/crime iceberg this law will effectively block the general public knowing about.

It is a money and privacy problem not justice. Another string from Americans to alienate the world : worst polluters, twice the energy consumption of Europeans per capita, pesticides and fertilyzers, and plastic everywhere in the oceans and the food chain and our blood, etc... US firms cheating, invading Europe not paying any taxes, stealing private data and abusing citizens rights .


Here you can read the philosophy of Americans. No wonder they consume twice the energy per capita than a European, twice the carbon foot print, pollute the world with their pesticides and fertilizers , have put plastic everywhere in oceans, the food chain and the blood of our children, they don't recycle (only 7 % ) , sell their fast food, soda sugar drinks and OGM all over the world and have 8 times more violent crime per capita than in Europe. Then they put all their tech firms in Europe and invade the markets while cheating and paying no taxes while steal private data to sell it to 3rd parties without our consent . And we gave them Inependance and paid for it !

Jonathan Katz commented 7 hours ago
Jonathan Katz
St. Louis7h ago

We need to get over the privacy hysteria. There is no right to suppress truthful information or expressions of opinion. Criminals, including juvenile offenders, should not have the power to suppress information about their crimes. If the information is false, defamation laws (already unnecessarily slanted in favor of plaintiffs in many countries) provide adequate recourse.

Scott commented 7 hours ago
Illyria7h ago

The idea of Google as a “quasi-judicial entity” is a bit disconcerting (and it appears that Google itself would prefer not to do this task). It is also inevitable whenever you try to regulate content on the internet. For those who don’t like it, what is the alternative on deciding who gets to see what on the internet? A bureaucratic office in Brussels? Chinese censors? The Trump administration? As disturbing it is to see private companies turning into quasi-governmental agencies, it’s even more disturbing to realize that’s probably the best alternative we have. Once we have laws deciding who is allowed to see what on the internet, this is the inevitable result.

Dan Frazier commented 7 hours ago
Dan Frazier
Santa Fe, NM7h ago

The so-called "right to be forgotten" is a very bad idea. Balancing this supposed right against the much more important right to information and free expression is surely a nightmare for Google or anyone else who tries to do it. How do you define irrelevant information? Irrelevant to whom? Whoever posted the information in the first place must have thought it was relevant to someone. If the information is false and malicious, then let the parties sort it out in court.

we Tp commented 9 hours ago
we Tp
oakland9h ago

History will wonder at a time when governments were limited to their jurisdictions while private companies were not. This creates perverse incentives to locate servers outside jurisdictions. But ironically, the EU privacy laws increase the value of information about EU citizens and give the advantage to operators working in secret. To avoid a bit of extra work, Google just gave them legal cover. Google built a boatload of goodwill from offering a free, groundbreaking, and essential service without a plague of advertising. Now we can't do without it, and it strives only to avoid stimulating a rebellion. Googles behavior is determined by the internal competition of its top management, who outdo each other to increase its power and reach and make a name for themselves. Unfortunately, China and Russia are leading the charge of the world into pervasive surveillance and propaganda. They are doubly protected. As nations, they are protected from outsiders on their own soil; with their massive companies and technical abilities, they operate freely on ours. Our dystopian fantasies are coming true, one legal ruling at a time.

BMD commented 9 hours ago

The right to be forgotten and the Internet are not compatible - any ruling / law will be messy as the kinks are worked out, but it would be nice if the US would try to develop something fair that does not interfere with freedom of the press.

JPH commented 9 hours ago

The US tech firms must have lobbied the European court surroundings to influence it . US companies have lawyers and lobbyists everywhere in all stages of the European commission to push and draw to sell their agriculture, their pesticides and fertilizers, their military warfare, their communication and internet businesses . Protect their fiscal fraud. Not everybody thinks the same in the European administrations. There are progressives tendencies like France , Portugal and Spain and Northern Europe , but also conservative forces like Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, the UK ( still in the EU ) , Germany, Ireland, who are heavily manipulated by the USA and capitalist lobbies .


William Feldman commented 3 hours ago
William Feldman
Naples, Florida3h ago

@JPH What does anything that you wrote have to do with the right to be forgotten or with forcing that “right” on non European corporations?

Bill Camarda commented 9 hours ago
Bill Camarda
Ramsey, NJ9h ago

I haven't been able to find the decision online yet, so I'll ask The Times: Will this permit any EU company to completely evade the right to be forgotten by simply setting up one server somewhere else? If not, how? If so, doesn't the decision wipe out the right to be forgotten in the EU, too?


we Tp commented 9 hours ago
we Tp
oakland9h ago

@Bill Camarda The law still forbids the transmission of personal information outside the EU without explicit consent.

Phantom commented 5 hours ago
Canada5h ago

@we Tp I presume if someone in the EU consensually provides personal information to a company outside the EU, say when buying something online, then that information is not subject to EU law?

Speakin4Myself commented 9 hours ago
OxfordPA9h ago

So companies, unlike people, can actually be in several places at once, legally. This court ruling is further proof of how absurd past SCOTUS rulings based on 'corporations are people' actually are. A corporation like Google can claim anything about you or me in countries A through N, but something different in EU countries as though both were true and correct, even if those claims conflict. "Fair is foul and foul is fair." People in contrast can only legally be in one jurisdiction at a time even if subject to multiple sets of laws. If you testify that 'A is A' in London, that can be cited against you next week when you claim in New York that 'A is B'. The fact that something is unregulated in the USA but regulated in the European Union does not mean that absence of regulation here is equivalent to regulation there. The failure of this decision to protect European Union citizens from information stored beyond the EU serves to mostly nullify a reasonable privacy regulation. On the Internet we are all citizens of the world in fact. Failure of courts to recognize what that means amounts to a false claim of jurisdiction from the world into countries that choose to regulate Internet information. If Google makes false information from offshore available to EU searchers as part of its EU business, it is violating EU law.


Carlos R. Rivera commented 3 hours ago
Carlos R. Rivera
Coronado CA3h ago

@Speakin4Myself I think China, Cuba, Russia, et al would love that argument---using existing local laws to force international bodies to delete ALL negative information.

Dan O commented 10 hours ago
Dan O
Texas10h ago

I've written to a number of companies that have information on me and asked for them to delete that information. Which they did. Unfortunately, if you do anything, like buy a house, car, etc it all comes back again, so you have to contact everyone again and make the request. Google has removed my info, too. But, how many companies out there have your information? That's the scary part. I was married before, about 40 yrs ago, and when my ex passed away recently the collection companies sought me out to pay the bills. I didn't respond, but they found my name, address, and phone number.


Jonathan Katz commented 3 hours ago
Jonathan Katz
St. Louis3h ago

@Dan O You are not responsible for the debts of an ex-spouse, any more than you are responsible for the debts of another person who happens to have the same name as you. The ex-spouse's estate is responsible for her debts, and if the estate is insufficient, the creditors are out of luck. It's the executor's responsibility to deal with such matters. You were right to ignore the false claims from the collection agencies. If they threaten you, that is extortion.

Mark Thomason commented 10 hours ago
Mark Thomason
Clawson, MI10h ago

The internet changed "remembering." It used to be that what was in last year's newspaper was beyond recall, except for a dedicated few doing research on microfilms in a library or newspaper file room. Today, it is at anyone's fingertips, forever. It never goes away. We will need a cultural adjustment to deal with that. I think it will be not an artificial forgetting, but a more forgiving view of the past. There is no sign of it yet. I don't think it can work to erase data worldwide. It might or might not be nice, but that falls into the category of "wouldn't it be pretty if." It won't happen. It can't. We need to look past our current harshly judgmental and unforgiving attitudes. Some things ought not to be forgiven. Repeated wrongs in a pattern should be remembered. However, one mistake ought not to erase a life of other things. Today, it tends to do that. Look at Al Franken. What is the balance of his life? Justin Trudeau? Winston Churchill post Gallipoli of WW1 would never have come back to be Prime Minister for WW2, as things stand today. We are all the losers for these attitudes. Forgetting required by law doesn't really work, but it seeks to do something we need to do in other ways. Be more forgiving. It would be good for us, for ourselves, not just for the objects of that.


