Daljinska kontrola coveka - Mind Control - Ima prevod!

Управление сознанием человека на расстоянии. Как это происходит -
Published on Mar 4, 2016
Можно ли с помощью гипноза или электромагнитного излучения заставить человека совершить поступок против его воли? Доверить ли пульт управления собой кому-либо, или самому в буквальном смысле взять себя в руки? Ответы на эти вопросы вы найдёте, посмотрев этот фильм. Современный человек, оценивая свои поступки, порой говорит: "не понимаю, как я мог это сделать", "на меня словно что-то нашло", "это будто был не я"... Серьёзные учёные и исследователи-самоучки, доктора медицины и "профессиональные маги" заявляют: в мире давно существуют технологии дистанционного управления поведением и поступками человека.

Не приходится сомневаться, что некоторые люди действительно наделены даром воздействия на окружающих. Когда исполнитель главной роли в фильме АССА Сергей Бугаев по прозвищу Африка привел к Сергею Соловьёву группу "Кино", режиссёр не рассмотрел в Викторе Цое ничего особенного. Но скоро у Соловьёва появилась возможность убедиться, что Цой обладал не только талантом, но и удивительной силой психологического воздействия на людей. Для финальной сцены фильма нашли большую открытую площадку. Узнав, что сниматься будет Цой, собралась массовка – две с половиной тысячи человек. Всем раздали по коробку спичек. И Соловьёв понял, что толпа под воздействием Цоя становится совершенно неуправляемой.

Правда о сверхсекретной военной программе по дистанционному управлению человеческим сознанием. Почему подобные программы в России и США были почти одновременно и независимо друг от друга прикрыты?

✔ Подпишись - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzJ2...
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Uticaj Reci na DNK-Zdravlje-Svest-Nesvesno=Ima prevod!

Слова влияют на ДНК, здоровье, сознание, жизнь человека
Published on Apr 24, 2015
Ученые выяснили, что перед возникновением новых звезд в галактике возникает какой-то странный сигнал, который можно воспроизвести в звуковом диапазоне. Получается, звук и слова влияют на Вселенную! Человеческая речь прямо воздействует на ДНК, на окружающий мир, способна исцелять.
Великая сила слов. Тайны мира: https://youtu.be/v6zhxqFlMWI
Тайны мира будоражат создание как великих ученых, так и простых обывателей. Все непознанное и необъяснимое привлекает внимание уже многие тысячи лет. На нашем канале вы найдете подборку документальных фильмов, которая раскроет все тайны мира! Это документальный проект с Анной Чапман и Игорем Прокопенко на Рен-ТВ.
Смотрите наши новые видео о мистическом, непознанное и необъяснимом. Все секреты мира и загадки Вселенной в научно-популярных и документальных фильмах на канале "Тайны мира. Загадки Вселенной."
ВСЕ ТАЙНЫ МИРА: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Film & Animation
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PIZZA GATE, Marina Abramovic the Pedo Queen; 25:24 Min.; Ima mogucnost prevoda!

