Komentari na prvi clanak! - #180-#240 ....

annamaria says:

Don’t’ project your dissatisfaction with your insignificance on the highly accomplished Unz. If you believe in your knowledge and intelligence, try to refute the article point by point. Otherwise, you look small.

• Agree: Ace


that “Nurit Baytch” woman

LOL, “That Woman”, cute, cute …..


annamaria says:

Please, present your own Weltanschauung, in the context of this article, so that we could assess and compare your intellectual honesty and courage with Unz’ intellectual honesty and courage.

• Replies: @utu


annamaria says:

“But your claims that “our media pundits regularly identify Putin as ‘the new Hitler’” seems largely untrue.”
– How “largely?” The MSM has been on Clinton’s site and it broadcasted on many occasions Mrs. Clinton’ casual definition of Putin as “the new Hitler.” This is despite Clinton’s “leadership position” during the 2014 putsch in Kiev. The putsch has led to the revival of neo-Nazism in Ukraine. Add to that the Israeli government’s arming of the neo-Nazis (hey, Bibi Mielkovsky!) https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/rights-groups-demand-israel-stop-arming-neo-nazis-in-the-ukraine-1.6248727
All this squealing from the nazi-hunters of Wiesenthal center and the ADL-affiliated thugs is just a noise to cover the stupendous immorality of zionists. The documented collaboration between zionists and neo-nazis is just another confirming evidence of the evil nature of Zionism. Had not Zionism preceded Nazism and served as a blueprint for the brownshirts?


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

Unz’s point was to insinuate into the reader’s mind that Judaism, contra popular perceptions, is actually alien to Christianity and that some weird canon called the Talmud is far more inportant than the Old Testament.

This is a disingenuous sleight of hand which you have abetted. Even if unknowingly.

The five most important books of the Old Testament are read through every year on a cycle. They are absolutely the most important literature.

Recognising this fact disables Unz’s insinuation. It renders his statement a pointless half-fact.

At best, everything else you have brought up is my fault for being unclear and a bit fuzzy in my expression. At worst, you have been arguing in bad faith in order to further irrational hatred of Jews.

I am happy to accept either and, if the first, I am sorry. I am not so bright, as Ron likes telling me.


annamaria says:

Sorry for the incorrect “Agree”


AaronB says:

I have zero doubt this is his motivation. But that is not necessarily a bad motivation, and one cannot remain stuck in resentment and spite forever. Most anti semitism has personal causes. I too soured on Jews as a result of bad personal experiences. But then I dealt extensively with ambitious whites, and regained perspective lol.

As one of the only groups in the West that are still highly ambitious and motivated, one is bound to encounter much bad behavior among Jews. Ambition breeds bad behavior – this was as true among renaissance Italians and 18th empire building Britons as it is among Jews today. I forget which British lord declared that one cannot be great without being bad. That man understood life.

But as personal feelings fade and intelligent perspective is restored, as wider experience and reading acquaints one with the horrors of European history, the Jewish situation loses its uniqueness as it gets situated in the wider human context, and is seen as nothing special.

• Replies: @iffen@Felix-Culpa


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

The only thing which that story means is that we should always try to actively understand things rather than glibly taking whatever we instinctively land on as the first meaning as fact.

This is the foundation of civilisation.

It is good advice but it doesn’t imply what you think it implies. It also implies that critically engaging as an individual with all religious texts is crucial. Indeed, the results of your critical engagement would actually be the most important.


“I would like to take the readers on a little journey a bit further back in time in regards to the origination of the Jewish Religion, as well as, Christianity and Islam. First a short video:”

“Here is the article and Author from which this originates ( I would encourage the readers to read the other well researched and very enlightening articles by scholar, Ashraf Ezzat):”

Usually it is said that Mohammad copied all the stories from Bible but got them wrong. So, everyone dismisses Mohammad stories.

For example, Kabbah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia was build by Abraham and his son Ismael. Where is Egypt and where is Saudi Arabia. How did Abraham wound up in Saudi Arabia?

In “Misquoting Jesus” the author claims that he has taken the effect of Greek Language on the New Testament. Why is New Testament not in Hebrew or Aramaic?

It is claimed that Torah, the first five books in TaNaKh (Old Testament) were given to Moses in written form. The Semitic language including Hebrew were not evolved enough to be put anything in written form.

In fact, when the Quran was revealed, no Semitic Language were evolved enough including Arabic, to put the Quran in written form. The first Quran which was put in written form by the Third Caliph Usman was in Old (Modern) Arabic without vowels and lacked dots for the letters. For example, letter “B” has a dot below the moon, and letter “N” has a dot over the moon, so how can one distinguish between letters. No dots in the first written Quran.