Phantom commented 5 hours ago
Canada5h ago

@Mark Thomason. I think this post summarize the current situation (dilemma?) very nicely. (1) Due to the availability of information on the internet for all eternity, we tend to view old and dated information (e.g. an event) as if it happened today, without applying the norms and context of that time. (2) Due to the spread of information on the internet to all parts of the globe and millions of billions of people, the reactions are often completely out of proportion. Also, other relevant facts are not taken into account as they are not accessible or known in other regions. (3) Due to the speed information spreads on the internet, reaction is quick and often unbalanced as other facts that come out later may take time to surface. Meanwhile, judgement and the resulting damage has been done. (4) Due to the fact that most information is limited in scope (headline news, twitter post, etc.) the judgement and consequences are made based on a very small subset of the facts, resulting in overreaction.

JPH commented 10 hours ago

We are not going to "forget " in the EU that Google and all US tech firms, who are registered there fiscally , and not in the USA , cheat and pay not taxes while invading the markets, destroying the European economies and inflicting a 20 % deficit due to their fiscal fraud .


Phantom commented 5 hours ago
Canada5h ago

@JPH First off, most multinationals and registered in multiple countries. Yes, through creative accounting this gives them the ability to record the profits elsewhere depriving a country of local taxes. In the case of Google, Apple, and many others, itis my understanding that most of these companies are registered in Ireland which has a reduced tax rate. I believe Ireland is a member of the EU (I Googled it :-)). So it is the US that is being cheated of taxes with this practice. Trump and others are trying to bring this cash and taxes back into the US with no success. I live in Canada and many receipts I receive for online purchases have an address in Ireland even though I bought something here in Canada. Taxes for the sale that should be staying in Canada are going to Ireland, which is Europe. It may be Europe is unfairly benefiting from this arrangement. I’d welcome more knowledgeable comments on this.

Paul commented 10 hours ago

How does this work? if the information is 'transferred' outside of the union for storage reasons or simply someone posting the information on a foreign blog, how is it contained. I understand the decision but I wonder how you would actually do it.


Phantom commented 4 hours ago
Canada4h ago

@Paul exactly my question. I live in Canada. If I set up a blogging website and a European posts to it something they want taken down later, I can’t see the EU having any jurisdiction (or moral right) to force me to take down the post. This would only work if the law became international and countries agreed to enforce it across boundaries and locally.

Henry O commented September 24
Henry O

The Right to be forgotten by all EU- based servers.

Geoffrey Peterson commented September 24
Geoffrey Peterson
ClevelandSept. 24

"Right to be forgotten" reminds me of the "memory holes" in George Orwell's 1984: ". . . and in the side wall, within easy reach of Winston's arm, a large oblong slit protected by a wire grating. This last was for the disposal of waste paper. Similar slits existed in thousands or tens of thousands throughout the building, not only in every room but at short intervals in every corridor. For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes. When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building."


JohnR commented 11 hours ago
Dublin, Ireland11h ago

In the age of the internet with its unparalleled reach and “memory” the right to privacy and the right to be forgotten (in certain circumstances) should be regarded as essential rights. We live in a new age where technology has reached deeper into the public and private lives of people in a manner that was previously unimaginable. We have to find ways to deal with this reality that both respect the dignity of the individual while balancing broader rights and obligations. We are merely at the beginning of that journey and there will be many turns and twists. But at least the EU and the European Court of Justice are attempting to grapple with the enormous philosophical and human rights issues involved rather than taking refuge in the absurdity and pretence that some fundamental rights are absolute while others are not. But this is a sensible decision. The EU can make decisions for itself. It cannot make decisions for other democracies. Those democracies must grapple with these issues and arrive at their own conclusions. Nor of course can it make decisions for totalitarian dictatorships like China whose statist approach to these matters perfectly illustrates the dangers which the EU is attempting to avert.

KarenAnne commented 11 hours ago

@JohnR The EU's law is just rubbish. Just because people live in the EU, do they not have a right to know that someone they may rent a room to, or hire, or marry, once stabbed someone as in the case the Times reported? That is just crazy.

Paul commented 10 hours ago

@KarenAnne This is an interesting take. The premise of the law for many is based upon the concept of revenge porn. If someone is convicted of a crime, that information would continue as part of the intended purpose. At the very least, it would be restricted to law enforcement. The law does not appear to expunge crimes off the books but rather make it more difficult to view personal information. I admit that my knowledge of the law is limited but I always worry about extreme assumptions. With a world where we have no privacy and every part of lives is tracked and measured, somehow we need to find some balance.

Mari commented September 24
LondonSept. 24

I wonder if the quid-pro-quo will be that the ECJ will rule that the US FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) is also unenforceable in the EU?


Colleen commented 10 hours ago
NYC area10h ago

No. The reasons for FATCA go far beyond personal anonymity and are aimed primarily at minimizing tax evasion, money laundering, hiding money from corrupt/illicit activities. Persons engaged in these alleged activities anywhere in the world surely would desire privacy for obvious reasons but this law isn’t about returning to the old bank secrecy laws of the past. It’s about simply letting old, possibly irrelevant but personal news/information, stay old and it seems, inaccessible or hard to find. If there were no internet, the info would require much more work to track down than a few clicks and so harassing people or digging through someone’s past wouldn’t be such an easy, and tempting thing for some people to do to others. But...if one is in the EU and wishes to get past the new privacy barrier, wouldn’t a VPN be a work around, much like it is in China, as used to connect to the uncensored world outside the state controlled web. People could still surely upload stories/info that perhaps would have a shelf life now when it comes to appearing in EU search results but NOT when it comes to appearing in search results outside the EU. Searching online with a VPN served situated outside the EU ought to be a fix, I think. FATCA isn’t going anywhere. It’s legitimately difficult to trace well concealed money, but the right to be forgotten won’t have any effect on that. And it’s not that hard to find, if you do a little sleuthing. Just very slow and lots of steps involved.

Dan commented 9 hours ago
Brooklyn9h ago

@Colleen Yes, it looks like VPNs will now completely destroy the right to be forgotten. This is probably ok for some of the right's intended purposes--for instance, casual Google searches within the EU will no longer return embarrassing information--but means that some of the other purposes will be undercut. I'm guessing EU employers will routinely use VPNs when evaluating potential employees, for example, unless further regulations make it illegal to do so



Realnost sadasnjice i kreativa.....


КОВИЋ: Јуриш хуманиста на неграђанисте на Београдском универзитету


Ми смртници, једноставно, морамо да се постарамо за то да, после „ослобођења“, не дочекамо нова безакоња и још црње дане


Пре нешто више од месец дана, у јавности се појавило писмо подршке суботњим грађанским протестима под насловом „105 од 5 милиона“, са потписима сто петоро запослених на Филозофском факултету у Београду (Пешчаник, 18. 1. 2019). Ту се, са пуним правом, власти оптужују да „урушавају институције и примену закона“ и да „прогонима у таблоидима, претњама, притворима, судским процесима и насиљем покушавају да застраше и понизе грађане Србије“.

На овом месту сам, међутим, изразио чуђење (Политика, 28. 1. 2019) јер се у овом документу српске власти оптужују да „одустају од европског пута и добросуседских односа“, док се ни једном речју не помињу Косово и Метохија. Указао на то да се питање Косова не може одвајати од борбе за људска права, владавину права и демократију. Тамо грађани Србије трпе најстрашније урушавање институција, безакоње, прогоне, претње, притворе и судске процесе. То је последица оружане агресије водећих земљама ЕУ (1999) и њиховог рада на стварању Велике Албаније.

Са изузетком Грчке и Румуније, које нису признале „Косово“, наши „добросуседи“ у томе су им дали пуну подршку. Албанија је чак учествовала у нападу на Србију и данас свима званично саопштава да ће припојити ове српске територије. Српске власти на овакве добросуседске поруке одговарају речитим ћутањем. Уколико Александар Вучић и сарадници успеју у своме науму да „разграниче“ Србију са Косовом и Метохијом, преко 70.000 наших грађана биће изложено опасности од дословног уништења.

