Dr. Sci. Ivan Paunovic - načelnik Centra za endokrinu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije - Srbiji nedostaju endokrini hirurzi; ; 6:22 min.

Published on Mar 13, 2011
U Centru za endokrinu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije samo u prošloj
godini ambulantno je pregledano čak 8000 obolelih, a operisano oko hiljadu.
Broj obolelih od različitih bolesti endokrinog sistema u stalnom je porastu
i nameće hitnu potrebu da se ovakav vid hirurgije razvije i u drugim
zdravstvenim ustanovama u Beogradu, ali i pojedinim centrima u
unutrašnjosti. Veliki problem je i nedostatak dovoljnog broja endokrinih
hirurga. Tim povodom, gost Vesti TV B92 bio je Ivan Paunović, načelnik
Centra za endokrinu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije.

Sve više osoba sa obolelom štitastom žlezdom; 2:31 min.

Published on Apr 25, 2010
Samo u toku prva tri meseca ove godine kroz ambulantu Centra za endokrinu
hirurgiju KCS prošlo je više od 3.000 ljudi, najčešće tražeći pomoć zbog
problema sa štitastom žlezdom. Operisano je već tri stotine bolesnika i to u
samo jednoj operacionoj sali.

Emisija ,,Zdravi bili" - Štitna žlezda; 45:45 min.

Published on Jul 12, 2016

Operacija štitaste žlezde, Zdravo jutro, dr Igor Đurišić spec. opšte hirurgijee; 2:09 min.

zdravo jutro
Published on Apr 7, 2017
Operacija štitaste žlezde, Zdravo jutro,
dr Igor Đurišić spec. opšte hirurgije

Hašimotova bolest; 5:10 min.

Published on Apr 28, 2010
Prilog o jednom problemu koji izaziva štitasta žlezda a koji se naziva Hašimotova bolest. Gost je dr Rodoljub Ristić. Kontakt: 011/2766-992.

doc. dr Dejan Nikolić o malignitetu štitne žlezde; 2:51 min.

Bel Medic
Published on Mar 6, 2013
U ciklusu emisija Bel Doktor, Zdravo jutro, koje se emituju na TV Studio B, doc. dr Dejan Nikolić, , govori o malignitetu štitne žlezde

Simptomi bolesne štitne žlezde i evo kako da je izlečite; 2:22 min.

Published on Jun 26, 2016
Štitna žlezda može značajno uticati na razne telesne funkcije. Ukoliko ste žena i imate preko 35 godina, imate 30% veće šanse da obolite od poremećaja štitne žlezde

Struma i nodozna bolest štitaste žlezde; 3:18 min.

Dom Zdravlja Dr Ristić
Published on Oct 18, 2011
Pratite Savete za zdravlje na FB stranici i Youtube kanalu Dr Ristić i saznajte više o strumi i nodoznoj bolesti štitaste žlezde
• Novembar 2013 -- do 50% popusta određene preglede za muškarce, endokrinološki program i prateću laboratorijsku dijagnostiku
Za više informacija o uslugama na akciji i rezervaciju termina javite nam se na telefon 011 2693 287

Ultrazvučni pregled štitaste žlezde u ordinaciji Hrast dr Popovic; 3:02 min.

Nega zdravlja
Published on Mar 27, 2014
Da biste bili lepi, morate biti zdravi. U prilogu koji sledi pogledajte kome se sve preporučuje ultrazvučni pregled štitaste žlezde, kako se obavlja ovaj pregled i koliko često ga je potrebno raditi.

Štitna žlezda je odraz dubokih emocija/Dr Dragana Cvejić; 38:32 min.

Dr Dragana Cvejić
Streamed live on Nov 25, 2017
Trener za razne tehnike isceljenja i samoisceljenja!
Dr Dragana Cvejić


Valerija Đurđević
Published on Feb 19, 2017
Kako je moja štitnjača godinu dana od dijagnoze hipotireoze koju sam izlječila uz pomoć suplemenata i prehrane. Što Anthony William kaže o problemima sa štitnjačom, i kako ako ste na terapiji, probati uvesti promjene u prehranu kako biste s vremenom mogli smanjiti dozu lijekova. P.s. Krivo sam rekla u videu oko doze lijeka, koliko čujem uzima se Euthyrox u microgramima, a ne miligramima, ispričavam se - nisam nikad uzela taj lijek pa ne znam. :)

Produkcija: Crveni ruž d.o.o.
Snimanje i montaža: Valerija Đurđević
Glazba: Boris Đurđević
Video © Valerija Đurđević, 2017.

Sva prava na video zadržava autorica videa Valerija Đurđević. Nijedan dio ovog videa ne smije se upotrijebiti niti reproducirati na bilo koji način bez pisanog dopuštenja, osim slučaja kratkih navoda u kritikama ili člancima. Za sve upite možete se obratiti autorici na valerija@crveni-ruz.hr.


Informacije iznesene u ovom videu ne smiju se smatrati zamjenom za profesionalni medicinski savjet. Molimo da se obavezno posavjetujte s vašim liječnikom. Svako korištenje informacija iz ovog videa smatra se osobnom odlukom koju osoba poduzima dobrovoljno i na vlastiti rizik. Autorica ne može preuzeti odgovornost za gubitak, pritužbu ili štetu nastalu kao posljedica primjene savjeta iznesenih u ovom videu, kao i odluke da se ne potraži savjet liječnika.

