‘We’re just a pile of misery’: Victims of Germany’s child molesting ‘experiment’ tell RT of their nightmare that lives on

Decades ago, they fought for survival every single day – now they have to motivate themselves to live. RT listened to heartbreaking memories of two German men placed in the foster care of a known pedophile by Berlin authorities.

Last month, a damning report by Germany’s University of Hildesheim revealed that the Berlin Senate orchestrated a crackpot scheme that saw vulnerable children being placed in the care of known pedophiles for decades.

This was a part of a harrowing “experiment” by controversial sexologist Helmut Kentler, whose perverted teachings claimed that sexual contact with adults does no harm to children. Pedophiles taking care of them would only “emancipate” their “sexuality,” as Kentler repeatedly put it in countless books and on TV.

He earned fame as a “progressive visionary” and became the darling of left-wing politicians, including West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt, the future German chancellor.

Two victims of Kentler’s “experiment,” identified as Marco and Sven, told RT that it “was like we were being put up for sale.”

Their future foster father, Fritz H. as he came to be known in the German media, was kind and “tried to win us over” when they first met – perhaps like a hunter not wanting to scare away his prey.

Then it was whether he wanted to take us or not. We were not asked, we simply had to go,” Marco said. For him, the years-long nightmare began in a hospital where he first met Fritz, who Kentler described as an “expert” in child care. “A month later I was in his care. I didn’t even know I had been sent there,” he revealed.

What the boys didn’t know either was that the man was actually a convicted pedophile who lived alone in West Berlin. His criminal record didn’t stop the city youth welfare authorities from placing vulnerable children in his care on numerous occasions between the early 1970s and 2003. 

Fritz’s victims – some as young as six or seven – suffered unspeakable horrors while at his mercy. Several were sexually abused and raped, with one disabled boy dying in his care.


Both Marco and Sven said living with the pedophile was “a daily battle to survive.” The “total psychopath” would viciously exploit their greatest fears to force them into doing “things we wouldn’t normally do.”

The victims were told there was nothing criminal in the abuse as “he is our father and we were young.” Yelling and punching was part of the boys’ everyday routine, which sometimes resembled the practices of an oppressive cult.

“He always said he didn’t beat us but the devil in us,” Marco said, adding that the physical violence tied them even stronger to their abuser. Both men agreed that “the worse the treatment, the more you felt this person was important to you” – textbook tactics totalitarian sects are said to use on members.

Marco and Sven spent years in total isolation. Fritz didn’t give them a proper education as he would have lost his caretaker status; he also prevented them from acquiring basic social skills like paying bills or renting an apartment. But there’s something more appalling that is “buried deep in our subconscious,” they say.

"Our lives have been destroyed, we are unable to work and we have become aware that we are just a pile of misery,” Marco said, with Sven adding bitterly, “I was and am a product of a child molester.”

The two men tried to hold accountable those who they say were complicit in ruining their lives, namely, executives of the Berlin Senate. But they are now waging an uphill battle, it turns out. The Senate tried to offer them €10,000 in compensation but seemed reluctant to press any charges.

Both victims are skeptical about the notorious report by the University of Hildesheim. Their experts were approved by the Senate itself, which seems “like a robber investigating his own robbery,” Sven said. He insisted there must be a further probe into “one of the greatest crimes of the post-war era.”

ALSO ON RT.COM‘Progressive visionary’? Why ‘pedophile matchmaker’ was treated as respected sexology expert in Germany FOR DECADES

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76,706 views•Jun 17, 2020
Lice Balkana
10.1K subscribers
Mel Gibson, legendarni australijski glumac, otkrio je da je dečija krv toliko popularna da funkcioniše kao zasebna valuta. To je jedna od tajni kabalista, i zbog toga se Mel našao na crnoj listi.