Seventy five years after Mohammad demise the Quran was put in proper Arabic called, Quranic Arabic or Classical Arabic. TaNaKh until 12th centuries only had constant words without vowels, just like the first written Quran. The vowels added to TaNaKh through 12th to 15th century from Quranic Arabic.

Jesus spoke Aramaic to his disciples not Hebrew. Hebrew was revived in early 20th century from Arabic.

• Replies: @Seraphim


rotekz says: • Website

A PDF full English translation including all 27 chapters of Solzenitsyn’s ‘ Two hundred Years together’ can be downloaded here:


El Dato says:

Ron meets Rabbi Cohen:

(Sadly the part where the Rabbi gets told that he just isn’t pure enough to get the Name of God isn’t in that clip)

As for the economic prowess of the Hitler Regime, that’s kinda over the top.

The von Mises Institute (actually Rothbard Institute amirite) has a nice PDF of a book from said epoch. No, I wouldn’t want to have done business there. Actually it’s all one wants to fight in today’s “free-market” economy, multiplied. But at this point in time, multiplied only by a small factor, alas.

The economy was a Potemkin Village maintained by the State, not producing goods that the people want but goods that the State wants. German Juché allied to War Economy.


annamaria says:

What are your credentials of a researcher and statistician to contest the Unz article on the meritocracy? All you are showing, for now, is an irritation of a displeased “eternal victim.”
Show us numbers and arguments to support your “the truth does not matter.” Otherwise, you are just a petty slanderer.


Not being an American & not having a stake in the game, I agree & disagree with some points.

First, I agree with Spinoza that in a free society a man speaks what he thinks, and thinks whatever he wants. Some will be offended, but it is the price of liberty. No “hate speech”, no muzzle… I’m allergic to it.

Then, it is true that all stereotypes tend to become cartoons. As Orwell observed, the fact that Chinese are gamblers & English- hypocrites, tells us something about these collectives. Social & humanist “sciences” like sociology, cultural anthropology, historiography, social psychology, ethnopsychology, cultural history….try to analyze & describe group stereotypes rationally & empirically.

Ron Unz, on the other hand, as far as his pubic persona is concerned, is a journalist & socio-political commentator with ambition to make it in a wider society & media. He’s, like most Americans, a doer, not a thinker & he doesn’t care about historical or philosophical abstractions. He wants to provoke, but also to see what the world is really like.

In other words- ruin the sacred truths. I may agree or disagree with some of his contentions, but I’m all for freedom & open discourse. Staleness & orthodoxies are signs of decrepitude & weakness.


JessicaR says:

Not only is this true about the upside down t instead of a plus sign, some of the ultra-Orthodox do this in America as well. However, the modern Orthodox tend to think this is nuts.


mark green says:

Government agencies (including the US Census Bureau) are prohibited from asking questions about Jewishness and/or Jewish ancestry. Jews are not allowed to be counted or monitored in the US. They are a special if not protected class in this regard. (Surprised?)

Only Jewish groups seem to know exactly who is Jewish and what the numbers of Jews (or ‘part Jews’) exist in America.

Since Jews are not like other ethnic or racial groups in the way that they are counted and/or identified, there may be millions of quasi-Jewish gentiles (individuals with some Jewish heritage) as well as others who possess a strong religious identification with Israel and/or Jewish teachings.

Their precise numbers are unknown and will probably remain so.

I suspect however that there are far more crypto-Jews out there than is commonly acknowledged by many ‘experts’.

Deception is a big part of their modus operandi. The nebulous but tightly-organized ‘Jewish community’ in America shares hard data about itself only when it suits them.

• Replies: @Heros@Wally


Mr. Unz,

Brilliant piece! I greatly admire your courage , intellect and work ethic. Rabbinical Talmudic Judaic philosophy is a menace and demonic evil that needs to be exposed and defeated. Let Truth, wisdom, peace, love and honesty prevail and shed light on the darkness.

• Agree: annamaria


annamaria says:

“… I have had Jews tell me that Jews cheat, but gentiles murder…”
– The Wars for Israel have produced, so far, some four million dead, including thousands and thousands of children of all ages. Iraq is in ruin. Libya is in ruin. Syria is in ruin. The fish-tank of the Gaza Ghetto is another story. More: http://bollyn.com/#article_16007

• Replies: @AaronB


Art says:

More mendacious Jew troublemaking – sorry gentiles – “forget peace.”

It is interesting to watch the Jew dominated America Deep State attacking Trump today for attempting to make peace with Putin.

Fox, CNN, MSNBC, Republicans and Democrats are all attacking him. It is total condemnation – dare he make peace and upset the Jew endless conflict agenda of ceaseless division.