Stitna zlezda i vitamin D3

Published on Apr 16, 2017
TV serijal “Ordinacija” je zamišljen kao edukativna forma koja obrađuje aktuelne teme iz oblasti medicine, psihologije, farmacije, ishrane, rekreacije, a konceptualno prilagođene današnjem načinu života i namenjena je celoj porodici.
Voditelj Ordinacije je dr Nada Macura.

Vitamin D - TRAGIČNA ISTINA; 4:39 min.

Velimir Gašparić
Published on Apr 6, 2017
Korumpirani znanstvenici i farmaceutske kuće govorile su kako svaka količina vitamina D veća od 400 IU može biti toksična. No, 1930-tih zbog velike ekonomske krize ove farmaceutske tvrtke nisu dobro poslovale pa su izbacile na tržište 3 nova čudotvorna lijeka ( da bi se spasili od ekonomskog propadanja ) koja su bila izuzetno učinkovita kod raka i svih ostalih bolesti – Dalsol, Deltalin i Drisdol – sva tri su bila samo obične pilule koje sadržavaju 50.000 IU vitamina D.
Usput su cijelo vrijeme u javnosti tvrdili kako je sve preko 400 IU vitamina D toksično i izuzetno štetno po zdravlje…..što je potpuno besmisleno ako imamo na umu da sunčanjem cijela tijela za 30 minuta u vlastitoj koži proizvedemo 10 000 – 20 000 IU D3 vitamina…

Lek za štitnu žlezdu, bolju krvnu sliku Čisti jetru, želudac i krv; 2:11 min.

Zivotna Sila
Published on Feb 9, 2017
Ovaj lek je poznat od davnina i jako se dobro pokazao kod problema štitne žlezde. Bogat je vitaminom C, B kompleksom, jodom, povoljno utiče na krvnu sliku, čisti jetru i želudac... Veoma je dobar i za zdrave osobe...

Jod i štitnjača; 17:20 min.

Valerija Đurđević
Published on Jan 16, 2018
Kako jod može pomoći usporenom radu štitne žlijezde i kakva su moja iskustva.

Produkcija: Crveni ruž d.o.o.


-- Adrijana Poka
9 months ago
molim nekog da mi odgovori...ja ga pijem. .tek pocinjem ...po 1-2 kapi...zbog stitne. ..uz to pijem i druge suplemente...povišen tsh ..smanjeni ft3 i ft4 ...antitela uredna. ..UZ cvoric 3 mm...Moze li mi neko reći kako da se lecim a da ne pijem eutirox....😦
-- Slavica Vuković
1 month ago
Lugolovu otopinu možete nabaviti u svakoj ljekarni uz privatni Rp vašeg lječnika.Piju se 2 kapi u polla čaše vode.
ruzica bosnjakovic
5 months ago
odlican je , koristim ga vec vise od 2 godine ...
-- Kliker Kliker
9 months ago
ovo je prava stvar,ja ga koristim vec 1 god. po dve kapi..najveca laz je da ga unosimo dovoljno putem hrane...konkretno sto se tice biljaka u njima nema vise nista osim kalcijuma,sve ostalo je samo u tragovima a razlog je hemijski i fizicki tretman zemljista tako da smo prinudjeni da se suplementiramo sa sto vise prirodnih jedinjenja..lug.rastvor je nesto najprirodnije
-- Kliker Kliker
8 months ago
Dusanka,lugolov rastvor se pravi u apoteci po formuli 5% joda...10% kalijum jodida...85% destilovane vode,preventivno se uzima 2 kapi dnevno sa casom vode i dodatkom 1 kasicice jabukovog sirceta,za ozbiljnije lecenje postoji tabela vremenske doze,deca ne piju vec im se maze unutrasnji deo lakta(ono mesto gde se vadi krv..ako ti treba za lecenje javi se da ti to bolje objasnim...inace kosta 50ml=400 din,

OBIČAN JOD, NAJJAČI ŽENSKI SAVEZNIK Koristite ga mesec dana, bićete oduševljeni!; 5:02 min.

Zivotna Sila
Published on Oct 9, 2017
-- Petar Pan
5 months ago (edited)

Everything You Need to Know About Iodine; 1:00:36 min.

Everything You Need to Know About Iodine; 1:00:36 min.
Published on Feb 20, 2014
What is Iodine, and what are its uses? Join Dr. Group for a special one hour webinar as he reviews its benefits and how you can supplement yourself with Iodine rich foods. Here is the nascent iodine supplement that I developed called Detoxadine. http://ghc.us/12y


Dr. Edward Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM is the founder and CEO of Global Healing Center. He assumes a hands-on approach to producing new and advanced life changing products and information to help you maintain a clean body and live a healthy lifestyle. It's our mission to bring back good health, positive thinking, happiness, and love.