Mel tvrdi da je svim svetskim negativcima i kabalistima zajednička i pedofilija, a jedna od najvećih baza za to je čuvena fabrika snova - Holivud!
- Tatjana Djukanovic
2 days ago
Dr Jovana Stojković se bori protiv pedofilije
- Seyo Ayee
1 day ago
Kad su mogli Tesli srušiti labaratoriju, mogu i taj Hollywood srušiti..ja se slažem za rušenjem, pozdrav Narode..
- Zarko Jovanovic
2 days ago
Pogledajte film Pad Kabale nećete verovati svojim očima
- Sinisa Tuckesic
2 days ago
Zaista sokantno! Ako u ovome ima i 1 postoo istine to je znak za uzbunu cijelom covjecanstvu! Ali pazite samo 1 posto.
Bisenija Vukovic
2 days ago
Ljudozderi, pa zasto cute lekari Sveta
Dragutin Dragutinovic
2 days ago
Toje to, normalan je to vec odavno osjeco u kakvom zlu zivimo. Toje stvarnost zapada i vatikana.
Fuad Huskic
2 days ago
God bless you forever men Gibson
Fuad Huskic
2 days ago
God bless you forever men Gibson
Aleksandra Velika
1 day ago
Postovani, h vala vam za ovaj video! Film Pad kabale sam gledala jos dok nije bio preveden na srpski, preporucujem svakome da ga pogleda!! Prave informacije za nas narod, da shvate sta se desava u svetu i da je ova vestacka pandemija proizvod upravo tih kabalista- satanista, na celu sa Clintonovima, Obamom, Bil Gejtsom, glumackom iluminatskom klikom iz Holivuda, koji su u njihovoj sluzbi! Duboko sam uverena da ce se narod americki uskoro osvestiti i shvatiti da iza reziranog Flojdovog ubistva stoji Soros, Antifa i jedna od Sorosevih medijskih kuca CNN!
Bog neka cuva i pomogne Trampu da se izbori sa zlom, jer Dobro mora pobediti, inace nas nece biti!
Veliki Boze pomozi nam i spasi narod svoj🙏
2 days ago
nazalost tako je,i to uglavnom raja zna a oni koji se prave da ne znaju ili tvrde da su to sve gluposti i teorije zavera ,ne zele da veruju,oni se plase istine u kojoj zive ,koja je toliko gnusna ,izopacena i odvratna jednostavno u podsvesti zele da zive u laznoj stvarnosti u kojoj na zemlji vlada ljubav,pravda i istina .ne zele da shvate da je zivot na zemlji pakao.
Miroslava Miladinovic
2 days ago (edited)
Мел Гипсон је Католик верник ,са пуно деце.Мел Гипсон је то изнео пре неколико година,после тога је имао много проблема,чак је и хапшен.Тада је остао без посла,нико га није ангажавао.Мислим да више не живи у Америци.Хвала великом човеку,и великом уметнику!!!

129,975 views•Apr 27, 2020

Mario ZNA
41.4K subscribers
Svet je postao opasno mesto za život a još opasnije mesto za odrastanje nevine dece koja su u svakom momentu izložena i "dostupna" predatorima. Srbija nije usamljen slučaj na svetu kada je reč o pedofilima ali čini se da se u našoj zemlji to ili teže prepoznaje ili se blago kažnjava dok u nekim zemljama postoje baze podataka koje su dostupne svim građanima kako bi i oni sami mogli da se uvere da im možda i najbliži komšija nije imao istoriju s#ksualnih prestupa .

Baš iz tog razloga što ne možemo da pristupimo bazi i uverimo se da li je naše okruženje bezbedno uradio sam ovaj video u kojem vam predstavljam 5 glavnih simbola pedofila iz celog sveta. Nema razlike, bili oni iz SAD-a ili Srbije, Hrvatske, BiH ili Crne Gore svi su isti, svi imaju iste psihološke tikove i svi se prepoznaju vrlo lako i to uz pomoć ovih simbola.

Uticaj homoseksualaca na decu! Watch: UK Cops Give Up on Pedophile Prosecution; 13:55 min; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Crowd of cartoon characters appear to deliver same-sex kisses to gay and lesbian partners
Adan Salazar | - MARCH 1, 2017

Incest Embraced by Liberals as "Sexual Diversity" - "Nothing Wrong With It” Say SJWs; 6:05 Min. Ima mogucnost prevoda, "CC"

Published on Dec 5, 2016
Incest is now being embraced as a "normal" sexual relationship to liberals and Social Justice Warriors, who see no a father and daughter or brother and sister getting married no more strange than gays and lesbians. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

Copyright © 2016 by Mark Dice. Do not download or re-upload this video in whole or in part to any channel or other platform, or it will be removed for copyright violations and your account terminated.