Ових дана на Филозофском факултету смо се, међутим, изнова уверили на који начин део потписника писма „105 од 5 милиона“, а реч је о онима који долазе са Одељења за историју – Радош Љушић, Влада Станковић, Никола Самарџић, Дубравка Стојановић и остали – схвата чак и тако неспорна начела као што су „одбрана институција“, „примена закона“ и борба против „прогона“, „претњи“, „насиља“ и „понижења“.

Читаоци Политике су, да подсетим, већ годинама невољни сведоци прогона професора и студената Одељења за историју, које организују и спроводе управо ови храбри борци и боркиње за владавину права и људско достојанство. Потписник ових редова их је, заједно са још двоје колега, Жарком Петковићем и Вером Васиљевић (професорка на Одељењу за археологију), спречио у покушају да нам одузму професорска звања и радна места. Ови хуманисти спречавали су чак и наше студенте постдипломце да одбране своје дипломске и постдипломске радове. Тада је кроз истог „топлог зеца“, морао да прође и колега Ђорђе Бубало. Од тада до данас, међутим, сви универзитетски и факултетски статути и правилници, упозорења ректора, универзитетског омбудсмана, правних служби Универзитета и Факултета, покушаји договора, нису спречили ове хероје јавне речи и мисли да, уз позивање на аутономију Одељења, звање и посао одузму колеги Александру Фотићу.

Данас је у току беспримерно, вишемесечно злостављање професорке Мире Радојевић. Марљиви спроводилац налога наших грађана и грађанки, управник Одељења за историју Милош Јагодић, заиста се својски труди да, упркос слову статута и правилника, спречи њено унапређење у звање редовног професора.

Најгоре, међутим, тек долази. У наредних месец дана ови хуманисти ће покушати да са посла избаце доценте Небојшу Шулетића и Мају Николић. Њихове реферате о овим колегама, препуне измишљотина, са све именима потписника, свако може да прочита на сајту Филозофског факултета.

Зашто то чине? О томе могу само да нагађам. Зашто се о томе јавно не изјасне? Зар трибине на Филозофском факултету, на којима баш они уче студенте грађанским врлинама, не носе наслов „Није филозофски ћутати“?

Потпуно је невероватно да професори Универзитета у Београду већ годинама морају да трпе срамотно насиље, кршење процедура и воље факултетског Већа. Је ли могуће да не постоји законски начин да се прогони зауставе? Хоће ли овај текст помоћи да се безакоње и јавни скандал на Филозофском факултету коначно прекину?

Недела једне клике, наравно, не приписујем свим потписницима писма „105 од 5 милиона“. Напротив, то су колеге које се, својом убедљивом већином, годинама супротстављају насиљу на Одељењу за историју и, у факултетском Већу, гласају на основу проверљивих чињеница.

Немам намеру ни да оно што грађани и грађанке са Одељења чине припишем покретачима суботњих протеста. Међу оснивачима Савеза за Србију су људи који су, у време најгорих прогона, јавно стали иза мене и мојих колега. Али немам ни трунку сумње у то да бисмо једног дана, уколико би хуманисти са Одељења за историју и њима слични приграбили власт, данашњих прогона, претњи, насиља и понижења могли да се сећамо као доба хармоније и пристојности.

Слобода од насиља и владавина права? Наравно, али само за одабране. Није спорно право на различите политичке ставове, него дволичност. Јавна одбрана грађанских врлина, а иза затворених врата, разуларено насиље. Ми смртници, једноставно, морамо да се постарамо за то да, после „ослобођења“, не дочекамо нова безакоња и још црње дане.


Jan 23, 2019 18:10

Trump recognizes US-backed head of Venezuela’s opposition Juan Guaido as country’s interim president

US President Donald Trump has recognized Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president in a provocative move against the elected government of Nicolas Maduro.

"Today, I am officially recognizing the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela," Trump said in statement.

He called the Maduro government "illegitimate" and "directly responsible for any threats" posed to the Venezuelan people.

He added he would use "the full weight of United States economic and diplomatic power to press for the restoration of Venezuelan democracy"and encouraged other governments in the Western Hemisphere to also recognize Guaido.

US-backed Guaido, who is currently the President of the National Assembly, swore an oath and declared himself interim president on Monday as thousands took to the streets calling for Maduro to leave office.

Earlier this week, Maduro had called for a revision of Venezuela's diplomatic relations with the US after Vice President Mike Pence openly called for regime change in the struggling country.

Maduro said the US was shamelessly interfering in his country's domestic affairs and rejected its "imperialist interventionism" which he said promoted "instability and violence."

Ukraine coup de état, ringing bells. Venezuela wouldn't have this sh#t if they didn't have such huge oil reserves. East Ukraine also happens to be Europe's farming eden, very fruitful. I bet the US would've been more than interested in making deals to spread their gene-manip harvests across EU, because they tried to enforce the TTIP - deal about the same time as they intervened Ukraine.

But other countries are not allowed to "interfere" in US elections.

Not need for interference, the US is now directly selecting and appointing presidents of other countries.



Pompeo urges Maduro to step aside & Venezuelan military to help 'restore democracy'

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to step down and called on the country’s military to support efforts to restore “democracy” in a move which could be seen as encouraging an armed coup.
Jan 23, 2019 19:18
Brazil’s Bolsonaro joins several S. American states in recognizing Guaido as Venezuela’s acting head
Brazil and seven other South American countries have recognized Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the country’s interim president, following the lead of the United States, Canada, and France. Mexico and Bolivia declined.
Jan 23, 2019 19:29
‘Totally not meddling’: Reactions to US recognition of Venezuela’s Guaido as ‘acting president’
The Trump administration’s recognition of Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president has provoked criticism from independent journalists but cheers from an unexpected quarter: his domestic foes.
Jan 23, 2019 19:42
Venezuela breaking diplomatic relations with US after its attempt to stage coup – President Maduro
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said Caracas is breaking off diplomatic relations with the US, giving American diplomats 72 hours to leave the country, after Donald Trump recognized the opposition leader as interim head.
Jan 23, 2019 20:11
Trump’s move on Venezuela is ‘setting off possible civil war’ in oil-rich country, WikiLeaks warns
The US President’s decision to recognize Venezuelan opposition figure Juan Guaido as the county’s “interim president” may set off a “possible civil war” in the oil-rich nation, WikiLeaks has warned.
Jan 23, 2019 20:08
Venezuela: US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaims himself interim President
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó has taken an oath and sworn himself in as interim president, as droves of protesters take to the streets calling for President Nicolas Maduro’s exit.
Jan 23, 2019 18:05

Female Reporter Asks Pro-Choicers What Firearm They'd Choose; Published on Jan 21, 201

2 days ago
They won't choose a gun but they have no problem killing an unborn baby, buncha hypocrites.

HOOTERS WAITRESS DEMANDS BLACK MAN REMOVE MAGA HAT, GETS SCHOOLED Another recent instance of the left going berserk over pro-Trump hats; JANUARY 21, 2019


Published on Jan 16, 2019
►Please Like, Share, And Subcribe This Channel: https://bit.ly/2viPlGy
🔥Donald John Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality. Trump was born and raised in the New York City borough of Queens.
- Charlene Howell 3 days ago, Dismantle the FBI, start over. get rid of CIA and 3 letter alphabet agencies.
- Cynthia Drockton, 3 days ago, Rico law for all in Congress and the house. All should live in the district. All should be natural citizens. All should not use foul language. Not one should praise a foreign country and raise their flag. Soros voting machines should be destroyed with no back door. There should be at least two from each party in charge of vote count. Voter ID as most illegals have driver licenses. Every state should clean their voters that are dead or moved out of the records and I mean every state.
- Gracie Adams, 3 days ago, This is NOT “Bad Behavior”!!! This is crimes...high crimes, misdemeanors, TREASON, sedition, felony after felony!!
- Billy Anderson, 3 days ago, Mr Hannity please call this what it is : it's a conspiracy to unseat a duly elected president! It's a felony and treason and should be enforced with the RICO Act and treason under the highest standards of federal law !