Think Peace — Do No Harm — Maintain Hope, Life, Love, Truth, & Idealism — Art

• Replies: @RobinG


AaronB says:

There is some truth to the claim that the Talmud is more important than the Torah in Jewish religion – but the Torah remains hugely significant and is read and reread and studied every day and weekend, and it is in some sense primary. It is certainly interwoven with Jewish practice, high holidays, and life in general in a very integral way.

There may be some extreme Hasidic sects which neglect the Torah completely, I wouldn’t know. But that’s certainly not typical.

I don’t think Unz is lying – he just isn’t intellectually equipped to handle complex pre – modern material. He’s a computer scientist by trade if I understand correctly – this will create certain mental limitations, just as the study of mathematics will.

Such people tend to produce simplified linear narratives without much shade or nuance or intellectual complexity. Science, math, etc – these are more like practical trades than intellectual disciplines.

But Unz’s heart is surely in the right place.

Back to the Talmud, all religions have extensive commentary without which they cannot be properly understood – again this is hardly unique to Jews! Muslims with their Hadiths, Christians with their vast theological corpus, and even Buddhist Sutras traditionally are not meant to be read without clarifying commentaries, which can be quite extensive.

Primary sacred texts tend to be terse, aphoristic, poetic, contradictory, and highly ambiguous, often employing sacred language that is not immediately clear.

A certain amount of mysticism is integral to a sacred texts – they are not computer manuals 

Trying to make sense of a pre modern culture using the categories of modern thought is bound to produce a caricature, or break down in incomprehension, or lead to charges of bad faith or ludicrous attempts to understand them in Darwinian terms as elaborate strategies of deception for materialistic gain.


Two short sentences explain nearly everything about current events: “Nothing has been forgotten” and “It’s payback time.”


Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:

No. By your (“jewish friends”) own logic Gentiles are only dangerous when at war while the Tribe should be exterminated once for all because they never stop. I’d rather die in a battle – protecting my progeny – than succumb to slow, parasitic poison.

The white race doesn’t want to fight your ME, African and WW3 wars for you anymore. And we certainly don’t want to be replaced by the “refugees” from those areas. We can clearly see that the same (((people))) are behind both dynamics and your time is running out… again.

Fasten your seatbelt, Aaron.

• Replies: @AaronB


Superb piece of work!

It is not really “Calf Worshiper”. It is “Cow Worshiper”.

The gold was being saved to buy a particular “Cow” for worship, however in the absence of Moses a “Golden Calf” was built and worshiped until such time the “Cow” is purchased with the gold.

For this reason, chapter 2 of the Quran is called, “Cow”.

Quran also tells us that Jews used to worship “Aziz” as Son of God, before “Jesus” being worshiped as Son of God as Ron mentions other gods being worshiped….


Art says:

Of course he did not.the truth does not matter on the edge of uranus,just the lube.

Oh my’ – mcohen discloses another repetitive deep subject of the Talmud – scatology.


annamaria says:

Do you reject all and any research on the touchy matters of Talmudism?
Ron Unz has shown a tremendous intellectual integrity and courage. But since this integrity and courage do not agree with certain politically correct dogmas, you found it convenient to overlook the exceptional personal qualia of Ron Unz.
What about Hannah Arendt? Was she also too much on a side of western civilization instead of following blindly the Talmudic dictums?
Have you heard about Baruch Spinoza? His remains are still outside of a Jewish cemetery. But your war criminals Yitzhak Shamir, Menachem Begin, and Ariel Sharon were buried, as the pious zionists, on a Jewish cemetery. Remember Shatila Massacre:


Pat Casey says:

I think it’s very obvious that you are minimizing the Talmud more than Ron is minimizing the Old Testament.

Go back to my first comment, which Ron highlighted. MOST of the Old Testament comes after the Torah. That’s what Ron was referring to when he said “most of the Old Testament.”

You have not given a straight answer on that point: is the Old Testament minus the Torah more important to traditional Jews than the Talmud?

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


iffen says:

Most anti semitism has personal causes.

If you are saying that most anti-Semitism springs from interpersonal interactions between the anti-Semite and a Jew, then I think that is manifestly incorrect. If you are saying that the anti-Semite views the behavior (real and imagined) of Jews as a personal threat, then I can agree.

I am little confused by your first sentence. Do you mean that it could play absolutely no part in his motivation.

• Replies: @AaronB@Wally


Wally says:

“… not only is German(y) allowed to commit all this evil …”

Except Germany did not “commit all” that alleged “evil”, as has been demonstrated repeatedly by Revisionists at this site

But hey, consider the source.