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Mark Dice is a media analyst and bestselling author who specializes in exposing the power mainstream media and celebrities have on shaping our culture. He has been featured on the History Channel's Decoded, and America's Book of Secrets; Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Secret Societies of Hollywood on E! Channel, America Declassified on the Travel Channel, and is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM, The Alex Jones Show, and more. His viral videos have received more than 250 million views and have received international media attention. READ MARK'S BOOKS
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Mark Dice
Pinned by Mark Dice
Mark Dice6 days ago
Just in case you needed any more proof that liberalism is a mental you go! Subscribe to my channel if you’re new here because you’ll get new reports every day exposing the liberal lunatics and their manipulation of mainstream media. Select “get notifications” 🛎 and stay tuned for more reports!
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jessy Starjes
jessy Starjes1 day ago (edited)
These videos are physiological manipulation he only singles out the small handful of people that he can make look stupid and never shows the countless people that tell him No Way! or Fuck Off! or recognizes him and everyone knows who he is so they know his con . These videos have always been psychological manipulation they are meant to make people feel good about themselves that there not that stupid and the stupider you are the better you feel about yourselves so you keep coming back for more . This mans just a manipulating con artist !
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Reply 48
skullywag1 day ago
Nobody needs to be "made to look stupid". You either are, or you're not. If you can't understand're the former.
Reply 178
Brian Hensley
Brian Hensley2 days ago
this is why I don't go to CA.
Reply 90
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ByHisLove10 hours ago
love the weather though
Griimnak1 day ago
Just like the days of Noah.
Reply 44
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Aaron L
Aaron L8 hours ago
That scum dumb half niggger Noah is a Jew media commie puppet
Reply 1
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman1 day ago
I've literally been waiting for child predator's rights to be supported by the left as "that's just their sexual preference". We may see that as a result of all this pizza madness.
Reply 36
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Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman18 hours ago
I used to be in NAMBLA. North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes.
Reply 10
Filo Fitch
Filo Fitch11 hours ago
Too late, look up the Paedophile Information Exchange.
In March 2014, evidence emerged that PIE had received grants totalling £70,000 from the Home Office, after a whistleblower told police he witnessed a successful three-year grant renewal application for £35,000 in 1980, implying that a similar grant had been made in 1977.["
"In February 2014, Shami Chakrabarti, the director of Liberty, issued an apology for the previous links between the NCCL, as Liberty was then known, and PIE. She said: "It is a source of continuing disgust and horror that even the NCCL had to expel paedophiles from its ranks in 1983 after infiltration at some point in the seventies."[
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Eric Blair
Eric Blair2 days ago
So if two consenting adults decide to kill you, do you have a problem with that?
Reply 58
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The Cheese
The Cheese1 hour ago
The logic fallacy is strong with this one. But incest is a taboo across time, cultures and races for a scientific reason. So is murder. Go figure.
Reply 2
Eric Blair
Eric Blair13 minutes ago
+The Cheese Yes!
Kevin Fernandez
Kevin Fernandez1 day ago
I'm telling you 2020 is the year of incest parade, better start making them a flag right now
Reply 30
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MetaKnight96414 hours ago
Stop fearmongering
Reply 1
wtf I hate incest now
Reply 12
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67bowman15 hours ago
卐 SPURDO SPÄRDE PERKELE PÄRKELE 卐 you mean you liked it before?
Reply 1
Don't judge.
Reply 1
Chuck Ashlock
Chuck Ashlock14 hours ago
This exchange was priceless. Thank you xD
67bowman14 hours ago
Reply 1
Hopper Mantis
Hopper Mantis11 hours ago (edited)
OK.. there are a lot of people having kids with defects. So the liberals are saying this needs to stop ? And these families, lets say, with out the R gene. Should stop breeding. No one in my family gets sick of diseases or even a cold sore. Can we get a tax break ?
Also, in a emergency threatening our species. Gay and all that hate on plurist relationships believing a man cant have more than 2 wives. After removing themselves from procreation. Do they qualify for this aid of survival ?
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EdenSphinxTV1 day ago
Societies are built up on the foundations of the family unit. Allowing incest (even if you don't agree with it) will only break down the family unit even more. Once the family unit is completely eroded, we might as well kiss the country goodbye.
Reply 15
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turbostoep19 hours ago
Famlilies are a big part of all the problems in the world . There is no trustworthy alternative yet though so we'll have to stagger on for a while till we can actually trust our governments . Meh who am i kidding .. this will never happen with us humans.
politicalsheepdog2 days ago
What the Hell is in the Air or Water to make people in California think the way they do?
Reply 24
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Tuokool8 hours ago
He's showing that you can and should be discerning about what is right and wrong, even if it offends.
The Cheese
The Cheese1 hour ago
This garbage was championed in Europe before it was on the prog checklist here in the U.S. The Californians are just playing Catchup.
utubetommy23 hours ago
The "foot in the door" was gay marriage. Once that was embraced, there is NO logical argument against other forms of sexual perversion... NONE. And since the legal boundary of sex between any two "consenting adults" is now off the taboo list, how long will it be before the legal consensual age will be lowered or eliminated? After all... we all know that many young people are sexually active before the age of consent, so one must ask, "If the established legal boundary between consensual and non-consensual age for sex is man-made, that boundary can be legally lowered or eliminated." Food for thought for those who saw the dangers of legalizing homosexual marriage and also saw it kicked open the door to any type of sex.
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Kaiser Mertz
Kaiser Mertz7 hours ago (edited)
Enderdragon1201 I have to break it to you. Morality isn't subjective. Being moral derives from a code of ethical conduct, not from whether you like something or dislike something. Ethical codes also transcends thousands of years and civilisations, your take on something is as only as relevant as long as you're alive or hold that position still.