Published on Jan 16, 2019
►Please Like, Share, And Subcribe This Channel: https://bit.ly/2viPlGy
Jackie Beyer, 3 days ago, Why does it take so long? These evil corrupt people are communicating with one another trying to cover their tracks! Clinton’s are starting fires in their own home to cover up evidence! Rosenstein, Mueller and Comey’s text and emails need to be placed into evidence to confirm they were communicating in the days before Comey was fired! It was all a set up!

BREAKING!! Mark Levin Made A Huge Announcement On BORDER! DEMS NEVER SAW THIS COMING!!11; 15:35 min.; Published on Jan 9, 2019

BREAKING!! Mark Levin Made A Huge Announcement On BORDER! DEMS NEVER SAW THIS COMING!!11
- We lost the mid-term elections because of voter fraud that was not investigated!
- Where are the patriots? Trump is suffering political persecution for the sake of America and we are standing on the sideline?
- Sparky Runner - 1 week ago (edited); Correct ! We do not want to see one of their FBI freemason door knobs an since promotions in the military were most of the time based on membership in a Freemason Lodge we the working class no longer trust them , police, Judges, an our greedy Represenatives who keep getting stink Rich by warning us that they have door knobs like Hillary who has a vast collection of them also!!!

It's Not a Shut-Down-President Donald Trump has lured Democrats into a trap that will enable a downsizing of the..; 5:34 min.

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LGBT thought police now a danger to public health


In “progressive” America today, you’re no longer allowed to mention the scientific facts about the spread of STDs among gay men.

Twitter has just banned LifeSiteNews for daring to report the scientific facts about gay sex spreading many blood-borne diseases. Because the LGBT thought police now run all the tech giants, any fact-based reports that don’t worship anal sex as an ultra-clean lifestyle of purity and godliness are quickly banned by the tech giants.

With this bowing down to the anti-science lunacy of the LGBT propagandists, Twitter now underscores why it is a danger to the public health of all Americans. Articles that discuss infectious diseases among heterosexual couples are openly allowed, of course, because according to the LGBT cultists, straight heterosexual intercourse is “strange” and “weird.” But articles that discuss the health risks associated with anal penetrative sexual intercourse are verboten.

Science, in other words, is now deemed “hate speech” by the clueless, scientifically illiterate LGBT crusaders who spent their college years learning how to be “social justice warriors” rather than informed biologists. Fact-based reality has been overthrown by LGBT-protective tech monopolists who control all online conversations by asserting authoritarian control over thoughts and speech. They’ve unanimously decided that protecting their false narratives of “safe” anal sex are far more important than educating the public about how anal cancer is actually spread. (Hint: Primarily through anal sex, in case you haven’t figured that out yet…)


The full story from LifeSiteNews:

October 18, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Twitter has just locked LifeSiteNews out of our Twitter account over an article we posted four years ago that provided expert analysis on the rise in sexually-transmitted diseases among homosexuals.

The 2014 piece by Dr. Gerard M. Nadal, a molecular biologist and microbiologist who is also president and CEO of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, responds to media coverage of what was at the time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new annual report on STDs.

Contrary to the consensus that the “reason for the documented continued rise in syphilis (primarily affecting homosexuals) has more to do with homophobia than anything else,” Dr. Nadal attributes the rise to factor such as an “upward trend in unprotected sex” and 60% of homosexual men failing to disclose their symptoms or status to sex partners.

He cited data from mainstream sources such as the CDC, a then-recent New York Times report, and a 2006 study in the journal AIDS Behavior.

On October 18, 2018, however, LifeSiteNews received the following message, notifying staff that Twitter was locking the account because the 2014 tweet sharing the story’s neutral, factual headline violated “our rules against hateful conduct,” and somehow “promote[d] violence against, threaten[ed], or harass[ed] other people on the basis of […] sexual orientation […], or serious disease.”

No further elaboration was given. A length of time for the lockout was not specified. The only recourse offered was for LifeSite to remove the tweet or start an appeal process. For the moment, LifeSite staff cannot post to or otherwise operate @LifeSitein any way.

“This total intolerance for even reporting government health dept statistics that reveal the health dangers of homosexual activity betrays what Peter Thiel, himself a homosexual, previously called a totalitarian mindset in Silicon Valley,” said Steve Jalsevac, co-founder and president of LifeSiteNews.

“Twitter is now trying to force news agencies to report only what is acceptable to their personal, biased views and shutting down balanced, factual reporting on the homosexual issue.”

“This is getting dangerous for our democracy since a free press is one of the basic and necessary foundations for a genuinely democratic society,” Jalsevac warned. “This is getting scary. It is in everyone’s interest to fight this type of action and even demand government intervention to protect our rights.”

Just the day before, former LifeSiteNews reporter and Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH.org) president Peter LaBarbera revealed at LifeSiteNewsthat Twitter had recently banned him on the same grounds, over a 2016 tweet describing homosexual acts as a “sin” that “spreads disease.”

“If Twitter no longer allows its users to advocate for healthy behaviors on its platform, and to defend their sincere moral and religious beliefs–shared by billions worldwide–then it will devolve into a bland, politically correct echo-chamber,” LaBarbera warned.

LifeSiteNews has created a petition here urging Twitter to un-block LifeSite’s account.


This article originally appeared at Natural News.




“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”


-The deep state has been responsible for death and destruction world wide and they did it with the American flag wrapped around them. If these crimes get exposed in the wrong way then people will blame America and not the criminal cabal that was doing it in America’s name. We the people have not been holding our elected government accountable partially because they lie to us and partially because we haven’t been paying enough attention.

How stupid must feel all those democrats that supported and voted for Clinton crooks?

Hillary Clinton’s emails were routinely and illegally forwarded to an “unauthorized foreign entity”, according to the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), providing further proof that Hillary Clinton was a security risk and traitor the the United States.

What Part of complicity and public responsibility, main street media  bull hornes, like NYT, WAPOST, NPR, CBC, NBC, Woolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Amounpoor ,BBC, Barack Obama, play in a con game played on "YOU"? What a pisser, and world wide embarassement...? Immagine heads of state, Clintons, Blairs, Obama's,  Sarkozy crooks, all the wars, death,  and destruction they have created world wide.....Yogoslavia, Lybia, Syria,



Ban all electronic voting machines NOW; 30:59 min.

David Icke
Published on May 9, 2018
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Social Media

James Bailey
22 hours ago
I agree we should ban all of these electronic voting machines put in by George Soros and the Lord malloch-brown and we should get rid of absentee ballots these are what the Democrats used to cheat and steal elections I cannot believe for a second that Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi gets voted in every single time the only way they could be winning is foursome Democrat to pull up to the door with thousands of absentee ballots all filled out neatly stacked in boxes and all Democrat votes it's happened before and I'm sure it's still happening as well as these touchscreen voting machines where anywhere on the screen is a vote for a Democrat.

17 hours ago

"On Q!!!"- Shocking Justice Ginsburg Video Surfaces- Must Watch!; 5:06 min,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkmCAtC9a_MTruth and Art TV
Published on Jul 11, 2018
Truth and Art TV Patriot news update.

Recorded Wednesday July 11, 2018

Shocking video surfaces on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Future proves past once again!

See full story here:


Sealed indictments by state:

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Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! https://youtu.be/hmH7VY4-rUM

Want to understand the "new world order" in a more in depth manner? Watch this:
An Eye-Opening Report About the "NWO" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH!

Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question.


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People & Blogs

Blessed Hope
Blessed Hope
2 weeks ago
Aren't these people SWORN to UPHOLD and defend the US constitution?? AS IS??? : ( She needs to GO!

2 weeks ago
RBG is a vile evil person! She wants pedophilia to be legalized!!

Inga Hicks
Inga Hicks
2 weeks ago
Holy chit!! So their plan is to undermine the constitution and try to install a new one that they can control and benefit from. WTF?!?

Scooby Dooby
Scooby Dooby
2 weeks ago (edited)
It's not our Constitution that is out dated ... it's
RBG'S mindset.