• Replies: @utu


AaronB says:

Agreed. That’s why I say the choice of weapon is dictated by circumstance and need, and can easily change.


utu says:

Would you object to being called Homo Sapiens too? Because of the homo part or because of the sapiens part?


AaronB says:


Biological life just is a war of all against all. If your group can exterminate Jews, go for it. My money is on Jewish survival.

Oh, I’m sure Jewish fortunes will suffer setbacks “again” – just like every group does, just like any European or Asian country has. There is nothing unique with Jews.

But the war goes on, and Jews will rise again.

From my perspective and that of many Jews I know, Jews now are a greatly sinning people, and are due for a drastic correction. It will happen, and Jews will be chastened – for a time.

But I think the Jewish formula has vindicated itself – and there is something good there beneath the dirt. Not for nothing did Jesus emerge from the Jews.

• Replies: @Hamlet's Ghost@Dumbo


Interesting bit in the article about blood libel. I used to take it for granted that those were all made up. But many years ago I read the excellent biography of Queen Isabella by William Thomas Walsh. There was a whole chapter dedicated to the matter of the Holy Child of La Guardia (the blood libel incident which more than anything else led to the Jews’ expulsion from Spain). I remember Walsh laying out a convincing case that the ritual murder did in fact occur. It’s been awhile though and I don’t remember the details.


Wally says:

“Frankly, I am surprised and disappointed that Ron Unz, who runs a remarkably truthful site with real freedom of speech and true difference of opinion, is contributing to that deception.”

You mean the “deception” you have failed to substantiate?

As if pointing out a few shabbas goys and not their handlers is somehow credible.

Who cares if Solzhenitsyn was a great literary master. It’s what he said that matters, not how he said it.

I sense you may be one of the little helpers:

How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet

• Replies: @AnonFromTN


Heros says:

Throughout history the influence of cryptos has been substantial and uniformly negative. This recent Kelly/Atwell podcast about SA and the Boer War reveals that Cecil Rhodes was crypto and gave all his fortune to Rothschild family and a secret society scholarship. More proof of winston being crypto is revealed, about how Churchill’s father had been deeply involved in South Africa on behalf of the Rothschilds in the late 1800′s, and that Winston had been in SA surveying his fathers co-investments with the Rothschild in SA during the Boer War. Crypto Churchill was manufactured into a war hero in circumstances that plainly mirror John Kerry, the Crypto, Skull and Bones, who very weirdly was made into a Swift boat hero JFK cutout. As usual, Tim and Joe tie it all back to the craft and even discuss communications between freemasons in London and Amsterdam at the height of the boer conflict.


AaronB says:

No, I mean I agree with your explanation of Ron’s motivation. Sorry for the confusion.

There are probably different kinds of anti-semites, and different causes for it. But a substantial portion of anti-semites I believe are normal people who have had consistently negative interactions with Jews, perhaps not realizing they are a distinct identity group and not merely “whites” , and not understanding they were in a battle that by historical norms is quite normal and ordinary, and that their own group engages in as well.

This kind of anti-Semitism lacks historical, human, and personal perspective and is very emotion driven – but it is quite understandable. I myself succumbed to it. It does not necessarily last. People grow up.

• Replies: @iffen@Anon


bj says:

“but many of the practices and superstitions you cite don’t seem very different from contemporaneous Christianity.”

Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The Jew said, “Your neighbor is your slave.”

You sir, are a liar!


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

Is what I have written below incorrect? (I have little interest in pedantic obfuscations behind the word “most” – again – if I led you to that particular point, I am sorry)


Unz’s point was to insinuate into the reader’s mind that Judaism, contra popular perceptions, is actually alien to Christianity and that some weird canon called the Talmud is far more important than the Old Testament.

This is disingenuous sleight of hand which you have abetted. Even if unknowingly.

The five most important books of the Old Testament are read through every year on a cycle. They are absolutely the most important literature.

Recognising this fact disables Unz’s insinuation. It renders his statement a pointless half-fact.

Cliff notes versus actual text. Talmud versus Torah. Ultimately, what matters is your understanding of the Torah, which the Talmud may aid you with.

I don’t do Theology personally. Mine may be partially summarised below:

God gave us reason so that we may work to understand creation. Torah is an important part of creation. The Talmud is a collective attempt to understand it. As are all great works of literature and science.


utu says:


• Replies: @AnonFromTN


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

It’s very true. It’s mentioned in a lot of sources and a Mizrahi mafia Jew I know now living in America confirmed it when I asked him.

So did another Israeli immigrant I know confirm it when I asked her.

It’s also why the Israeli early zionists refused to wear ties back in the early + mid 20 th century when most men wore suits and ties except when doing manual work.