While I tolerate homosexuality, because Heaven forbid I disagree with it as a concept, I do not believe it to be a moral or ethical practice of sexuality. Homosexuality is an excuse for hedonism and promiscuity which does not bode well for a society. A society that allows one act will enable more severely depraved acts to follow such as incest then eventually pedophilia. Birth rates also decrease, marriages decrease, the number of children part of a secure nuclear family decreases; while criminality, costs on prisons, councilling sessions, prescriptions for anti-depressants increase, and the number of STDs multiply. Society becomes unhealthier, sadder, and scared to enforce it's moral code so as not to offend anyone- how are any of these consequences moral or ethical? They aren't. Plain and simple.

According to Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay Catholic reporter for Breitbart, homosexuality is 10/90 nature/nurture. The gay gene has yet to be supported by hard data and is unlikely to exist naturally in the genetic marketplace because homosexuals cannot pass their genes on without having heterosexual relations. Another explanation is that the gene for sexual orientation had mutated to produce a gay gene or another sexual deviant. Who wants to be "born the way they are" because they are essentially a product of mutant cells- not a person who wants to be accepted into a society in general.

A society that tolerates (I argue even encourages over heterosexual monogamy) homosexuality is more likely to produce homosexual people because in a day and age where sex can be had nearly endlessly and irresponsibly, there's no worry about having children until you want them nor is there any obligation to a partner to settle down to start a family. After all, two men together will both just want sex no matter where it comes from (that's how males have evolved); females are evolutionarily geared in a way which they will be be with someone because they want access to resources and protection, have you noticed that a lesbian couple usually has a butch manly individual that in most cases provides resources and protection? The resource and protection need is natural in order to successfully raise offspring. Lesbianism, as good as it is to look at in action, is not moral nor ethical. Two women can't have babies naturally so they'll eventually look for a way around that and then you get the problems of raising a child in a same sex household in that they aren't exposed to two role models of the genders but only one. Fatherless home are also far more prone to criminality and individual dysfunctional behaviour in wider society. Just look at the crime statistics and see how important a nuclear family is.