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Global Healing Center1 year ago
+Going Cuckoo Hi and thanks for watching. Dr. Cousens Illumodine iodine is made with potassium iodine. The body has a more difficult time absorbing and using potassium iodine efficiently. In contrast, products made with Nascent Iodine are easily absorbed and used by the body. I hope this answers your question. Also, Global Healing Center's Nascent Iodine is made in a Glycerin base while Dr. Cousen uses a non GMO alcohol.
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Reply 29
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Global Healing Center
Global Healing Center2 years ago
Right you are +FairyWiillowLane! ACV can be harsh if taken alone that is why I always recommend diluding it with water before drinking it. My favorite mixture includes: 2 tablespoons of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 gallon of purified water and raw locally harvested honey. If you would like to know more about the benefits of ACV please read http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/the-benefits-of-apple-cider-vinegar/
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Reply 22
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InvestorPatricia8 months ago
OACV. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. It's an awesome supplement -- very alkalyzing for the body (to overcome acidic diet, chemical exposure, etc) and stabilizes blood sugar to control cravings.
Reply 3
Cootabux2 years ago
We can't trust our gov. to do the right thing because they don't have our best interest at heart.
Reply 95
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Alexis Sudin
Alexis Sudin2 days ago
Jeffery Barmann True. They breath the same air and eat food from the same soil. What they do to us they do to themselves.
fat cat
fat cat1 day ago
People are lazy and have big egos. you try and tell someone about all this, they will just look at you and say your an idiot people eat for taste not health, they rather have a beer than have a glass of water, cause that's what the majority have , and we are men and that's what men drink, dumb as fuck hay.
Erik Semambo
Erik Semambo3 years ago
I stopped and view the comments first because I knew there were going to be some '' haters '' that were going to down talk Dr. Group and his products . Let me first say that I ordered the Liver cleanse kit and the detoxadine because I follow Alex Jones. Alex Jones had Dr.Group on his show and they were talking about the importance of Iodine . I'm not going to go Into detail BUT make sure you go watch it. Anyway I got my stuff today and I've had problems with reading and picking up information ( brain fog ). First thing I did was to take out the iodine bottle . It said take 3 drops which I did. I went and took a shower and when I came out it felt like I was literally '' high'' . It was a mellow high but a high in which you could focus . I got butterflies in my stomach and it was tingling, then the my mood skyrocketed. It felt like I had been born again, like I'm a little kid who just woke up to the world. I couldn't believe that only 3 tiny drops of iodine would help me so immensely. I got my motivation and drive back and I'm overall just HAPPY . My mind was racing before this ,It would not shut up but now it has. Its total silence. I'm reading stuff now with so much ease its unbelievable. Just in one day ! Dr . Group is a nice soul who really cares about peoples health unlike commercial doctors who just follow a blueprint written by the pharma to make you sick and make money off you . The bottle is going to probably last me 1 or 2 months and I'm convinced that its going to help my body even more now that I'm going to take it everyday . All I want to say is thanks Dr.Group for your dedication and hard work to open up peoples minds and helping them understand the importance of health . P.S ... I have tried and bought a lot of supplements and they did not do shit but empty my bank account but this supplement for sure is working and is always going to have small base in my house. Dr. Group for PRESIDENT lol haha. I just wish he was my family doctor haha . 
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Reply 43
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Joseph Gabbard
Joseph Gabbard1 week ago
Garrett Spring gomco clamp plastibell or metzitzah b peh
Christina Gina
Christina Gina11 months ago
WOw, you are one of the good ones. So many doctors that are bought off by Big Pharma. Thank you.
Reply 36
Erik Semambo
Erik Semambo1 year ago
You fucking cunts he offers a 180 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied , ive used his products the supplements only though like nascent iodine when it was gold in color , and their oregano oil ..Both were amazing .. He however got another badge of iodine which had a different color and it was weaker in my opinion called in and I got my money back for that product..Now tell me if big pharma refunds killings of patients after ingestion of their meds ?? ! for all of you calling him quack.. He advises healthy food, sunshine and exercise too to live a healthy life , we should be grateful for a guy like this most doctors just prescribe you shit quick becausr they get $$ for each prescription..l Btw his oregano oil is the best !! The serotonin and dopamine relasee you get from it helps you just accomplish anything you want ...It improves your mood instantly for a long time with each droplet ..That shit lasted me for months and im fucking buying a shit load soon because that stuff is potent as hell.. Essential oils are vital in this toxic world we live in..The ones bashing seem like paid pharms trolls who are trying to debunk this man
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Jeffery Barmann
Jeffery Barmann2 weeks ago
You're right. But your method of delivery sorely lacks in sophistication when directing insults to others. That's not the manner to convert someone to your point of view --people who complain about this doctor most likely kick their dog when they get home every evening and cuss their way through each day. Mental activity can cancel out the benefits of working on physical health. I wish I could afford to purchase some of the stuff he mentions, but old and disabled. Good video.
Read more
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf3 years ago
Your selling it in bottle on your website, this is wrong, I eat fresh ginger, garlic, turmeric, cranberrys, kelp, honey, mackeral, oats, the list goes on and this aint no synthetic crap made in stupid labs, it was from mother earth were we came from, you need to wake up dude cos your going to be screwed some day. 
Reply 7
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subrina Tar
subrina Tar1 month ago
Lone Wolf you know mackerel is a top fish with mercury poisoning, you should eat salmon instead
Reply 2
Patrick White
Patrick White3 years ago
I really found this video very informative. I love it when Doctors are as honest about cures for diseases with simple solutions. I look for doctors that are informative about alternative medicine and I think Iodine seems to be a simple step to better health. Thank you so much and Keep up the excellent Webinars. I really appreciate knowing this information.