Sage Ryan
2 weeks ago (edited)
RBG wants to lower the age of consent to 12 as well. But, no one has even bothered to challenge her seat on the SC. Now, we learn she wants to abolish the current U.S. Constitution?!! How can she operate as an unbiased judge with these anti-Constitution beliefs?! Time for her to step down immediately!! Thank you for revealing this Truth. 🇺🇸

2 weeks ago
This might be a rumor but isn't she the person that said that pedophilia is good for the children. Guess what? Children are human beings too, RBG. They have all the rights as human beings that we do. This is likely one of the things she would like to change in our Constitution. How close we came to a heinous evil takeover. Thank God for hearing our prayers.

Phil the monster cujo
Phil the monster cujo
2 weeks ago
That has been their plan for decades to shred our constitution.


"Known Beforehand?" Q Solves Rosenstein Drama of Past Weeks; 31:26 min.

"Known Beforehand?" Q Solves Rosenstein Drama of Past Weeks




Truth and Art TV
Published on Jul 27, 2018
Truth and Art TV Patriot news update, Q Anon and Great Awakening updates.
Recorded Thursday evening July 26, 2018
Please share this message.

Robert Mueller: Unmasked

Other links:

Sealed indictments by state:
New to Q anon, the Great Awakening and the Trump Storm?
Start here and watch my simple breakdown:
Q Anon Basics For All Humanity- Special Report- Share Far & Wide! https://youtu.be/hmH7VY4-rUM

Want to understand the "new world order" in a more in depth manner? Watch this:
An Eye-Opening Report About the "NWO" and the Great Awakening- MUST WATCH!

Why should you trust Sessions? Q anon wants you to read this article up to 100 times slowly, carefully and stopping after each sentence. This will answer the question.


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News & Politics

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure; 27:02 min

[7.26] Q is Back! - Analysis of Latest Drops & Confirmations / A Word on False Flag Disclosure; 27:02 min

Destroying the Illusion
Published on Jul 26, 2018
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Honk for Q: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakeni...
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People & Blogs

Atlantean Gardens
19 hours ago
You mentioned the funding of the Nazis, but forgot to mention the part about Hitler arresting Rothschilds, seizing their bank, and then Germany printing their own money. NON BANKERS like Henry Ford, maybe mention that, too... but what do I know? Too much for my own good.

23 hours ago
I am chomping at the bit to bring up Vincent Fusca to you!!! Jordan, every cell in my body is 100% certain he is John Jr! Which would mean, to me, that YOU were actually credited by JFK Jr himself (who I believe is the one who narrated the Q-Plan to Save the World' video)!! Hmmmmm....

1 day ago
Adrinne Payton-Green posted:
Let me break this down so you all will be as excited as I am. Today Clare Bronfman and Nancy Salzman were arrested and one of the charges was RICO (Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations).

At first glance, you don't see the big picture. You see, a RICO charge is the easiest charge to prosecute because they are used for organizations where witnesses are limited i.e. prosecuting the mafia.

That means that any organizations these two women belong to can and will be brought into the investigation. Now, what organization do these two women belong to that would be of interest to anyone? The Clinton Global Initiative!

On the surface, one may think this is a case about Nxivm, but it isn't. This is a case from the investigation Clinton Global Initiative, allow me to explain.

The Clinton Foundation has been under investigations for crimes against humanity since its inception, but they were always shut down due to the corruption at the top.

When going through the endless crimes of the foundation, the easiest to tackle would be child/human trafficking.

Nxivm is the organization that they are using to funnel the people that are being trafficked and Clare's money can launder a lot of money.

That is why Nxivm has so many shell companies. So you see, this is not just a separate entity, Nxivm is the trafficking division of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Now, do you understand the over 44,000 sealed indictments?

Also, why do you think the Rothschild's are melting down on social media?

INFO Wars Boot Camp
INFO Wars Boot Camp
13 hours ago

23 hours ago
The real subversion of our country over the last 70+ years has been Communist, not paperclip stuff. That was significant, but the overwhelming propaganda model for the post modern world order has been communist. It's not even close to the Blood and Soil NatSoc model, which it considers the most terrifying ideology of all, because within that model , globalist agendas have no chance of success.

Sessions was the first senator to support the Magnisky Act in the senate. He is a protector of the Clintons, a pusher of the Russia Hoax and as rotten as Mueller and Rosenstein. In other words, part of the Deep State that Trump is willingly allowing to continue while pushing the Q notion that the swamp is being drained.

22 hours ago
It's important to point out the same entities and interest groups created BOTH naziism AND bolshevism.

Matt Olson
Matt Olson
20 hours ago
Jordan I’m sorry but this is getting ridiculously hard to believe. I don’t believe Trump is full on deep state but I certainly don’t buy this pro-government propaganda trying to paint him as some kind of angel sent from heaven to save America. I personally think governments and nationalism, along with this highly militaristic propaganda being pushed by Q is exactly the kind of stuff that we are supposed to be outgrowing during this “ascension” that I and many others believe is coming for humanity. These are old paradigms and we need to outgrow them. The whole idea of “trusting the plan” scares the shit out of me. Weren’t we supposed to NOT trust the government? Haven’t they earned our distrust after all the psyops and conspiracies and all the other bullshit they’ve fed us? We need to be very careful in trusting military intelligence officials, I don’t care how much they claim that they are “white hats”, even if they are the “good guys” they are still not good guys. They are hired killers fighting for a dying empire and passing the pockets of the MIC in the process. I don’t believe this is actually the new paradigm we want to usher in. Jordan you are right about so much and you are very intelligent but you are buying and consequently also selling this Q stuff to people who are desperate for hope. I know you’ve kind of made your name analyzing the Q anon stuff but please think about what would happen if by some chance you are wrong about Q. This would be absolutely devastating to many people and they would most likely throw out every bit of truth that they have learned since they’ve been “red pilled”, which amounts to throwing out the baby with the bath water. Jordan you seem so confident and so sure that Q is good, Trump is good and that the so called “alliance” is going to win. My question to you is what if they don’t win? Who says they are going to anyway? I don’t believe that a conflict such as the one that is supposed to be taking place could have a forgone conclusion at this phase. Listen I listen to a lot of the same stuff you do, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, William Tompkins. I think there’s a lot of truth and a lot of value there but I have a very hard time getting on board the Trump train when his actions are so contradictory to what my, and seemingly yours and even David Wilcock or Corey Goodes from what I can tell. Trump is right on a few key issues but he’s clearly a narcissist with deep personality flaws and an ego that is so inflated he can’t even handle criticism or admit he has made a mistake. He is honest and that is refreshing. He is also a perfect mirror for society to look into and see the flaws that so many people posses. There are some people who have done Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions (if you don’t know about that or the late Dolores Cannons work I’ll be shocked and would highly recommend you check it out, I know I’ve probably pissed you off but I’m only trying to challenge your view points, something that needs to be done if you truly seek the truth, I mean nothing by it, what I’m saying is please don’t discount my recommendation here cuz I’m not on board with Q cuz I think you’d really get something out of her work) which is a method of hypnosis which connects people directly to their higher selves, the higher self being a source of almost any knowledge in the universe, that have said while under hypnosis that Trump is actually a highly evolved entity that doesn’t realize how evolved he really is or that he is playing a part in the events that will lead up to humanities awakening. This resonates with me far more than the idea of him being some kind of messiah to rescue America from the deep state. Your assuming that entities of higher conciousness care about the idea of America or value being patriotic. I don’t believe that they do for a minute and I think patriotism is idiotic for lack of a more diplomatic way of saying that. All the Q anon stuff about patriots and patriotism really makes me sick. Then again I am a voluntary anarchist as I believe government is immoral and by its very nature coercive and violent. To me all governments derive their power through threat of violence and a monopoly of force. We are not asked if we consent to live under the laws of this country, which by the way, is the evilest country on the planet right now spreading war and oppressing millions worldwide, and therefore are immorally forced to be subjugated to its unjust laws or we will killed by the out of control police state jackboot thugs who keep us on lockdown, something Trump supports 100% by the way and don’t try and tell me it’s 5-D air hockey cuz I’m not buying it, or we will be tossed into the ever growing prison system that profits billions from keeping human beings in cages. That’s another thing Trump has far from denounced and if anything expressed his support for. Just like the drug war (with the help of that sick bastard Sessions, I know you smoke weed Jordan, how do you feel about the fact that Sessions wants you in prison and your dealer executed?) Iran regime change, fossil fuels, environmental destruction, militarism, and so much more! How do you come to terms with this in terms of your version of what’s happening in this country? I see so much evil where so many choose to ignore it all for the feeling that change is going to come and guess what? We don’t have to a damn thing, trust the plan, trust POTUS, trust sessions, sit back relax and let them do everything for you, you will be liberated from tyranny while you keep tabs on the prigrsss on 4 Chan. If it sounds to good to be true it just might be.