I think that's enough from me. This is a controversial topic but I hold no shame on my positions. Bear in mind that I do not hate homosexuals or detest the concept, I disagree with their life choice, and would encourage tradition over excuses for hedonism for heterosexuals and homosexuals as much as any person in general.
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Enderdragon12017 hours ago
Meh. I'm not in the mood to get into a debate right now, so we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. Got to hand to you though, you went very in depth with your explanation there.
Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus2 days ago
How many did you edit out because they didn't fit your narrative.
Reply 19
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ShitGotReal1 hour ago
Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus 😂😂😂
The Cheese
The Cheese1 hour ago
Does it matter? This "right" is being openly discussed and defended on numerous sites and has scored numerous legislative victories across Europe. You're skirting dangerously close to the logic fallacy many progs run to when made to face this cause de jour....
Reply 1
Hope Hurteau
Hope Hurteau1 day ago
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william waddell
william waddell8 minutes ago
+Hope Hurteau crossing the street is potentially harmful..............
Young Frankenstein
Young Frankenstein5 minutes ago
+Hope Hurteau Here you go again, stating what you want to be true as fact. Homosexuality as a matter of genetics has still not been definitively proven, but there is still plenty of evidence in psychology that lends credence to homosexuality being a matter of any combination of environment, necessity, and/or choice. If you can't see past your own rhetoric then I actually feel sorry for you.
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asevado1 day ago
I'm sorry but I guess I'm kinda on the left on this issue...
There're 2 level about it:
1) incest is fucking weird and disgusting.
2) should the law interfere with two consenting adults' decisions which doesn't damage anyone? No way.
A brother and a sister should be free to fuck each other, and I should be free to call 'em perverts.
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asevado10 hours ago (edited)
, I'm not with you on this.
Take gay marriage, for example: if a guy is a faggot, he's a faggot. Period. You can't "correct" him and force to marry a woman, to have children and so on.
Government should support a sane developement of families and children, but at the same time shouldn't forbid free choices by adults (which doesn't damage anyone).
Because if we think like that, then we should also forbid - for example - all junk foods, all alcohol... and then what...? All videogames? All motorcycles?
The west is the best just because we allow people to do what the fuck they want. Otherwise we turn either to a soviet union or an islamic state.
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Reply 1
Terriccota Pie
Terriccota Pie4 hours ago
It shouldn't even be a question. Incest is fundamentally bad for the society, just like any other degenerate behavior.
larkyleroy1 day ago
If a dude bangs his sister and she's smoking hot I'd say that's more normal than being gay. Lol
Reply 15
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devin feirce
devin feirce6 hours ago
larkyleroy incest lover
The Cheese
The Cheese1 hour ago
What if your sister is, um, aesthetically challenged and you find a hot gay? What's normal then?
Dan Peterozki
Dan Peterozki1 day ago
this video made me sad....seriously i wanted to cry how stupid are people
Reply 8
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C Dhak
C Dhak22 hours ago
True that man
Reply 1
destiny's remorse
destiny's remorse41 minutes ago
most of those people have probably been in an incestuous relationship
Gary Biggs
Gary Biggs14 hours ago
I'm a libertarian. I don't give a shit who screws who if it's consentual and they are over 18.
Reply 4
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Gary Biggs
Gary Biggs2 hours ago
Don't have kids.
The Cheese
The Cheese1 hour ago
YEAH!!! Fuck science!!!
billybassman2122 hours ago (edited)
Homosexuality is only acceptable because we as a society had it forced on us in part using shame, fear and intimidation. Indoctrination is the other part. If enough people backed incest or child sexx, we would see the same acceptance as we are starting to with transgender. The reality is once we open the doors to one thing, the argument will be used to justify others. This is why as a society we must have morals and standards.
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Reply 5
stacks flat
stacks flat21 hours ago
I wonder have you noticed though how western culture particularly western Europe and North America, Austrailia have these agendas forced upon them by internal and external forces reaching for the same goal, that is to destroy us white people and all our values, and its working, i think its Zionist jews that are doing it
Disabler1 day ago
Man the liberals are so easy to manipulate! Now they gonna go around spreading rumors that incest is ok haha :D
Reply 3
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gumdeo22 minutes ago
I think that gay incest is already legal in Maryland.
Disabler15 minutes ago
+gumdeo i cant think of anything more disgusting..
Nicolas Tournier
Nicolas Tournier11 hours ago
let 'god' be the judge. the point is that we can dislike something and tolerate it. it's intolerance that defines bigotry, not whether you are comfortable with whatever it is.
Ingyu Lee
Ingyu Lee4 hours ago
Nicolas Tournier but do we need to tolerate watching our country crumble much less the fabric of human society? These "laws" don't bode well for human society and this liberal thought sodomizes and obliterates our moral code. I do believe we Americans hold a higher standard than most savages out in the wild and we need to distinguish ourselves from a morally decrepit society. You aren't intolerant just because you do not agree with someone else's beliefs.Everyone should have a freedom of their beliefs. The matter of fact is homosexuals are not a religion nor a belief. It's a act against God and His people which we must unite against. Not in violence or by fear but by the mighty hands of God. When will you stand up? When these liberals start infringing on your personal rights? Let's not get to that point because it's getting out of hand!
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Proapocalypse1 hour ago
So you are tolerant of everything?
tehn00bpwn3r6 hours ago
Mark you can see from your videos why Christianity came to be
sjs6 hours ago

Muski Online Predator -hapsenje- Busted at a Shopping Mall! 22:03 Min.; Nema prevod!

Published on Dec 4, 2016
Online Predator Busted at a Shopping Mall! #PIZZAGATE

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Zenski Online Predator - hapsenje- Busted! +BBC ; 13:34 Min. ; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Dec 4, 2016
Scrawny Online Predator Busted! +BBC #PIZZAGATE

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Homosexualac Online Predator - hapsenje- Busted at a McDonalds! 9:06 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Dec 4, 2016
Online Predator Busted at a McDonalds! CAUGHT RED HANDED
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Heteroseksualac Kondukter Online Predator - hapsenje -Busted! 7:10 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Dec 4, 2016
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Train Conductor Online Predator Busted! #PIZZAGATE

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Homoseksualac Online Predator -hapsenje- Busted While Eating a Burger! 31:46 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Nov 30, 2016
Sting conducted by Fraser Valley Creep Catchers: Article about this case:
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Homoseksualac- Pretvara se kao 13-godisnji decak to Bust an Online Predator! 24:20 Min.; Nema prevod!