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Reply 23
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Patrick White
Patrick White3 years ago
The body needs Iodine. Nascent Iodine is the best iodine that the body can use right away because of it's molecular composition. I also learned that most of us are Iodine deficient. I already drink apple cider vinegar and lemon water together. But there is one worry I have I did the test to see if I was Iodine deficient. Regular alcohol Iodine on my wrist disappeared within 4 hours. I am wondering how does one know if they have an excess amount of Iodine in the system and what harm can it do?
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Reply 4
Scott L
Scott L6 months ago
I used atomodine for my test and it immediately dissapeard. I hear different things. Some say take one drop a day. others say take one drop first day, 2 drops 2nd day, etc up to 5 then stop for two day. do some thing the next week and then 3rd week keep going possibly up to 12 to 20 drops a day? Dr. What is the answer?
E. A. Mourn
E. A. Mourn2 years ago
I just recently started to take the survival shield Iodine supplement. My body is in big time detox mode, and I am floored at the way I am started to feel. FOOD tastes better....I know that may sound nuts but between that and the energy I now have, I feel very stupid that I didn't think of this myself. I have degrees (and many years of experience) in Chemistry(BS) and Medical Technology (BS ASCP)...so I am feeling REALLY dumb right now. I will say that after being a Quality Assurance Director in large pharmaceutical companies for many years now, I was successfully brainwashed in the "a pill for everything" mentality that all physicians seem to adhere to these days. I have seen a lot of horror stories with respect to new drug development. One of the last two firms I was QA Director showed very ugly underbellies of the pharma world (CRO for clinical trial materials)....so much so that now I am in medical device regulation. I also held a position as the DIrector of QA in a Nutraceutical Mfg firm who did not think it was necessary to follow the mandatory regulations that were effective back in 2009. What I can say about all the research I have done on Dr. Group and his work in the manufacture of these vital supplements is that they are of superior quality, something that is rare these days.
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Reply 15
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Teresa Soto
Teresa Soto1 year ago
xxn. iigfyeje iré x vgesu.
Tessa Gurley
Tessa Gurley11 months ago
Brilliant video and I LOVE how you tell it like it is.
Keep it up!
Reply 13
Walser09FilmAffinity6 months ago
He is a seller, though
Reply 3
C P9 months ago
OMG. I have to tell you that I started with three drops a day of Detoxadine and exactly a week later, I was running around with more energy than I have had in YEARS and had to sit down and think about what was different. Of course, I looked at the date I received my Detoxadine in the mail and it was exactly 8 days prior. I had started taking it the day after I got it and I am here to tell you I KNOW I have energy that comes from Detoxadine. I was flabberghasted and I am feeling so much better! This is a miracle for me! Thank you so much!! I will NEVER be without this!
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Reply 13
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Jimmy Fortenberry
Jimmy Fortenberry2 months ago
which iodine do you recommend
CBPfromTN2 months ago
I recommend Detoxadine. Google it. It's the best!
Reply 2
TARA ERICSON2 years ago
I've been taking kelp off and on to "treat" hypothyroidism, because I refuse to take pharmaceuticals... and for 15 years I've sworn off synthroid. But recently I started using nascent iodine. I take 2,700 mcg a day and I feel INCREDIBLE.
Oh yes, I had a few healing crises and had to gradient into taking it, but THIS IS IT.
Thank you Dr. Group for explaining this to me ^_^
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Reply 11
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Indigo Sunset
Indigo Sunset8 months ago
thats why you need to supplement with 200 to 400mcg of selenium to keep the thyroid from shutting down while on iodine. it wont enlarge and goiter if you do
Reply 4
Citizen Brain
Citizen Brain2 years ago
AVOID SOY. Besides being high in Estrogen, Soya is commonly used as a decontamination crop for Brownfield recovery/remediation because it tends to concentrate soil toxins in it's plant matter...
Reply 10
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Vicki B.
Vicki B.1 year ago
+Vegan Visionary I avoid Soy like the plague. Also, as much as 98% of soy is GMO. Stay away from it. :)
Reply 8
Travis1 year ago
She was eating raw soybeans?
Lorene De Amor
Lorene De Amor2 years ago
My daughter in law is pregnant with my grandson and she insists she is allergic to idodine and I am so sad that they won't take it as a supplement. She eats the gummy bear supplements and I am so disgusted that all my concern falls on deaf ears. I have let it go and will just go about helping those that come to me for assistance at the health food store I work at! Thank you for your video post! I shared this with all my facebook friends :) My grandpa is 100 years old and it is because of applecider vinegar! Loved your wisdom :) YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I appreciate you. Thanks
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Reply 6
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Scary Eyeball
Scary Eyeball4 weeks ago (edited)
she's lying to you about being allergic to iodine. she is just afraid of trying it. everyone needs it to live and it exists in everyones' body naturally, but most people are severely deficient. it would be like being allergic to vitamin c. i highly doubt that allergy exists in anyone.
Reply 1
Laszlo Nemeti
Laszlo Nemeti1 week ago
Lorene De Amor Q
Hugh Christian
Hugh Christian2 years ago (edited)
You're still going to die.
" Approximately 95% of people are going to die of something if they live long enough." (Ricky-Bobby)
Reply 6
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subrina Tar
subrina Tar1 month ago
Hugh Christian we will die one day our hearts will give up but we don't need to suffer and die with diseases like hypothyroidism, osteoporosis, arthritis, we can keep our selves healthy and enjoy even in old age .
Brian Wilkins
Brian Wilkins3 weeks ago
smiley97691 year ago
You need to help the children of Flint Michigan
detox from lead!
Reply 5
Rod Crosser
Rod Crosser3 years ago
Thyroid Gland and every human cell.
Reply 4
madamoiselle c
madamoiselle c2 years ago
At least he knows the REAL purpose of fluoride and he is a doctor!! Usually they push fluoridated water...
Reply 4
Rose E
Rose E1 month ago
I am tired to reading how this guy's looks stoned or popping pulls. Frankly if you had half a brain you would realized the doctor is tired. They work a whole lot of hours...he is stretching himself thin doing his normal job and doing the research for these videos and other research he has mention. Your just ignorant.
Reply 4
dontcare4412 years ago
Props to Dr. Group for spreading this message and educating people about this. Sadly most people are too ignorant to research this subject...they will just go to a doctor that will give them pills to mask their problem.

