Stretching the piriformis muscle; 14:29 min.

Published on Mar 15, 2016
Stretching the piriformis muscle supports yu overall health in many ways. A healthy piriformis muscle means: open hip joints, more agility and flexibility in your legs, better immune system, reduced risk of injuring your hips, reduced risk of sciatic pain, better leg structure for walking and running, balancing psychological aspects and many more. Watch this tutorial to get the basic version and learn how to safely stretch your piriformis muscel for improved health. For more Info visi my blog and subscribe to my youtube channel for further updates.

Picture credit for anatomical illustrations:
Basis - Fotolia adjusted by my self for specific details

Piriformis Syndrome Causes & How Pain Increases Via This Vicious Cycle; 10:29 min.

Published on Aug 9, 2017
We have been working with many people suffering Piriformis Syndrome for many years and it is such a difficult injury to work around due to the amount of compensation present.
This video is not so much about what to do if you have it, but explains why many people will go back and forth between being in pain free and being in extreme pain the minute they go back to doing things again.
Being pain free, is not the same thing as correcting the problem. Eventually the back and forth becomes just chronic pain that never goes away, even when you sleep! And the reason is that the injury has not been attacked at the source and the compensatory movements have taken over creating stiffness and reinforce muscle imbalance and faulty movement that leads to more pain!!

If you have not yet read our article on this before make sure you check it out below as this provides more detail on what to do if you have this problem

And I cannot recommend this enough but our advanced program that includes a 60 minute video with with step by step instruction manual gives you all the assessments, mobility drills, stability and strength exercises mapped out for you.
To get this go to our online shop in the link below

The piriformis is a muscle that lies deep within the buttocks, covered by the massive gluteal muscles ( your butt). It’s job is to externally rotate the hip when it is extended, and abduct the hip when it is flexed.
this muscle is particularly bad due to it’s location. It is located right near the sciatic nerve, which comes from the spinal cord and is the largest nerve in the body. When the Piriformis overworks it begins to thicken and shorten, developing trigger points but even worse it may compress the large sciatic nerve. The compression feels like a deep aching pain in the butt or a radiating sharp nerve pain that extends along the middle of the rear thigh. Occasionally numbness and tingling can continue to the calf and toes. These symptoms can be accompanied by low back pain and worsen after prolonged sitting.

Using anti inflammatory medication, getting massages or any method used to take pain away does not address the bigger problem in that there is a reason WHY this muscle starting doing this in the first place.
You must find the why, and you must use exercises to teach the hip/pelvis how to stabilize itself correctly without all the dysfunction. This is the only way you can achieve long term relief and never get the problem again.

In the video I briefly touch on topics like mobility, stability, glute strengthening and movement patterns.
Below is some articles that go into more detail on these topics to give you more information about what these mean and how to do it.

Mobility -

Stability -

How To Strengthen Glutes -

Movement Patterns -

Again if you have serious trouble with this injury you need to check out the advanced program. To see what is included in this go to this link http://piriformisquickstartkit.vipres...

And if you live in Melbourne you can request a free postural and movement assessment by going to our website and filling in a consultation form

Piriformis Syndrome Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo; 5:40 min.

Published on Jul 20, 2016
Piriformis syndrome is literally a pain in the butt. The sciatic nerve runs underneath the piriformis muscle. When it gets tight and irritated, it often presses on the sciatic nerve causing symptoms of sciatica. See Doctor Jo’s blog post about this at:

These stretches and exercises should help with piriformis syndrome.
To start off, I am going to show you some modified stretches in a chair. These are better if done on the ground, but sometimes, you don’t have an area to lie down or maybe it is too hard or painful to lie on the ground. Seated in the chair, take the leg of the side you want to stretch, and cross it over the other leg just above the knee. This will look like a figure 4 if you are looking down at your legs. You might feel the stretch already, but if you don’t, keeping your back straight, bend forward at your hips. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, and repeat 3 times. Now is the opposite knee to chest stretch. In the same starting position, now take your opposite hand, and pull your knee up and across towards the opposite shoulder. If you are very flexible, you can hug your knee. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, and repeat 3 times.

The rest of the stretches and exercises are on the ground. The first two are like the ones in the chair except your back is on the ground. Cross the leg that is hurting over into a figure 4 position. Pull the good leg up towards your chest by grabbing underneath the knee. You can use a belt or leash to help pull the leg up if your hips are not very flexible. Next, you will keep the figure 4, Grab the knee on the same side of the pain with your opposite hand, and pull it up and across your body to the opposite shoulder. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and perform 3 times.

Now you will do a clamshell exercise. Still lying on your side, bend both knees slightly forward. Try to keep your hips perpendicular to the ground with the top hip towards the ceiling. Slowly lift the top leg up and out, like a clamshell opening up, and then slowly back down. Then you are going to lie on your side with the side you want to strength on the ground. Try to get your body in a straight line, and place your elbow on the ground just below your shoulder. Come up into a side plank. Hold it for 15-20 seconds, and work your way up to a minute. If this is too hard, you can start the side plank on your knees.