Published on Nov 15, 2016
"This online predator unknowingly meets 23-year-old me instead of the 13-year-old version of me he's willing to have sex with.

This man was reported to the authorities. He is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Report a predator:

Anxiety War, LLC"
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Homoseksualac - Online Predator Busted at a Bus Stop! 15:56 Min. ; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Nov 27, 2016
Sting conducted by 'The Hunted One',
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Heteroseksualac - Online Predator - hapsenje! 8:23 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Nov 28, 2016
Sting conducted by Stinson Hunter:
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Heteroseksualac - Online Predator uhapsen - 24:54 Min.; Nema prevod!

Published on Nov 27, 2016
Sting conducted by 'The Hunted One',
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Heterosexualac - Online Predator uhapsen na poslu - 5:08 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

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Sting conducted by 'The Hunted One',
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Heteroseksualac - Online Predator Quisar Yousaf uhapsen! 14:02 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

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Published on Oct 28, 2016
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Predatori(4 slucaja- Homosexualac Rabin-44 god Heterosexualac-Aladin; 29 god. Homoseksualac Ucitelj; Heteroseksualac/zoofilicar; Homoseksualac nezaposlen; , u Fairfax, Virginia-USA; 44:31 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Jun 7, 2016
From the raw files in Fairfax, Virginia.

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Predator Raw The Unseen Tapes Greenville, Ohio Part 1; 44:27 Min. ; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Sep 19, 2016
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Hollywood's Pedophilia Ring; 15:27 Min. ; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Nov 21, 2016
New World Agenda:
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evilscoobydoo2 weeks ago
burn down comet pizza and hang these pedos!!!!
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renton willoughby
renton willoughby4 days ago
IF they (victims) are still alive!
Cheryl Cooper
Cheryl Cooper1 day ago
I can't even look at a pizza add from anyplace! DELETE THEM!!!
Tracy Dee
Tracy Dee12 hours ago
PizzaGae Could UNRAVEL Hollywood's Pedophilia Ring...could but won't. If Kilary is still a Senator after all those supposed wikileaks.....yeah. Good going 'murika on electing in a game show host!!! wadda a nation!
letsleeping Dogslie
letsleeping Dogslie18 hours ago
Cosmic Evolution
Cosmic Evolution1 day ago
perfect title! this actually could get the moment rolling the right way!
Slythe011 day ago
More proof of how frighteningly gullible and ignorant most people are
ItsMyFate2 weeks ago
so much evil it manifests itself in plain sight
Reply 18
Cheryl Cooper
Cheryl Cooper1 day ago
I guess this explains Harry Potter actor standing naked with a white horse...
OMG and we thought it was Art!?? :-/
shelly page
shelly page5 days ago
That was posted to Eric fuckin homophobe 
shelly page
shelly page5 days ago
Just because someone is gay does not make them a pedo you fuckin biggot !!!!!!!! I know many straight men that fuckin sexually abuse women all the time. I fuckin hate you hateful dumbass pricks don't judge someone's sexuality anyone can be a pedo not just gay and lesbians you fuckin piss off shit
Sean K
Sean K5 days ago
rich take care of rich....
Mick Burke
Mick Burke1 week ago (edited)
The Queen of Great Britain must have known without a doubt about Jimmy Savile being a paedophile and the evil he was doing to her young subjects
Reply 17
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spook show
spook show1 week ago
Mick Burke She was involved.
Parker Nashbee
Parker Nashbee5 days ago
This video is already disqualified. The subliminal things in Disney are done by animators who are joking around and have no connection with any pedophile ring in Hollywood. Disney animators who have worked on these animated movies for Disney since the 80's can tell you so. Interview any of them. There probably is a ring but not by the specific Disney subliminal messages in Disney.
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Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt5 days ago
I almost wrote a comment about DC & Hollywood being so far left, and that being the problem. . . then I remembered the catholic church leans heavily to the right so that theory is fucked
Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt5 days ago
we need to purge California and Washington DC. get rid of them
Dawah Yisrael
Dawah Yisrael5 days ago
This is the white man's way of life...nothing new at all
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Dawah Yisrael
Dawah Yisrael4 days ago
Dawah Yisrael
Dawah Yisrael4 days ago
+B DeWit