22 hours ago (edited)
Uh ya George Walker and Prescott Bush... helped the Nazi war machine... of course Prescott was also a member of the skull and bones.... the Rothschild’s funneled money to Hitler through George and Prescott’s front banks or office in NY ... they wanted to use Hilter to avoid having a similar fate like the Russian Tsar and family during the revolution... something along those lines... I’m not a historian 😎

17 hours ago
I like you Jordan, but you seem to have a blind spot when it comes to ww2. 'Nazism' is nothing but plain and simple Hollywood and deep state propaganda. National socialism funded Germany during ww2 by ridding itself of all private and corrupt banksters and instead printing its own money. This is the reason Germany went from a shitty poor country completely exploited by globalists to becoming an economic powerhouse in a very short time-span and the global deep state with its corrupt banksters hated Germany for it. Please do a stream together with Patrick little or Adam green or Ryan Dawson, it may help opening your eyes on this 👍🏻

A 21st Century Heretic
A 21st Century Heretic
1 day ago (edited)
I'm very receptive to your work and open-minded to the QAnon stuff without being 100% convinced. One of the things that holds me back a little is this WWG1WGA business, which in my opinion sounds very creepy, Orwellian and groupthinky. With the greatest respect, don't you find it a bit creepy too? In the humble spirit of open-minded scepticism at all times. Thank you for your excellent work and peace!

Josh B
Josh B
22 hours ago
You can’t bring up Mueller without talking about his involvement in 9/11!
He was head of the FBI! All the confiscated videotapes from the Pentagon we’re done by him. The neocons would’ve never tried 9/11 Without one of their own in the FBI. It’s doubtful that muller flipped because he’s knee-deep in treasonous acts. I can’t imagine Trump would give him a deal at any cost...

A Zeteticus
A Zeteticus
18 hours ago
Here's my theory on "why does POTUS continually refer to the server?" Because there are 4 servers, and he can mention "the server" to any audience and they immediately think he's talking about THEIR server. In truth, he has them all. Making people think he doesn't have them is brilliant. Let them worry and try to cover their tracks while his team combs the servers for evidence.

Sofia Sjoberg
Sofia Sjoberg
11 hours ago
You need to look in to the economics and history behind the war(s) WW1 and WW2. Who made a lot of money, who was involved? If you look in to the Nurnberg trials there was actually two trials. One of the trials was basically instigating World War II
...if somebody else than Hitler was sentenced for WW2 in the Nurnberg trial ...just saying...it´s all out in the open for us to connect the loose ends.

Who was this someone and how much time did he get for the murdering of 60+ million and what type of "thanks" did he get for instigating WW2?

This is a great page to read and it works acceptable with Google Translate. https://carlnorberg.wordpress.com/2014/12/20/varfor-blev-det-da-ett-atal-for-anstiftan-till-varldskrig/

You also need to look into SWEDEN!!! your Dulles defended our family of Wallenberg who at the time was and still is the most powerful family in the world. How come Dulles did that? Wasn't Dulles the "first CIA head/ boss? Isn’t that treason?

You would be surprised of what you find and how Sweden is the sixth eye in five eyes. Who controls everything and why is Sweden neutral? Why is Sweden invited to five eyes without being a member?
What did the family of Wallenberg do during the world war? Didn't Hitler know that the largest bank in Germany was owned by Jews and who took it over? What companies did Wallenberg have share in and what did they hide in Sweden? How is it all connected?

What about now? Who controls the telecom structure, the cables the the banks use? If you look at this they openly write that Sweden basically controls a big chunk of it. We here and see everything, not a single bank can transfer anything if Sweden says no to use our "lines", is it possible for Sweden to listen in on everything? http://saudiericsson.com Or read up about Telia (state owned) and how much bribes they put out in different countries and even got caught for. Even our prime minister got caught in South Africa.

Wouldn't it be easier for US to cut of the payment system for terrorist instead of bombing them? I bet you ISIS didn't use flying carpets and cash to transfer money. Why didn't USA ask for this and who is in control?

The sixth eye Sweden... there is even books written about our "small neutral" country.
Lord of the rings...Who did he write about? One bank to rule them all...one bank to...and so on. Who was Sauron? What is the tower? https://www.google.se/search?q=BIS+basel&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi0s6Chvr7cAhXGDZoKHfIJBOcQ_AUICygC&biw=1280&bih=739
Did Tolkien understand the banking system? Yes he wrote articles about it and in Lord of the Rings Sweden is referred to.

https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2017/01/19/the-swedish-kings-of-cyberwar/ This book is a much needed one to look into. I think New York post wrote a good article about it even.

And just food for thoughts...Who is the head of BIS? Stefan Ingves also the head of our Riksbank that by the way is the oldest one in the world...The bankers basically killed a king to stay in power when the king decided to take back power of printing/coining. Bill Still mentioned this in one of his films.

You are still protected by your constitution, you can take back the economic power according to the constitution do that! Sweden is a lost case. We as a people have been quiet as our political class has given away everything and we are now forbidden according to the Maastricht to take back money printing and power. You can not have any democracy if you don't control your government. This is a two minutes video with Bill Still explaining it, simple and easy for everyone to understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIVafzfUSr4&t=16s&frags=pl%2Cwn

If you want to know more about The family of Wallenberg and what they control start looking in to them. Their motto is: Esse, non Videri" (Latin for "To be, not to be seen") Are they the most secret family in the world? Never mentioned anywhere but always inside?

Is Sweden the core of the "Deep state"? Nobody will know until people start digging in to this and start communicating with people who has done so.

Thanks for your work Jordan i like your holistic approach to things. :)

The Vicious
The Vicious
6 hours ago
Q is the deep state. Convincing you to keep your cart tied to a horse that isn't leading you where HE PROMISED. Q said Trump was going to release 'future tech'. That never happened. Q told us the Podestas were in custody and in Guantanamo, that is false. Q said Hillary was getting arrested, that never happened. Trump isn't delivering on his promises. We are SUPPOSED to arrest pedophiles. He is also supposed to keep his promises, that isn't happening. Now HuffPo is writing about Q, like they wrote about Trump, negatively. And his support WENT UP. You think they don't know this? Disinformation is necessary to keep you defending him. LOGICAL THINKING. You are a plant, and Q is fake. You are fake news. Although, do look in to the Nazis. Because what Jordan is telling you is a LIE. He tries to tell you in this video that THE NAZIS run the media..... GET FUCKING REAL. And he tells you that 'the Nazis' were created by the deep state, FALSE. He HAS to lie to keep your faith in Q, the fake 'asset'.

Vlad Dracoson
Vlad Dracoson
15 hours ago
Mueller drove Flynn into bankruptcy. He had to sell his house, liquidate all his assets in his fight to defend himself... and then finally pleaded in order to stop the pain. THEN we find out Mueller was withholding evidence which would have cleared him. This is NOT the behavior of either a good or ethical man.

They are no longer planning to crash the economy! 14:15 min.

They are no longer planning to crash the economy! 14:15 min.

1:53 / 14:15
They are no longer planning to crash the economy!




Jonathan Miller
Published on Jan 26, 2018
George Soros launches blistering attack on Trump! Trump winning the US election was never part of the elites plan! They say "God intervened"! Trump becoming president has bought Americans precious time, but the Illuminati will not give up that easily!

Link to original audio broadcast of Lindsey Williams Elite insider information! https://youtu.be/94mh6jBAp2A

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Science & Technology

1 month ago (edited)
If You want to believe this pastor’s statement, you go ahead.

We ALL know deep down what we need to do to prepare for the future, whether the economy collapses this decade, or during next one. However, it seems like we would rather watch YouTube videos than get productive preparing for our future mentally, physically, financially, spiritually, intellectually... etc.