How to Remove Moles with Iodine Solution!; 6:31 min.

How to Remove Moles with Iodine Solution!; 6:31 min.
Published on Aug 28, 2012
This video shows you how to remove moles with iodine solution at home. I used 5% iodine solution to remove a mole on my forearm and I show you what it looks like after one week of treatment. Iodine solution works to remove all kinds of skin moles as long as you apply it twice daily for 4 - 6 weeks. As I said in the video, check with a dermatologist or your doctor if you suspect unhealthy changes in any of your moles and this video should not replace standard medical treatment.
Howto & Style
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Vegas Flatout1 year ago
No need to see a doctor. I've used 2% lugals. On my face around my eyes. No scaring. Skin all cleared up in a week. Best stuff. Even the sore sun spots.
Reply 13
קורל לייבו
קורל לייבו1 year ago
+Vegas Flatout Can you pls give us more details about what you've done specifically?
Im super desperate to remove my under eye spot,and all the tiny ones on my face
Reply 2
Caribbean Wold Service
Caribbean Wold Service1 year ago
+‫קורל לייבו‬‎ Before applying to a mole, use a cotton swab (Qtip) to circle immediately outside border of mole with oil (I used coconut oil but olive or other would work, too). This helps keep iodine from traveling outside of mole and irritating healthy skin. Under eye skin is particularly delicate --have not used in that location. Then apply Lugol's Solution 2% (I used J. Crow's brand) iodine at least one time per day. If you use at night, the brown iodine stain on skin should be gone by morning. BE WARNED: IT DOES TEMPORARILY STAIN SKIN. It will not simply wash off if you drip it on dry skin. In my experience, it took about a month to clear up a mole the size of a pencil eraser.
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Reply 3
d jones
d jones2 years ago
so far I've seen videos using tea tree oil to burn it off .. apple cider vinegar to burn it off .. and now iodine to burn it off .. which is the best choice ?
Reply 10
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Xavier Prime
Xavier Prime1 month ago
I use engine cleaner....now i can see my circuits...
Unohana Yachiru
Unohana Yachiru3 weeks ago
If you want the best method for removing moles, warts, or skin tags then go here now: SkinGood. info
Prence3 years ago
I'm sorry but that made me laugh when you put it on the mole. :)
Reply 6
Barbara Halbert
Barbara Halbert3 years ago
when I was a teenager,I got a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot. I did mot tell my mom because I knew she would take me to the Dr. and he surely would cut a hole in my foot. Well...this wart took over the whole heal and ball of my foot. I really couldn't tell her now...they would have to cut my whole foot off!!! This was in 1975,n internet then! I don't know how I knew what to do,but I started putting iodine on the whole area at bed time. In a matter of a few weeks,They were all gone!
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MAXX POWERS3 years ago
Dear Barbara Halbert
Your post is very encouraging to read. It is 3:27am and I am researching "moles" because my wife has had an unsightly and potentially problematic elevated raisin sized mole on the bottom of her foot her entire life and I aiming at getting her to realize that it is time for that sucker to go! You have provided useful correlation to this young ladys very helpful video,, and you have also provided some much needed affirmation and hope. Thank you

May I ask: What effect did removing your mole have on your mood/personality, self esteem/confidence and over all sense of well being or self image. If I could wager a prediction,, I would expect nothing short of monumental beneficial changes for all of the above. Would my prediction be accurate?

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Reply 1
get well
get well9 months ago
+MAXX POWERS u should love herfor everything she is
David Jones
David Jones2 years ago
Do you have the links for your update videos on your moles treated with iodine?

This does work, but not by burning the skin. When applied topically iodine induces apoptosis, or programmed cell death. The cells that die are replaced with new healthy cells. This process occurs from the bottom up, which is why you won't notice any difference to the treated area for several days or up to a week. The surface looks normal, but something is happening underneath the surface.

Eventually, you may see your treated area develop small spots in it. I used this for treating scars. In the center, the scar starts to breakdown and eventually you are left with a crust or scab on top of the scar. When this falls off you see new skin that is very red, and because this happens from the bottom up you don't scar. The whole process from start to scab falling off takes about 3 weeks in my case.

Iodine also seems to affect only unhealthy tissue. Regular tissue seems to be unaffected, which is quite amazing how iodine knows how to do this. So don't worry is you get some on normal skin. I use a q-tip to paint the scar.

I paint my scars twice a day. You can cover them with vaseline to prevent evaporation of the iodine, as unless you do this around 80% of the iodine evaporates by the next day. So covering them with vaseline speeds up the regeneration process.

Also, it's a good idea to pour a small amount of iodine in a separate smaller bottle. This helps to preserve the potency of the iodine, as over time it will evaporate when you keep opening the bottle top.
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David Jones
David Jones2 months ago
You can give it some time to recover if you want, there is no rush. Flattening raised skin takes longer, so you must be patient.