Now u can shut the hell up
NWBackcountry1 week ago
Perhaps the ruling class has always been populated by a majority of sociopaths?
Reply 15
Betty Shaw
Betty Shaw5 days ago
They are ugly all of them looks like the evils
Alberto Torrres
Alberto Torrres5 days ago
It is just so disgusting. But I was thinking about it and sadly I know there are homegrown pedo that live here like they live in other countries but something told me now you understand why we need to build walls it goes beyond the illegal immigrants and drug dealers this pedophile ring goes into other countries and with no restrictions to come in an out of the country it is easily accessible to make moves and transactions with foreign people. It is sick. God have mercy and please let it all spiral down and blow up on there faces.
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B DeWit
B DeWit5 days ago
Even with a wall and stricter immigration policies, there will still be loopholes. The groups involved in these rings are so rich, powerful, and influential, they have dozens of contacts in just about every agency in top positions. They've been using private jets to fly their victims from state to state, with paid off pilots/staff, and perhaps have the people at the airstrip they land at on their payroll, as well.
It doesn't take many infiltrators to completely compromise something like ICE, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.; just watch Ted Gunderson explain it. The man was a fantastic FBI agent, ran several departments in different states, and damn near well became the head of the entire FBI; my guess is he wasn't willing to take a 'deal' and look the other way for these sickos, so his career in the FBI ended. But he goes on at length about the satanic pedophile kidnapping rings, and talks about the multiple attempts he made while in the FBI to open a full investigation; he was denied every time. Someone higher on the pay-grade than him was already in bed with the pedos, so no matter how many credible reports he turned in, no matter how much evidence, they denied him the resources for an actual investigation.
So while tightening the borders is always a good thing, it will do very little to solve this problem. It's going to be an agonizingly long time before we finally get to the bottom of all this, probably years...
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AntiNWO Canada
AntiNWO Canada5 days ago
Miroslav Zivanovic
Miroslav Zivanovic5 days ago

HOROR U NEMAČKOJ Otkriven pedofil koji je maltretirao 122 deteta


Podignuta je optužnica protiv nemačkog državljanina (32), čiji identitet nije otkriven javnosti, zbog sumnje da je koristio usluge javnog servisa za ćaskanje koji mahom koriste deca, predstavljaući se kao maloletna devojčica, a potom progonio oko 122 deteta, terajući ih da mu šalju nage fotografije i video snimke seksualne prirode, prenosi "Raša tudej".

Prevarena deca su starosti između sedam i trinaest godina, a poreklom su iz Nemačke, Belgije i Švajcarske. Osumnjičeni je navodno koristio lažno ime i pokazivao im video devojčice kako bi ih uverio da je to on i naterao ih da mu veruju.


Ponekad je nudio da im obezbedi neki vid novca koji se koristi u igricama za materijal. Većina ženskih žrtava kasnije su rekle da su sumnjale da učestvuju u nekoj seksualnoj igri sa vršnjakom.

Policija je prilikom pretresa njegove kuće otkrila više od 600 datoteka koje su sadržale dečiju pornografiju.

- Verujemo da ima najmanje 122 oštećenih - rekao je Aleksander Retemejer, glavni tužilac za "Špigl", dodajući da policija još mora da uporedi svaki snimak ili fotografiju sa nekom osobom.

- Mnoge osobe koje smo uspeli da identifikujemo su doživele ozbiljnu traumu i odlaze na tretmane plastičnih hirurga. Nećemo biti u mogućnosti da pronađemo sve žrtve - rekao je Retemejer.

Takođe je utvrđeno da je osumnjičeni imao seksualne odnose sa petnaestogodišnjakinjom nakon konzumacije dosta alkohola. Nije poznato da li će mu biti suđeno i zbog toga. Zvanična dob koja je neophodna za pristanak u Nemačkoj iznosi 14 godina, što znači da, ukoliko se devojčica dobrovoljno upustila u seksualne odnose sa njim, neće moći da se podigne nikakva optužnica.

Tužioci očekuju da će osumnjičeni biti osuđen na nekoliko godina robije.

Za ovaj slučaj se saznalo kada je majka jedne od žrtava alarmirala vlasti prošlog novembra.

Tokom 2005. godine prijavljeno je 956 ovakvih i sličnih prestupa, dpk se 2015. taj broj popeo na 1958, saopštili su zvaničnici. Takve i slične statistike ukazuju da je procenat internet iskorišćavanja, zlostavljanja i ucene u drastičnom porastu, prenosi "RT".


UHVAĆEN PEDOFIL Uhapšen osumnjičeni za korišćenje maloletničke pornografije

Sumnjа se dа je N.S. skinuo sa Interneta i na svom rаčunаru i eksternim nosаčimа memorijа sаčuvаo pornogrаfski mаterijаl sa mаloletnim osobama.