Finally, you will roll over onto your stomach. Try to keep your hips down on the ground, and bend your lower leg up at your knee so your foot is towards the ceiling. Slowly lift your leg up to the ceiling. You don’t have to go high because you don’t want to roll your body to the side when lifting. Start off with 10 of these, and work your way up to 20-25.

Related Videos:

Sciatic Nerve Pain Stretches & Exercises:

Hip Bursitis Stretches & Exercises:


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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


Piriformis Syndrome Stretches & Exercises:

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.

Vezba za ledja; 7 Exercises to Relieve Back Pain In 10 Minutes; 15:42 min.

Published on Jun 26, 2018
How to to Relieve Back Pain in 10 Minutes. Back pain is a very common health problem that many people have to live with, and exercising is the best way to deal with it. If you want to relieve pain for free and easily, try our exercises to feel better in 10 minutes.

Exercise #1. Hamstring stretch 0:40
Exercise #2. Double leg knee to chest stretch 1:45
Exercise #3. Knee stretch to the chest 3:22
Exercise #4. Psoas stretch 5:43
Exercise #5. Spinal stretch 8:15
Exercise #6. Quadriceps stretch 10:50
Exercise #7. Downward facing dog against a wall or chair 13:17


Fast Lower Back Pain & Sciatica Pain Relief

help you get rid of lower back pain and sciatica pain.

Do These 5 Exercises Every Morning - 5 Minute Mobility & Stretch Routine

Published on May 19, 2015
Download the "follow along" Morning Session for free Click HERE:

Do These 5 Exercises Every Morning

In this video we share with you a simple 5 minute morning session that I use to start my day every morning.

A quick morning exercise session is great to start your day. A simple exercise routine can get your blood circulating to wake you up and set the tone for the rest of the day.

We will be performing 5 mobility, strength, and stretching exercises.

While performing these exercises it is important that we focus on the breathe. Breathe with the diaphram (or stomach).

- Inhale through the nose slow for a count of 5-10 seconds.
- Pause for an additional second
- Exhale through the nose or mouth for a count of 5-10 seconds

Aim to keep a smooth slow breathing pattern throughout the entire session.

Train safe,

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6 Exercises to Kill Chronic Knee, Foot or Hip Pain:11:49 min.

Published on Apr 16, 2018
If you, just like 15 to 25 percent of people in the US, suffer from chronic knee pain, or just get tired sore feet from constantly being on the go, pay attention to these 6 exercises to cure chronic knee, foot or hip pain. You don’t need an expensive treatment if you regularly perform the simple workout at home. Knees are the second largest source of recurrent pain, and once you add in the feet and hips, it turns out that the legs can cause big problems for a lot of people.
Simple tip-toeing, besides strengthening your calves, helps improve your balance by reducing the area in contact with the ground, which makes keeping your balance quite a challenge. It strengthens your glutes and core muscles, improves your posture while simultaneously relieving back pain, increases the flexibility of your ankles, stretches the muscles around your shins, which are an otherwise difficult muscle group to target.
Heel raises, ankle circles, resistance training and toe games are all effective exercises for relieving pain in different parts of your legs.
Try to do rolling foot massage on a daily basis and do as many reps as you want or have time for. It gives the bottom of your foot a nice stretch and prevents foot-related injuries in the long run.

Music: Diamond Ortiz - Inevitable

Exercise #1. Heel raises 1:01
Exercise #2. Tip-toeing 3:22
Exercise #3. Ankle circles 4:34
Exercise #4. Resistance training 5:47
Exercise #5. Toe games 7:42
Exercise #6. Rolling foot massage 9:24
Bonus 10:04

-You’ll need to grab a chair for this exercise. Stand behind it and use the back of the chair to support yourself. This exercise helps strengthen your ankles and works the muscles around the knee.
-Simply tip-toe around your house kind of quickly. This will strengthen your calves and give a little workout to your toes and the balls of your feet. Aim to do this exercise regularly for 5 to 15 minutes or until you get tired.
-This exercise helps loosen up the tendons and muscles in your legs and ankles. It’ll improve your flexibility, range of motion, and overall comfort while walking or standing.
-Resistance training targets the muscles in your calves and inner and outer thighs, not only toning but also strengthening them.
-Toe games is an important exercise because it strengthens the tiny muscles in your toes and feet. They tend to be underdeveloped, which can be a big problem since they support your arches, keep your toes properly aligned, and even contribute to balance.
-Rolling foot massage works the muscles in the heels and balls of your feet. It’s also a nice relaxing massage for your arches.
-If your feet are killing you after a long day, use one thumb to put pressure on the spot between your big toe and pointer toe and use the other thumb to press the point between your ring toe and pinky toe. Gently massage these spots for up to 15 minutes for easy and quick relaxation.

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Exercise for People Over 60 - Your Exercise Routine; 11:02 min.

Boomer Fitness
Published on Mar 20, 2017
Brian Stecker shares a great exercise routine for people over 60. Follow along to start seeing results for yourself!

Get your workout routine by clicking here

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