Here's some good info on iodine skin absorption, basically nothing to worry about:

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Jordan Deakin
Jordan Deakin2 months ago
David Jones I'm more than happy to apply my next treatment I'm just worried it will poison me as the skin is a little broken I'm keen to keep up the treatment now the new skin is showing, to allow it to start breaking down the next layer.
I won't be using bandaids this time as they irritate my skin
Jimmy Laguna Montano
Jimmy Laguna Montano3 years ago
She is beautiful. I'll marry you if you are virgin baby
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Jimmy Laguna Montano
Jimmy Laguna Montano1 year ago
of course as the bible says
R Jones
R Jones2 months ago
She's a good helpful character, so I'll happily marry her if she can get rid of that mole and can have a face transplant. Don't really care whether a virgin or not.
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goldphysh1 year ago
Personally I wouldn't use any iodine I couldn't ingest. BUT I have to say this is VERY interesting. i used to have a terrible problem w/moles when I was younger - now 20 years later I have almost none. The difference? I've been taking iodine drops (internally) for the past 7 yrs. Iodine deficiency is related to a lot of issues, goiter, thyroid problems (esp hypo thyroid), fertility issues, Endometriosis and much more. Getting sufficient iodine also decreases your risk for cancer - exp breast and reproductive cancers. Which makes sense since the bodies main organs for storing iodine are the thyroid and reproductive organs.
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Sitaifun Mac
Sitaifun Mac1 year ago
Phil Thomas extensively studied the readings of Edgar Cayce and says he is the only one who produces detoxified iodine correctly as per Cayce's instructions. You can find this iodine and his interview on Patrick Timpone's site http://www.oneradionetwork.com You can safely use this iodine internally or topically; just a few drops are needed.
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Fantasy world
Fantasy world1 year ago
do i really have to use 5% iodine??
Suzie X
Suzie X2 years ago
Codex alimetarius = all minerals, supplements, nutrients ,vitamins are all being labled as poison. Up is down .. War is peace , ignorance is strength. If we don't remember in a generation the powers that should not be will convince everyone that they know better than us. Knowledge is illegal. Turpintine is an essential oil like frankensence and myrrh. We must remember before they label all nutrients poison and illegal. Look up codex alimetarius it's still on YouTube for now. 
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Reply 8
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R Jones
R Jones3 months ago
The only reason that iodine is "poisonous" is because it causes huge damage to the profits of the corporate cancer "treatment" industry. I ingest several drops of that stuff a day. Admittedly I can no longer get out of bed, but argghh
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gemini16th3 months ago
..."ingest" Iodine? You've got to be kidding.
Russian American
Russian American1 year ago
Skip 4 minutes to see procedure.
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Baby Doll Branda
Baby Doll Branda1 year ago
TamerOfTheCats2 months ago
Russian American you know your in the right place when a Russian is in the comments ps I'm Russian
Gregory Bryant
Gregory Bryant2 years ago
Thanks. Power to the people!
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SummerNights & Neon lights
SummerNights & Neon lights1 year ago
+Walter Butler your an idiot !
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Walter Butler
Walter Butler1 year ago
+shroomers1 that looks like Sour Puss can't take a joke and it is all butt hurt why won't you cry like a little baby sissy so fucking joke can't you take a joke loser
segamegadrive342 years ago
I found out a way to get rid of a mole. get a sewing needle and poke it through the mole and twist the mole off.
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pen mightygun
pen mightygun1 year ago
+segamegadrive34 thats for ground moles you moron
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Arthur Deguia
Arthur Deguia2 weeks ago
Noo! It will get bigger!! The mole has cancer cells, so you need some things to remove it.
NA Aguilar
NA Aguilar2 years ago
Great video,you're not hard on the eyes either ;)
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Fox Nod
Fox Nod11 months ago
Nice job on the video Davidson! Just so you know Lugols solution is Iodine/Potassium Iodide and is used from everything to oral intake via Lugols drops like your 5% or Lodoral and has been used in the Lugols formula for almost 200 years. Its incredibly safe. Dr's Guy Abraham, Dr, David Brownstein and Jorge Flechas started the Iodine Revolution about 20 years ago and have done amazing work. As for the skin cancer and Iodine, Dr. Tulio Simoncini is a leader in that protocol but you are right on though he used 7% which is readily available on ebay. Actually you can buy the Iodine crystals or prills along with the potassium iodide on ebay and very easily make it yourself at a fraction of the cost. Brwonstein to this day still uses some 200+mg a day (about 1000 US RDA) for breast cancer and prostate while the average Japanese intake is some 13.8mg a day, about 100x our RDA. So..Lugols Iodine/potassium Iodide solutions are incredibly safe. If what you read doesn't have the likes of the above doctors citing work, I would question it. The science and history on Lugols is 200 years and growing again with billions served and no deaths from it recorded. Blessings.
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prince gerald
prince gerald2 years ago
This seems a bit of a dodgy method.
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Flame2 years ago
I'd assume that going to a dermatologist and getting the moles removed would be more pleasant than applying that solution daily.
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Davison (DavisonVideo)
Davison (DavisonVideo)2 years ago
+Flame Not necessarily. You can peel the mole gradually this way and the scars often wind up flat, versus sometimes dermatologist cuts deeper and leaves scars.
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NeonAera2 years ago
Do you think I could use this on a big flat mole that's on my arm? The mole I have is scarred by the way, because I have had it surgically removed a long time ago, but IT CAME BACK SOMEHOW.. The melanin got back to those areas and unfortunately and I'm left with a rather shiny slick scarred mole.. What do you think of using raw organic apple cider vinegar? I have some on hand, perhaps I should use what I have right now, try it out first, before using iodine assuming it's safe on my scarred mole? Thanks.
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Sumit Kaundal
Sumit Kaundal2 years ago
+NeonAera Lovely Video! Apologies for chiming in, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you considered - Trentvorty Visible Beauty Theorem (search on google)? It is an awesome exclusive product for removing moles minus the normal expense. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my old buddy Taylor got amazing results with it.
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Lauren Johnson
Lauren Johnson1 year ago
+NeonAera I used apple cidar vinegar patch bandaid on my mole for a week (keep on 24/7) then when the molehead crusted up I scraped it off and then use polysporin (not ACV) cream under a bandaid; refresh every 24 hours for a week and it will be gone and no scar at all.
Naassen Diamond
Naassen Diamond3 years ago
people are deficient in iodine, which is why any "normal" salt found in restaurants or in a grocery store has iodine added. Its called iodized salt, to help people get the iodine they are deficient.
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StardustSpaceMonkey3 years ago
Go remove then surgically if you want to get rid of them. What your doing with iodine -alcohol solution is basicly burning the skin in its surface away (or denaturing proteins) but the problem is that the root of moles go way deeper than the surface you are removing. Irritading skin and especially moles like that could lead to hazardous mutations.
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jack gibes
jack gibes1 month ago
nascent iodine is safe to ingest as a supplement
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Jus tin
Jus tin1 year ago
it's on my face and i want to do this.... is that a betadine?? lol