Scott Sutton
Scott Sutton
4 weeks ago
They been turning up the volume on the crash!!! My guess is because they can’t have Trump successful !!! They have sent more than two years supplies of our American silver to the UK in just the last several months !!! Furthermore the Ponzi scheme known as Wall Street gig is up!!! Last month a glaring fraud showed itself at Comex. Gold for last months delivery was six metric tons short!!! Meaning they sold contracts for 21 tons but could only deliver 15 tons!!! Yes that’s fraud!!!! But it’s been going on for years-just showing up worse now but traders are realizing the fraud and will lose all faith in the markets!! Causing collapse very very soon!!! Good luck all and god bless you!!

White Wolf
White Wolf
4 weeks ago
As Montgomery Scott would say: "Captain... I can't change the laws of physics..." Aside from the fact that D Chump, Lindsey Williams, and George Soros are all NWO shills, the fact remains that you just can't keep using your Discover Card to pay off your Visa bills and then flip next month indefinitely. Eventually the bank is going to cancel your credit cards. In the case of the US, that means NOBODY will want treasury notes. The Chinese, Russians, and Saudis are only the poster boys dumping US bonds and notes. This will accellerate then... look out below.
In the meantime, enjoy the dog-and-pony show.

Jaded Optimist
Jaded Optimist
4 months ago
I will believe things will get better when the Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, SAI, Solar Shield, Geoengineering, chemtrails or whatever you want to call it stop. The spraying of deadly chemicals have DOUBLED since Trump was elected. Getting rid of chemtrails was a part of draining the swamp because the swamp is doing it. When I shine a high powered flashlight in me backyard at night and look closely there are silver shiney particles falling from the sky. My neighbors all agree. If POTUS really had control of the situation the spraying would stop. He knows it is going on all o'er the world and he has done nothing to stop it.

Cal Bo
Cal Bo
2 weeks ago
Lets get one fact straight ... Trump doesnt need us so why would he even bother to help us when he is already rich ... why would he put himself and even his family through the abuse of the leftest elite and media ... He told us why ... he has done well for himself in America and wants everybody else to do well too ... it doesnt hurt anybody for us to all do well ... the elite are just satanists and want to hurt us for no reason ... its what they do ... WAKE UP AMERICA AND "STAY" AWAKE !!!!! ...


Christian Prayer USA
Christian Prayer USA
1 week ago (edited)
Couldn't play music games anymore. They are going after you, after we are gone. So take your own advice, see who is playing games, and quit playing games.

So they are already going after Christians, Jews, and Israelis and Israelite Americans, even if you do not know. They are going after those labeled "ADD, ADHD, BI-POLAR, ETC., AND WHAT THEY DO TO WITH M.S., LUPUS, AND SERVE HEALTH ISSUES IS DAMMING.


Global Watch
Global Watch
1 day ago (edited)
This Mad-dog should have been locked up or put into a straight jacket years ago, how stupid are our Governments letting Filth like this p.o.s run around doing his Dirty deeds in the background & the pay to play has been going on forever, funding terrorists nwo crashing banks costing country's a fortunes, they are just a Sick Satanic Demonic load of Dirt, these people should be put down period, & god forgive me for saying that, but the blood is on their hands & they have killed hundreds of millions of innocent men woman & children with their fake wars. NWO Sick Monsters.# ??

4 months ago
With all due respect, there are MANY signs in this video that tell me that Mr. Williams is telling lies. Maybe he knows he is lying, or maybe he's just lying because he has been lied to.
But the important thing is, that GETTING RICH will do you no good when your life is taken from the earth.
All your riches will fall from your hands, and you will then stand before the Lord Jesus Christ.
And if you have not PREPARED YOURSELF for that, then you have been wasting your time.
Jonathan Miller, get right with Jesus before you go any further.
You are in terrible trouble with God, and no amount of money will save you from the fire of hell, that is right below your feet this very moment, waiting to receive you.
Only the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST can save you.
Here is how:

Rico Kilmonger
Rico Kilmonger
1 day ago
I will stay the Chinese Elders woken Illuminati and the Russian army. Donald Trump it's just a puppet for the Chinese elders and the Russians who are at war with the Illuminati. None of this is Trump's idea or blueprints.... He agreed to do it for Asylum...
But God speed to the new Republic. Thank you Chinese Elders thank you for that Vladir Putin. I'm going to give credit where credit is due.

Cingardian Neverfrostian
Cingardian Neverfrostian
1 month ago
If you do a little research into Lindsey Williams you will come to realize that other peoples comments about him are true. He has been predicting things since 2008 or 2009. He has relseased countless dvds and has a reputation for failed predictions and controversy, forums talking about his failed predictions dating back to 2010. Not sure how many have failed but just do a little research and you will come to the conclusion that you can not take his word for anything...he has been doing this for years. Here's a website i found showing the amount of dvd predictions he's produced over the years all...he's a salesman selling you his dvd's. Here is the link: http://www.lindseywilliamsonline.com

A quote from another commentator makes sense now after my research: "Anyone who has tracked his predictions will know this guy is has been consistently wrong on his quote on quote elite hotline tips."

707th Dissident
707th Dissident
2 weeks ago
We are talking about masters of misinformation. I'll tell you why they're putting out the misinformation. In my 5 years of personal research I've found civil dissent is growing for not only the beast that risen from the land (US fed gov at it's current state) but the elite. Just like the theory nuts think they're going to knock us down to a controllable 500 million through nukes. Bullshit. It'd render the planet inhabitable even to the elite and corporate. Why do you think they're elbow deep in the drug trade and spent decades stringing out the world population. Why do you think they're are weaponizing the drugs to kill everyone they strung the fuck out. Be careful what you listen to. 80 + years old is no discreditor. He's still a luciferian muppet of the new world order. Him and his elite are still paving the way for the ultimate evil hell is bringing our way. Shooter of this vid. Think about it. They want our guard down, right now there's too much dissent. One wrong move in this period and the whole world goes into a resistance revolution against the new world order and its satanic agenda. They're trying to lower our guard so they can finally move in. Never trust a disciple of satan. They always wrap a tiny truth in a whole lot of lies. They learn well from their master. Now who's yours. Don't get your hopes up falsely and keep your head and ass wired together in this fight or they got you and we lose you bro. Much love from Northern California brother. Please heed these words. You talk about discerning. The Holy Spirit wanted me to send you a word of wisdom. What you do with it is up to you. Peace, love, and wisdom be with you in the forever king Emmanuel name. Gods blessings be with you as you follow your destiny to oppose this satanic system in the warmth of his love, knowledge of his wisdom,
In his begotten sons name.
May peace be one day upon us both


Mr Cut Folks
Mr Cut Folks
4 months ago
Don't be FOOL! Trump is an Elite. He won because the Elite put him there! Give me a break! This whole Trump train was planned. I know you want this to be true so bad and I admit I would like it to be true as well but please come back down to earth! This country is gonna collapse! Come on everything's going just as planed! They are all over trying to take our guns. They are still working with Israel with the Talipot Program stealing high technology, still moving the capitol to Jerusalem, still USEING the weather as a weapon, still robbing us blind threw the financial system, still child trafficking, still money laundering threw the banking system, still selling drugs and Arms, still doing the same old same old and NOTHINGS changed! I also wish this were true but it's just the same old same old. Best thing to do is just be prepared. God Bless us all & GOD HELP US ALL.

Connor Phebus
Connor Phebus
1 week ago
Our government and financial system is utterly corrupt. Corruption can only birth corruption. Trump has been part of the elite Billionaires for over 30 years. People really think Trump just got past them without them knowing....no! Trump would never have been allowed to run and would be dead if he wasnt part of this system. Trump was put into power to create chaos and fragment the nation against one another.

HisNameSake777 Justified
HisNameSake777 Justified
1 month ago (edited)
The Satanic NWO Illuminati were never in their death chambers. They and they alone put Trump in office. Sorry! I've no reason to believe that Trump cares about America. Trump is nothing more than controlled opposition. Chaplain to the elite? LOL! Since the elite worship Satan, this chaplain works for the agenda. Question everyrhing! Research! Research! Research!