The long part of a tie resembles the Christian cross too much. Muslims do the same, no ties especially in Muslim countries.

Different cultures, different customs.

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


anon[107] • Disclaimer says:

Not hard to believe.

In a lecture on New Testament, Amy Jill Levine recounted a cockamamie tale she told her child to explain away the Christian significance of the Cross atop a building on the campus where she taught, Emory University. Emory was founded by Methodist Episcopal Church. It’s since become, um, less Christianish.

Emory is also home to Deborah Lipstadt, Reality Denialist. ™


bj says:

Hillel says Jews are 11% undergraduate and 67% graduate students at Harvard University.

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


utu says:

Sorry, Koneczny had no access to CODOH. He wrote it during the war before all the Codohites were born.


Even better get some puppet to do it for you:

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

Karaites are a tiny sect of fundamentalists who believe in taking everything in the Torah absolutely literally and in the most simplistic way possible.

This is a pretty difficult way to follow a religious source text and leads to some strange things. It is also the abandonment of reason.

Imagine I said to you to get up from your bed and go downstairs to eat breakfast every morning as it will keep you healthy. Say everyone lives in a two floor house with the kitchen below the bedroom.

Then you moved to a single floor flat. Now, were you a Karaite, you might need to make your breakfast, pack it up and go find some steps to walk down before you can eat. The Talmud is a collection of other people’s thoughts on what is actually important about the original instruction and is supposed to help you to avoid silly situations like that.

• Replies: @utu@Jared Eliot@Karl


AnonFromTN says:

You are in the habit of asking everyone to prove things. How about you heeding your own advice and presenting some proof that those “shabbas goys” I named have Jewish handlers, rather just than being scum independently? I am all ears.

FYI, I have no dog in this fight, but, being a scientist, I prefer proof to hot air any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.


annamaria says:

Are you talking to yourself, Tyrion 2?
You have been corrected on Torah, and you were told in plain English that Nurit Baytch is a zionist fanatic that produces nonsensical “research.” For instance, Ms. Baytch fervently believes (as the “most victimized” and “the most suffering” one) that “Jews are the most underrepresented group at Harvard.”
She has an agenda, and she goes berserk as soon as she registers any kind of critique of ziocons and Israel. She also believes that Zionism and Judaism are the same. Perhaps, you should send her these links: https://www.counterpunch.org/2011/03/11/quot-zionism-has-nothing-to-do-with-judaism-quot/

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

So the blood was dried to a powder for long term storage. I wonder how much of it was really human blood and how much was animal blood collected at the local butcher shop.


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

It seems unlikely to be for religious reasons since they were mostly secular socialist utopians, as were the government of Sweden.

• Replies: @Anon


AnonFromTN says:

Nice to meet you! I am AnonFromTN. How is the weather in Kryzhopol?

(For those who don’t know Ukrainian geography and Russian, Kryzhopol is a city in Ukraine, whereas “zhopa” in Russian means ass in the US, or arse in the UK).


Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

If slavery hundreds of years ago involving all religions was bad , imagine modern slavery is far worse. Modern slavery is an Islamist practice . Top slavery states 2018:

Islamic republic of Mauritania -20% of the population are slaves
Islamist regions of Nigeria- Kidnapping and slaving of Christian girls commonplace
Islamic republic of Sudan – rampant slavery and rape – janjaweed
Slave markets in Libya, Somalia, Iraq,Syria.

• Replies: @annamaria@Them Guys


iffen says:

I believe are normal people who have had consistently negative interactions with Jews

Some people are like the cat that sat down on the hot stove.


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

Klaus Friedrich is not a typical Jewish name. Who is he? Other than the supposed puppet-master of Hillary Clinton? Don’t strings tend to be controlled by the person with a few orders of magnitutde more power? Or, is it always the Jew in your worldview? Or in this case, probably not even a Jew but just the one with a name that confused you…


utu says:

Perhaps you should rather concentrate on positives in Karaites like for example that they do not hate gentiles. I do not care how you or they eat breakfast but I do mind the hate thing. Your hate and your dishonesty come from Talmud.

• Troll: Tyrion 2


I agree. I happen to believe that the only way that all the worst speculations and conspiracy theories stand to stand, in the presence of bright sunlight, cleansing agents and open discourse – is if there were any truth to them. That won’t stop the “trigger effect”, one outcome of which is a thousand points of blowback – from all directions, to shut the thing down. That’s too bad because they wouldn’t stand.

Otherwise I think we probably do not need to have this painful discussion if we did some very simple reforms – here in the US where we do have the stakes – namely: ban collection of racial or gender identification information for employment or educational admissions purposes, except for African Americans who self-identify as such.