DYI Lugol's Solution Iodine - Make Your Own 5% HOW TO AT HOME; 7:45 min.

DYI Lugol's Solution Iodine - Make Your Own 5% HOW TO AT HOME; 7:45 min.
Published on Feb 25, 2015
DYI Lugol's Solution Iodine - Make Your Own 5% HOW TO AT HOME
Just Some Of The Health Benefits of Iodine
Certain hormones, like thyroxin and triodothyronine, influence heart rate, blood pressure, body weight and temperature. The body maintains the BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) with the help of these hormones, which also helps in protein synthesis. Ensuring their normal creation and distribution in the body is key to maintaining health, so maintaining the thyroid gland which they come from is essential.
Energy Levels: Iodine also plays an important role in maintaining optimal energy levels of the body by ensuring the efficient utilization of calories, without allowing them to be deposited as excess fats.
Healthy nails, hair and teeth: The health benefits of iodine include the formation of healthy and shiny skin, teeth and hair. Iodine is an important element for hair care, as a lack of this mineral can result in hair loss. Moreover, it also speeds up hair growth and increases follicle strength.
Reproductive System: Iodine helps in the normal growth and maturity of reproductive organs. A sufficient quantity of iodine in pregnant women is essential to prevent stillbirths or neurocognitive conditions like cretinism in the newborn babies. It can also lead to gestational hypertension, which can result in a number of complications during infancy. Iodine also ensures proper movement and growth, along with speech and hearing abilities. Furthermore, besides affecting the health of the baby once it is conceived, a deficiency in iodine can actually make a woman infertile!
Immune System Strength: Most people focus on the thyroid gland implications of iodine, but it has other functions, including being a major booster of the immune system. Iodine is itself a scavenger of free hydroxyl radicals, and that, like vitamin-C, it also stimulates and increases the activity of antioxidants throughout the body to provide a strong defensive measure against various diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Some studies showed iodine directly protecting brain cells of rats from the harmful effects of free radicals by bonding to fatty acids in the cell membranes, leaving less room for free radicals to affect the organism.
Hypothyroidism: This condition is characterized by an under-active thyroid gland, and results in the general slowing down of all bodily processes as the chemical balance in your body goes off track. One of the most common results of hypothyroidism is a large increase in weight, because your body simply doesn’t burn off the calories of food and turn it into useful energy.
Some other effects of hypothyroidism are fatigue, dry skin, trouble concentrating, constipation, cramps, and leg swelling.
Fibrocystic disease: Iodine can significantly reduce conditions like fibrosis, turgidity, and breast tenderness.
Cancer Prevention: Probably the most important health benefit of iodine apart from its thyroidal influence is its anti-carcinogenic properties. Studies have shown that cancer cells shrink after being injected with iodine, and at times, they even undergo apoptosis (automatic cell death) and are then replaced with healthier cells.
Iodine removes toxic chemicals: Iodine can flush out chemical toxins like fluoride, lead, mercury, and biological toxins.
Thyroid and Goiter disorders: Iodine deficiency is widely recognized as the basic cause of Goiter.
A Few Words of Caution: Iodine overdose of more than 2,000 mg could be dangerous, especially in people suffering from kidney ailments or tuberculosis. When taken in excess,
Read more: http://www.chemistryexplained.com/ele...

Search Elemental Iodine Prilled Prills and Potassium IODIDE Crystals
Health Facts About Iodine: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-b... https://www.organicfacts.net/health-b...
Original Video: http://youtu.be/Q2H98c4NIjM