Published on Nov 23, 2016
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License
Railroad Reg1 week ago
What gets me is that no one wants to know.
Reply 69
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karen mcardle
karen mcardle7 hours ago (edited)
+Joni Preston​ . My family are the same, it's just a conspiracy to them . I know ppl affected by this abuse from Jersey island to the mainland UK. & ofcourse myself . It is too negative for some & disgusts ppl even to talk of it but abuse is rife & needs to be spoken about & not kept as a dirty secret . That's what the child is left with Guilt, feeling dirty & worst of all they think their to blame. I know I went through all these feelings .
God bless 
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Joni Preston
Joni Preston7 hours ago
I can't stand the thought of these abuses going on and no one giving it the attention it deserves!! I am sorry for your suffering and the things that you go through as a result. God is with us, and those kids. They may not know it, but He is. We keep praying and exposing them no matter what anyone says. If anything, this publicity must have slowed their operation down a little. I just saw that over 40 kids went missing in Virginia in October alone, compared to 3 in April. It revolves around their winter solstace and the Halloween activities I guess. But VA has way too many for their size - CA has a ton also (missing children). We need to do something!!
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Reply 3
Jonathan Miller
Jonathan Miller49 minutes ago
Your doing a great job, only using a phone! good work!
dwc coffman
dwc coffman7 hours ago
worship of Abraxas
Tavarish Byele
Tavarish Byele7 hours ago
How completely shocking that the high priestess of Satan is Jewish...
Anne Broadhurst
Anne Broadhurst7 hours ago
I retract not a witch an attention seeker who's sucked up the weak.
Merilly Hughes
Merilly Hughes1 week ago
IF She is an Artist then I am an LION>..lol
Reply 33
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SUGARPOP735 days ago
Ellie North Picasso was not very good either . They convinced you he was a genius but he didn't even believe it himself . In a moment if honesty he admired in a letter to a good friend how he felt an imposter and how he was praised every time he did some of his most Hideous creations. He had talent but he only showed it at the beginning of his career.
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Katrina M
Katrina M1 day ago
best comment👍.theyre just calling it art to throw us off but its a meeting of evil spirits.thts why people are weeping and acting strange.small spirits meeting the big boss spirit.the people are just vessels for them including this so called artist
Anne Broadhurst
Anne Broadhurst7 hours ago
this is a witch that high society politictions media and famous are mesmerised by??why???what mind set do these people have?!!?lost souls I ain't.
poligon3338 hours ago
Sick satanic shit. These people are in power. No wonder, the result is gay rights > gay marriage> children adopted by sodomites -> transgender -> men in your daughters toilet = pedophilia
Charlie Mancini
Charlie Mancini9 hours ago
These people are probably a part of some ritual they aren't even aware of. Shes probably feeding off their energy/life force.
NetTubeUser9 hours ago
Few days ago, she was considered as a witch and today she is a..."Pedo Queen". The "Witch-Pedo-Queen" OK, um...what next? This is really childish, honestly...oh, well... :X
Reverend Fry
Reverend Fry1 week ago
Kabbalah black magic
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2denni3 days ago
Torah and Talmud - Kabbalah - occult stuff.
Reply 4
Phoenix SyndikArt
Phoenix SyndikArt9 hours ago
why do you guys allways have to make those kind of videos so fucking boring and without any concept or red threat. it is a very important case but you will not wake up people with that kind of boring and lame videos. just clickbait, nothing more
Peter Pixie
Peter Pixie10 hours ago
Lol you can't even read you dumb fuck
Reply 2
Daniel De La Rosa
Daniel De La Rosa11 hours ago
Sam and Dean Winchester need to out them.
keisha jennings
keisha jennings11 hours ago
Marina AMBROMOVIC is 70 years old, soooo yeah she's demon-possessed for sure...
The SoulFrog
The SoulFrog1 hour ago
keisha jennings NYTimes published an article stating that blood from young mice rejuvenated old mice. She's using the children's blood.
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keisha jennings
keisha jennings26 minutes ago
The SoulFrog I have been suspecting the same thing...I heard Madonna say something really creepy in an interview she did in Europe one time, the interviewer remarked about how young she looks, and she replied something like "that's because I am ACTUALLY growing YOUNGER"...and she was totally serious.
I read somewhere that the Kabbalah child sacrifice rituals are about basically taking on the positive energy of the child, the essence. I also believe this SAME idea of stealing the essence of the child, or maybe his or her soul, is also what inspires the pedophilia amongst these occult witches, they like to corrupt the child, feed on their innocence, and they enjoy watching the destruction of the child. That is certainly what Moloch & Baal & Satan desires from the child sacrifices, they consume the essence of the child, so these followers of these cults are into the occult because they wish to become like gods...

Also, when I watched the parts of the "spirit cooking" Marina does, it reminded me of Elizabeth Bathory, she used to like to bathe in the blood of her slaves because she believed it kept her looking young...she would have her servants string up a slave on the ceiling above her tub and she would use a sword to slice them open allowing the blood to rain down all over her, sick sick woman, she murdered hundreds of people for their blood...anyway, these types of beliefs and rituals goes back REALLY as far back as I have searched in recorded history.
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Merilly Hughes
Merilly Hughes1 week ago
Mentally Ill. she is possessed..PURE EVIL>
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Aries 1217
Aries 12176 days ago
+BlackhandAl And why is it that you're so familiar with such things?
BlackhandAl6 days ago
+Aries 1217 Because my hobby is to torture peoples in my cellar 1 stringe of acid right into the venes and the peoples will hafe an funny time hahahaha after i tortured them i fuck there organs and then i eat them :)
Reply 1
keisha jennings
keisha jennings11 hours ago
The biggest deception everrrr...and these people are soooo morally bankrupt.
keisha jennings
keisha jennings11 hours ago
Wanna know what "Dust" means? It means "sin". Soooo, what she is saying on the magazine cover of Dust magazine is to sin with that child...#pedophilia
Linda Bakker
Linda Bakker13 hours ago
it's all about mocking the innocent. A deep hatred for life and the sacred divine, which is life and giving it. They must have been traumatized at one point. It is really pathetic. I pity them.
SLICK RICK13 hours ago
commentary is hilarious bro!



Published on Nov 20, 2017
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ФИЛЬМ УДАЛЯЮТ СО ВСЕХ ИНТЕРНЕТ ПОРТАЛОВ- жатва-это переход.. часть 2; 57:43 min.

ФИЛЬМ УДАЛЯЮТ СО ВСЕХ ИНТЕРНЕТ ПОРТАЛОВ- жатва-это переход.. часть 2; 57:43 min.
Published on Jan 26, 2017
People & Blogs
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