10 Expert Predict When The Imminent Economic Collapse & Stock Market Crash Will Happen; 19:09 min.

10 Expert Predict When The Imminent Economic Collapse & Stock Market Crash Will Happen

Epic Economist
Published on Jul 5, 2018
Will the Economic Collapse happen in 2018? These 10 well-known expert and strategists predict when will the U.S. economy collapse. The risks of a recession in the next 18-24 months are rising and the markets are potentially on a collision course for a major stock market crash.

Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?
If a U.S. economic collapse occurs, it will happen quickly. For example, the U.S. economy almost collapsed on September 17, 2008. That's the day the Reserve Primary Fund broke the buck. Panicked investors withdrew a record $140 billion from money market accounts where businesses keep cash to fund day-to-day operations.
If withdrawals had gone on for even a week, the entire economy would have halted. That meant trucks would stop rolling, grocery stores would run out of food, and businesses would shut down.
Fortunately, the Federal Reserve Chairman and U.S. Treasury Secretary noticed the signal and knew what it meant. Ben Bernanke was a Great Depression scholar. Hank Paulson was a Wall Street veteran. Their bailout plan supplied enough cash to prevent a total collapse. The 2008 financial crisis did plenty of damage, but it could have been much worse.

Music: CO.AG Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcav...

A stock market crash is a precipitous and rapid decline (that may persist for months or years) in the prices of shares traded on a stock exchange, caused by panic selling. Stock market crashes are triggered typically by loss of investor confidence after an unexpected event, and are exacerbated by fear. Stock market crash are usually preceded by a period of prolonged and high inflation, economic and/or political uncertainty, or hysteric speculative activity. They bring normal economic activity to a halt, wipe out the savings of millions of investors, and bring widespread misery in their wake, specially for the weaker and vulnerable sections of the society.
News & Politics

Crypto Sy
2 weeks ago
Lol damn what happened to that old Trump we all voted for?? 180 degree turn and people think Trump is with us? Lies, lies and even more lies because everyone wants a savior. Think for yourself people, government cant save you and certainly not Trump. He said what he needed to get into office and now playing his role to the elitist. How can you believe a man that graduated from a Jesuit school?

Dina Day
Dina Day
3 weeks ago (edited)
The bottom line..... the US is in more debt now than it was the crash of 2007 and 2008. Our debt has more than doubled in one year from where it was back then. When you are in that much debt if you owe money to someone or some entity and when they want to collect, what do you do when you are already underwater? You implode. Listen folks, this doesn't take a rocket scientist. This country is going to see a collapse like they haven't seen since the Great Depression. If you look at the cost of living with the salaries that people are not making to equate to it, unemployment is higher than our government is saying. With unemployment, they don't count the people who are highly skilled and can't find a job in their field but are flipping burgers that to the government, is an employed person. They also don't count the people who ran out of unemployment, those people don't even count. Rents are outrageous, over building, vacant store fronts, companies filing bankruptcy, high cost of real estate, cars, and the list goes on. Nothing is stable, nothing makes sense and citizens are hanging by their finger tips. If you think this channel is fear porn, keep researching as it is right on. As for the exact time? It just happens. Just happens.


Dina Day
Dina Day
3 weeks ago (edited)
The bottom line..... the US is in more debt now than it was the crash of 2007 and 2008. Our debt has more than doubled in one year from where it was back then. When you are in that much debt if you owe money to someone or some entity and when they want to collect, what do you do when you are already underwater? You implode. Listen folks, this doesn't take a rocket scientist. This country is going to see a collapse like they haven't seen since the Great Depression. If you look at the cost of living with the salaries that people are not making to equate to it, unemployment is higher than our government is saying. With unemployment, they don't count the people who are highly skilled and can't find a job in their field but are flipping burgers that to the government, is an employed person. They also don't count the people who ran out of unemployment, those people don't even count. Rents are outrageous, over building, vacant store fronts, companies filing bankruptcy, high cost of real estate, cars, and the list goes on. Nothing is stable, nothing makes sense and citizens are hanging by their finger tips. If you think this channel is fear porn, keep researching as it is right on. As for the exact time? It just happens. Just happens.


Dina Day
Dina Day
3 weeks ago (edited)
The bottom line..... the US is in more debt now than it was the crash of 2007 and 2008. Our debt has more than doubled in one year from where it was back then. When you are in that much debt if you owe money to someone or some entity and when they want to collect, what do you do when you are already underwater? You implode. Listen folks, this doesn't take a rocket scientist. This country is going to see a collapse like they haven't seen since the Great Depression. If you look at the cost of living with the salaries that people are not making to equate to it, unemployment is higher than our government is saying. With unemployment, they don't count the people who are highly skilled and can't find a job in their field but are flipping burgers that to the government, is an employed person. They also don't count the people who ran out of unemployment, those people don't even count. Rents are outrageous, over building, vacant store fronts, companies filing bankruptcy, high cost of real estate, cars, and the list goes on. Nothing is stable, nothing makes sense and citizens are hanging by their finger tips. If you think this channel is fear porn, keep researching as it is right on. As for the exact time? It just happens. Just happens.


2 weeks ago
The Collapse will not come. You think it will because you only have a narrow view point. You do not know there are other options on the table. For example the governments of the world could force all the religions of the world into a bail out on a scale the fed could only dream of. The religions of the earth have trillions and trillions of wealth in cash, property, stocks etc. They could bail out all the governments in the world and set the dept level back to zero. If you think they will not touch all these religions and just go down in a ball of flames you are kidding yourself! There will be no collapse until you see them turn on religion. All your predictions are as dust on the scales.

jamie t
jamie t
2 weeks ago
Markets go up, they go down. I've been in it for 30+ years, and I am wealthy because of it. Sure, it will go down again, and up again, and down again, and up again....... That is why dollar cost averaging works so well. Give it time, and steady contributions, and you too will reap the rewards. The problem is when people put some money in, and the market goes down, they think it's the end of the world, when really it's just the beginning.

Tech billionaire parenting

- Firearms are a miraculous equalizer in a world otherwise dominated and enslaved by everyday psychopaths.

- The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

– Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.”
– George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.”
– Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun.”
– Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778

“The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.”
– Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833

“On every occasion [of Constitutional interpretation] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying [to force] what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, [instead let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”
– Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, 12 June 1823


Another Pro Choice question; Do you like your Rights? How are you going to defend them?
Words won't stop a Predator bent on causing injury or death.

- Where are the rights of the unborn child? So pro abortion murderists can march speak freely and spew threats and hatred, and be violent, but dissenting voices, opinions, disagreement free speech is not ok, or tolerated? Interesting. So the party of free choice, equal rights, political correctness, tolerance, is not so tolerant. Seems to me the left is just a party of fads. They don't ever last that long. Dems have no long term goal except controlling an ever changing narrative. the brains of at least 50% of American's are completely fried this is the end result the final by product of 50 years of the most sadistic insidious and evil programming brainwashing and psychological abuse the world has ever seen and who did the brainwashing I think its very obvious there is no point in saying Beetlejuice over and over again, where does America go from here I don't know but it wont be good wherever it is. What's going on right now, is not just the new-(socialist/communist/fascist)-leftists (or neo-leftists) infiltrating the political scene in the US,... but from a higher-(Soros)-level perspective,... it's "Regime Change". The same psy-ops & mind-control programming we have (unfortunately) done onto other countries over the years, in the name of "Democratizing" them, is now in our own country,... We are under attack,... They are implementing & running a "Regime Change" attack on the United States of America. That is what's going on,... besides of course all of the other attacks,... that are going on simultaneously. If we don't take action now,... We are done,...  //media.infowars.com/videos/2fc2bad2-3b08-4e92-ac1c-774fd2656a92.mp4

- This is going nowhere, but I support MAGA, and would like to move to a state where people like me can have a freedom to say and believe and associate with like minded people. I do not want to pay my taxes towards abortions, illegal immigrants, and waste my life among gender confused people encroaching on my Christian values. I propose like minded people to move to states or create such states where we can be at peace, and live like we please. I also support others to do the same whatever they believe or have similar life styles. We should not mix, or be forced to live side by side if we differ.