Do that – and all of this goes away like a first degree burn under cold water. Standing between here and there though is a long minefield and a giant political army.

• Replies: @utu


See my response to Bardon’s reply. Thanks.


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

Unz used one way of working out the number of Jews who were suitable to attend Harvard and a different way to estimate the percentage of Jews at Harvard.

Baytch made the methods consistent and the results invalidated Unz’s conclusions.

It was all quite simple and Unz has ignored this very substantive counter-argument and preferred to create strawmen or just insult Baytch instead.

As you have here too.

My last post was an analysis of how Unz built up his argument for this article. It is not relevant to the above but I do believe that it captures what Unz has done and that it shows why the article is pernicious. You may disagree but please do try harder to stay on point than your last post.

• Replies: @D. K.@annamaria


Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

Most recent studies found Ashkenaz to be 47% levant 53% Europe.

Ashkenazi Jews are not 95% but 45%.

Seems Muslims are incapable of peace regardless of Israel.

Please explain how Israel caused Indonesian to invade Papua in 1963 , collonize , occupy to this day and genocide 500,000 + Papuans.

How did Israel cause Indonesia to invade and genocide East Timor ?

Why are muslims killing Hindus in India, Christians in Philippine, Nigeria, Egypt, Libya , France , Germany , UK, USA , Canada , Australia ,Russia , Indonesia ,Bhuddists in China , Myanmar , Thailand , And other muslims in every territory they occupy ?


Tyrion 2 says: • Website

Hillel have been smoking crack .

• Replies: @utu@annamaria


“Karaites are a tiny sect of fundamentalists who believe in taking everything in the Torah absolutely literally and in the most simplistic way possible.”

Why you keep insisting calling the TaNaKh (Old Testament) as Torah. Why are you trying to confuse everyone?

You very well know that Torah is the first five chapters of TaNaKh (Old Testament)?

• Replies: @Them Guys


LSJohn says:

regarding comment #77

I like the way you think.

There are things in this piece I couldn’t believe from anyone but Ron. I’ve come to trust his research and analysis as much or more than my own.

Wait. Is he a Jewish publisher?

Crap. What do I do now? ;>)


Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

Poor takkiyah ,so many errors . Khazar was debunk so many times . Jews have zero khazar relation. Ashkenazi are not 95% of Jews but 45% .

Muslims cannot get along with anyone , even themselves. 130 killed in Paki suicude bombings just this week. Ishmael , a wild donkey , his hand against everyone(including himself). A fulfilled prophesy from genesis.

• Replies: @annamaria


Komentari na prvi clanak! - #240 -# 300....

It was well worth reading the comments and another recent article. Just to see deeply into human nature…

Lots of people here try to put an academic veneer on their antisemitism. Comparatively small details are exploded into things like claiming the Holocaust didn’t happen. The genocidal work of the Einsatzgruppen, the endless lists, the dates marked, the deportation of the Hungarian Jews… the National Socialist state must have gone to a really great length to write things down that didn’t happen, to run trains to nowhere, and to relocate people… for what? Did they just vanish?

Some people here brainwashed themselves into believing pretty much anything. I readily agree that official history is censored and not accurate. But the weak arguments brought forward here are often so self-serving and circular. For example: Did Hitler order the genocidal murder of the Jews? We find no written order, and Irving is glorified for relying only what is written. Even Raul Hilberg is quoted that one could not mount a case against Hitler… through writing alone. Even if you believe that Hitler never gave that order – and that’s like saying a dictator would make sure to leave a paper trial of his more risky decions – the Holocaust happened. There’s too much evidence, too many witnesses, there’s too big a trail of paper and accounts of all kinds… but there will be people here who only will spot one or two inconsistencies in the narrative and jump up and say “It didn’t happen.” Which would be intellectually dishonest if those people were actually capable of reviewing the evidence in an unbiased manner.

No, there must be a bogeyman to history, and here in this comment section it is unsurprisingly the same as always: the Jew. This is nothing new, the same antisemitism is at work as ever. There is a conspiracy, and it must be uber-evil. And anything a sectarian person is expanded on every other person of that religion and heritage by projection. And all evidence to the contrary is ignored. Obsessive dissection of historical research leads to producing a case or two where apparently Jews had committed the crimes they had been accused of, and this is taken as if everything else uttered by antisemites must be true as well. Because the uber-evil must be exposed and be shown to be behind everything, this convenient explanation for everything in the world absolving others of their responsibility and rendering whites and “gentiles” into the role of victims.