 Prilikom pretresа stаnа osumnjičenog, policijа je oduzelа rаčunаr i tri eksternа hаrd diskа nа kojimа su se nalazili video klipovi i slike.

Osumnjičeni N.S. će u zаkonskom roku, uz krivičnu prijаvu, biti priveden u Posebno tužilаštvo zа borbu protiv visokotehnološkog kriminаlа.


PRLJAVA TAJNA HOLIVUDSKOG GLUMCA Miljenik publike je zapravo pedofil koji je silovao mladu zvezdu?


Identitet poznatog muškarca koji je silovao mladu glumačku zvezdu Korija Hejma uskoro bi mogao da bude razotkriven.

Portal "Radar Online" tvrdi da im je iz nekoliko izvora potvrđeno ime i prezime glumca koji se u javnosti predstavlja kao porodičan čovek, ali je zapravo pedofil koji zna ime i prezime glumca koji se u javnosti predstavlja kao porodičan čovek, ali je zapravo pedofil koji već godinama napastvuje dečake.

 Ovaj muškarac navodno je silovao i nekadašnjeg mladog glumca i filmsku zvezdu Korija Hejma, koji je preminuo od predoziranja 2010. godine, a sve to je navodno "javna tajna" u Holivudu.

- Ovaj perverznjak nikada nije priznao da je gej, pa čak ima i svoju decu. Ali, istina je da je ova zvezda i "porodični čovek", zapravo zlo čudovište koje vodi bolestan dvostruki život. Bio je na čelu lanca zlostavljanja dece koje je zavelo Hejma i Korija Feldmana. Ova prljava tajna dobro je poznata među mnogima u šoubuiznisu - rekao je izvor i dodao:

- Prvi put je silovao Korija kada ga je navukao na marihuanu. Prevario ga je. Kori je bio ranjiv i pao je na njegov šarm. Bio je zbunjen njihovim seksualnim odnosom i verovao je da je to ljubav.

Podsetimo, Kori Hejm i Kori Feldman bili su popularni tinejdžerski filmski duo osamdesetih, a proslavili su se u filmu "The Lost Boys" (1987), nakon čega su zajedno glumili u sedam filmova, a potom su imali i svoj rijaliti.

Bili su među najplaćenijim mladim zvezdama osamdesetih, ali su slava i bogatstvo ostavili strašne posledice na obojicu. Hejm se godinama borio sa zavisnošću od alkohola, da bi potom on i Feldman priznali da su oboje bili žrtve zlostavljanja dok su bili dečaci.

Hejm je preminuo 10. marta 2010. u 38. godini od predoziranja. Feldman je kasnije izjavio da je njegova smrt bila posledica seksualnog zlostavljanja koje je proživeo. Ipak, nikada nisu želeli da otkriju ime osobe iz straha od tužbi. Priznali su samo da ih je on sistemski zlostavljao dok su bili dečaci, i na filmskom setu i van njega.

Podsetimo, Radar Online na sličan način je razotkrio i priču o slavnom glumcu zaraženom HIV-om, za koju se ispostavilo da je istinita, da bi posle dve nedelje Čarli Šin priznao da se radi o njemu.

Sada svetski mediji spekulišu da će konačno jedna od najvećih holivudskih misterija biti razrešena i da će glumac konačno biti doveden pred lice pravde.


Poznati francuski kardinal u središtu pedofilskog skandala


Jedan od najpoznatijih francuskih kardinala, Filip Barbaren, optužen je zbog toga što nije osudio sveštenika koji je priznao da je počinio pedofilska dela, već mu je umesto toga dozvolio da ostane na dužnosti.

Francuska biskupska konferencija danas je saopštila da će kardinal Barbaren "u potpunosti sarađivati", prenosi AP.


Kancelarija lionskog tužioca je protiv Barbarena i još pet osoba prošle nedelje podigla preliminarne optužnice zato što nisu osudili zločin i što su druge doveli u opasnost zbog slučaja koji datira još iz 1991. godine, pre nego što je Barbaren imenovan za lionskog kardinala.

Barbaren je rekao da je bio ubeđen da se sveštenik "popravio" u periodu 2007-2008. godine, kada su se i upoznali, te da mu je zbog toga dozvolio da ostane na dužnosti.

Sveštenik je smenjen prošle godine nakon što su žrtve, koje su sada odrasle osobe, podnele tužbu protiv njega.

Barbaren poriče da je ikada "zabašurivao" pedofiliju među sveštenstvom.