Calculate Dosage http://www.jcrows.com/calculating.html
Testing http://www.naturalendocrinesolutions....
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Top comments
Dave Bachand
Dave Bachand7 months ago (edited)
Good presentation!! ... to test a person for Iodine deficiency you put a drop on your wrist
and spread it out to about the size of quarter, if you can see the discoloration of the skin after 4 hours then you are not deficient!
Reply 8
Al Patino
Al Patino4 months ago
Dave Bachand good to know friend!
Reply 1
John B
John B11 months ago
There is a government conspiracy to lower overall IQ's by not putting iodine in our food like they did in 1982, the year it was removed from milk and bread. in the 30's and up to the 80's IQ's improved in the general population with the addition of iodine and now IQ's are falling and it's not the Flynn effect explanation, it's lack of iodine.
Reply 13
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Hans Sachs
Hans Sachs2 months ago
The decline in the average American IQ is because you went from 90% white to 60% but that's also the governments fault so you are right to blame them
Reply 4
Nam Tín Vũ
Nam Tín Vũ2 months ago
John B k
Napigator1 year ago
Upon doing a little research, I found that the thyroid produces T-4 (molecules with four atoms of iodine) and T-3 (molecules with three atoms of iodine), which is more active form, at a ratio of 20 to 1. The body needs selenium to make T-3 from the T-4 in the liver, gallbladder and lungs. Raw Brazil nuts have the most concentration of selenium in food and so would be a good healthy fat to consume when taking iodine.
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Reply 4
lizajane555558 months ago
Awesome, one day Iodine was no longer in stores to buy. I never thought to make my own, but now I will.
Reply 2
Kat S
Kat S1 year ago
Where can I buy the items to make this, pls? I don't see a link to purchase.
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Kat S
Kat S1 year ago
B. Empson
B. Empson1 year ago
I got mine off Amazon, it all cost me $43.13
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Marineide Fernandes
Marineide Fernandes10 months ago
Algun sitio en España para comprar que no sea Amazon?
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Arbol Vida Salud total
Arbol Vida Salud total6 months ago
dbolt237 months ago
i would be interested in purchasing from you if you are still selling, I'm not sure if i am deficient and i am trying not to spend 27 dollars for something i might not need
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Shardha s.p
Shardha s.p1 year ago
hey tnks em suffering with lost of hair "n had a thyroid problem for a few months . I got a lugol"s 2% iodine but not sure how mush is d dosage ? wat u recommended tnks helpful video n tnks again
Reply 1
Man Living Naturally
Man Living Naturally1 year ago
I cannot recommend how much to use other than to say, start slow and possibly have your physician evaluate your iodine deficiency. I really hope this helps :) contact me again if I can help further.
Shardha s.p
Shardha s.p1 year ago
tnks again for trying means a lot god bless
Reply 1
Man Living Naturally
Man Living Naturally1 year ago
You're welcome anytime! :)
cheese burger
cheese burger1 year ago
+Man Living Naturally thanks from me too excellent stuff.
craziii37 months ago
thanks alot for this sir.
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John B
John B11 months ago
the blue iodine crystals are the best form to buy.
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Orion Von Walker
Orion Von Walker10 months ago
why? your statement gives no facts. explain yourself.
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LithiumLeopard8 months ago
Orion Von Walker I think he means grey (to me its grey). When iodine is in its purist form (crystallized) it becomes a grey color instead of purple.
Sandra Hendricks
Sandra Hendricks4 months ago
I take iodine everyday. When I don't, I can tell the difference dramatically. I was sold on taking iodine after I became ill this last January. My son brought me a bottle and after the first dose, I could tell the difference. I even had a spurt of energy, which surprised me as all I could do was lay on the couch. Now I tell everyone, but not everyone wants to believe it. I appreciate you sharing the skin test, as I was not sure how to do that. I was brought up downstream from Hanford, in Washington State. At that time the radiation was being dumped the Columbia River, which was used for drinking, crop watering and swimming. I am sad that I suffered so many years, but now thankful and blessed to know the truth and able to feel better!
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Jean Dupla
Jean Dupla2 years ago
Hi, i have a question about the iodine. I just saw how to make iodine crystals and to make that i need potassium iodide, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide and water. But I'm cofused because to make the lugol's solution you use the iodine crystals and "again" the potassium iodide, why use potassium iodide again if it's already in the iodine crystals? Thank you for the video!
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montmorencyyou1 year ago
+Jean Dupla Iodine is the element, the thing you see in the periodic table, along with chlorine, bromine and fluorine.

Potassium iodide is a compound, containing the element iodine, plus the metallic element potasium.

Some people do use the words "iodine" and "iodide" interchangeably, but it's strictly speaking incorrect in terms of chemistry.
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Jean Dupla
Jean Dupla1 year ago
+montmorencyyou Oh thank you so much, I found it very complicated to get understand the difference because of my poor English, again thank you so much! When in the future I got another question on this subject can I contact you?

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alcpzuma2 years ago
how long can it take for the iodine prills to completely dissolve?
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Man Living Naturally
Man Living Naturally2 years ago
+alcpzuma about 8 hours
alcpzuma2 years ago
+Man Living Naturally I actually wanted to know the longest it could take...mine finally fully dissolved 4 days later.
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truth freeze
truth freeze1 year ago
can only buy one ounce of IODINE peer year per feds so we need to learn howto convert IODIDE to IODINE first esp.for protection long term for fuku radiation.
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droidcrasher10 months ago
You'd think he'd at least get the guy's NAME right!
LUGOL !!!!
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makeuplover799 months ago
The name is French and is pronounced correctly, the L is silence.
droidcrasher9 months ago
I'm French Speaking...
And the L... IS NOT... Silent! ;-)
Try Again!
Norman Spurgeon
Norman Spurgeon1 week ago
Lots of nice clear information- except- after you make it, what is the dose per day?
Zena Sklir
Zena Sklir1 week ago (edited)
i have 5%-iodine is it right one solution ? can I drink it 1 -2 drops dilute in distill water ? and I do take potassium 1 tab a day
MsBasiic1 month ago
iodine is chemical right? but i wonder is it all nature product idk :(
Deep in the Eyes
Deep in the Eyes1 week ago
yes it is! its mined from the ground :)
Merritt Olsen
Merritt Olsen2 months ago
how much was the 50 gr of Iodine? how much was the potassium Iodide?

How to make 10% Lugol's iodine for $10

Published on Jul 10, 2016
People & Blogs
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ears2hear2017 Ministry4Jesus3 months ago
hi, I see the "Prilled" is cheaper and looks like small beads...is this the same effect when dissolving? Can I use this the same? Acs and Usp grade is on the info. about it, so I was wondering if I could go a cheaper route or not. Thanks!
truth freeze jj
truth freeze jj1 year ago
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truth freeze
truth freeze1 year ago
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truth freeze
truth freeze1 year ago