Ron Unz, the people that congratulate you here on your honesty are the people that have lured you by selective omission down into an antisemitic trap. Even if you were absolutely correct about the existence of a sect of Judaic belief that would believe essentially worship evil you would not prove that this is prevalent as you think. It’s as if taking the excess and worst of any culture in history and simply saying “That’s what you really are.” and pinning it on all member of it. And that’s intellectually dishonest.

I don’t buy the whole “I’m no expert on it” shtick simply because it always comes conveniently next to something incendiary. I think it’s mostly rhetoric to avert criticism.

I read a fair deal on this website but it has become a home base for some deeply intellectually dishonest racists who jump on any opportunity to malign blacks, Jews, and whoever else seems convenient. There’s a sick underbelly to this and several columnists here get to wear contributions like Tom Engelhardt’s as a figleaf for their own discredited ideas. They just can keep selectively quoting and misrepresenting research and then conclude they were right all along, and in many cases you have to sift through dozens of comments until somebody takes the ill-conceived omissions apart and actually adds the information that was omitted – like with Fred Reed repeating that he does not understand how something as complex as the eye could evolve by itself and then congratulating himself on his wildly oversimplified “understanding” of the matter.

Take for example your misrepresentation of Hitler’s economic “peace time” policies. If you had read the book “Hitler’s Soldiers” that I started reading because of a mention on your own website you would find a well-documented account of how these policies were really just meant to gear up for a war to be started in the 1940s. One person here claimed this was all not detrimental due to an internal barter system but the reality is this is not true. Germany had to import to sustain this rearmament and imports cannot be paid by internal fantasy money, at least not in the 1930s. The Germans had to start their expansion into Austria and Czechoslovakia and elsewhere because they would have been broke else. The German war machine would have broken down without further countries to plunder, without taking the money of the Jews, without incorporating the stockpiles of other nations, and so on. It was a sort of pyramid scheme that kept going by escalating the war further. Germany was burning through its own and the continent’s substance to keep this pyramid scheme going. The logical conclusion was the utilization of widespread slave labor during the war.

This is just one example of how it’s not hard to find out more about this topic. There’s a strong internal logic, there’s a lot of well-researched evidence, based on the accounts of various part of the state itself. This reminds me of another article here on the site which claimed it was German ingeniousness that allowed German production to peak in 1944. But this was basically the height of German slave labor where whole factories were moved underground by exploiting human beings until they died. This is what I mean by intellectual dishonesty – by omission. By not looking for the real causes of things.

The people that congratulate you are not looking for intellectual honesty. They want their biases confirmed. They applaud anyone with any reach coming out and speaking as they do. They gladly overlook any inconsistencies in your narrative because they like the company. Whereas they gladly point out the smallest inconsistency in anybody else’s that does not fit their picture.

There has been a lot of deliberate lies and propaganda in the 20th and 21st century. But to go down the rabbit hole of looking for world-endangering evil by postulating it stems from some fringe beliefs in the Jewish religion is equivalent to believing in magical explanations. Some elites and the government of Israel may have disproportionate influence – and they abuse it, like so many people of power and influence do. But to go the simple route and just postulate an evil religion breeding evil behaviors is magical thought in a complex world with many different factions vying for power.

I, for example, am German. I do neither believe Putin is the new Hitler, nor do I hold illusions about his fundamental goodness. I think he might be the politician that Russia needs to survive. And maybe the planet also needs him as a counter-balance. I see the official narrative is contrived but that doesn’t mean the opposite is true either. The truth is nuanced and deep and we might never fully get to know it. But simple narratives are almost inevitably wrong.

If you look for the root of evil in the world by looking at some version of the Talmud or by looking at Qabbalists, you look for magical explanations. The reality has probably a lot more to do with plain old human nature, greed, and also tribal rivalities. The main failure of antisemitism is to project simple explanations on a complex world. The fact that there are influential, powerful Jews doesn’t prove their views right. It just means that is part of an even greater picture – and that picture is not one simply solved by following one line of thought like a monomaniac. It’s not solved by learning more details about a Jewish sect, or by proving there were some odd cases of religiously motivated murder. These are distractions from the truth and not the truth. This falling into the deepest bias possible: a closed worldview that just keeps reasserting itself.

I enjoy the ability to read diverse views on this site. But its increasing antisemitic and racist tendencies will undo it. Hate speech is often masquerading as free speech. If it hides behind bad science and omission it just becomes a more insidious poison.


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

It did happen. It probably was rare, mostly because of fear of the local governments prosecuting the murderers for murder with enhancements of child abuse and witch craft.

Many religions practiced human and animal sacrifice. Right into the 1800s European and even some American construction workers sacrificed a small animal like a squirrel or rabbit and buried it in the foundations of the building.

Even 2 + 3 rd generation Chinese scientists believe trees in streets and front yards are bad luck and either cut them down or if there is some city or HOA restriction on cutting down trees dump gallons of pesticide on the roots.

There’s no difference between a mezzuah in the door jamb and a corn dolly in the window.

Jews have kidnapped, tortured and murdered Christians and used their blood in religious rituals.

School desegregation, school busing affirmative action and the enabling of rampant black crime and the destruction of our great cities were funded by Jewish organizations and effected by mostly Jewish attorneys.

• Troll: Tyrion 2

• Replies: @Mulegino1@attilathehen


mcohen says:


This article is click bait.some people like pretty women others like stories about hollywood and some like “the jews”.

Ron unz based defence of his stats in some of his meritocracy studies of harvard students on a haaretz article.

Chopped liver and christian blood mixed in with meritocracy studies.

Shake and bake and out popped a ronnie brownie


• Replies: @annamaria


Peasant says:

‘I can’t say, but many of the practices and superstitions you cite don’t seem very different from contemporaneous Christianity’

So you are not an expert on ‘Talmudical Judaism’ (reform jews also follow the Talmud btw) but you can clearly say that generations ago it would have been similar to Christianity? Curious. By the way reform Judaism does not exist in israel as there is no need to pretend that a Jewish version of lighweight Protestantism exists.


Unz had an obligation to spend no less than a year attending a synagogue, as an adult in a state of study and learning, before writing this article. I would love to hear that he did, but the first statements suggest that he didn’t. I have not said he shouldn’t have written something like this article – only that given his standing and presuming charity upon his best intentions, that is a reasonable expectation.

Incidentally – this is an option available to everyone who comments here. Take the class, attend the synagogue. Observe and ask questions. Be a good guest.

• Replies: @Anon


Pat Casey says:

So you’re not going to answer the question about the rest of the Old Testament. I take that to mean you’re not honest enough to admit that you mischaracterized what Ron wrote and why he did. I mean come on, this business about INSINUATION … Did you read the entire article? Does Ron Unz seem to be in an insinuating mode when he mentions the strong likelihood that Jews ritually sacrificed Christian children for their blood? That is pretty damn “alien” to Christianity, wouldn’t you say? Does it strike you as an insinuation when he says Rabbis preach about enslaving Gentiles?

“… and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.”

–Jesus Christ

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


The Torah is the most important part of the Old Testament. According to Judaism it was handed down by God.

Tell me what language the written Tablet was handed down?

Was Torah handed down in written form or oral form?

If written form, then in what language?

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


Excellent and brave essay; we’ve been on the same path, in my case roughly since the turn of the century.
This is so fascinating and multi-faceted that there does exist a risk that we become one-trick JQ ponies.

I do hope Mr. Unz has the fortitude to endure backlash of Finkelsteinian proportions…..


utu says:

Why not make it the lowest common denominator playing field so African Americans are not disadvantaged and have Jews wearing Star of David or non Jews wearing some other sign? You can’t leave Blacks behind.


Olorin says:

• Replies: @Veritatis@Anon


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

In America anti Semitism isn’t caused by individual interactions with individual Jews

It’s caused by the extremely successful collective Jewish war on Whites. School desegregation, school bussing affirmative action, mass immigration, enabling black crime that destroyed our cities all were funded by AJC ADL and other Jewish non profits and effected by Jewish attorneys.
The volcano of hatred and bigotry spewed at the White goyim by the MSM academia from kindergarten to university and entertainment industry is a Jewish volcano of hate directed at us.
That’s why the goyim should be anti Semitic

• Replies: @AaronB


Olorin says:



Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

Yes they were atheist anti religion socialists who rejected even Judaism as a religion.

And yes they hated Christianity so much they refused to wear ties because the vertical part looked too much like a Christian cross.


utu says:

Yale University’s undergrad student body is 27 percent Jewish (1,500 Jewish undergrads out of 5,477 total). Percentage-wise, it narrowly beats out its Ivy League rival Harvard University, which is 25 percent Jewish (1,675 out of 6,694 undergrads). But Cornell University and Columbia University both have more Jews in total — 3,000 and 1,800, respectively.


iffen says:

I don’t buy the whole “I’m no expert on it” shtick simply because it always comes conveniently next to something incendiary. I think it’s mostly rhetoric to avert criticism.

And accountability.


“How did Israel cause Indonesia to invade and genocide East Timor ?”

Diversion, diversion, diversion! Off topic!

1) Why Levant? I would think it would be Ur in Southern Iraq.

2) The Ashkenazi are almost identical to one another at 96% “Ashkenazi” (code for Khazar) and 99% European.

Here are a couple of samples of DNA results:

David Pakman
96.9% Ashkenazi
99% European

Bernie Sanders
97.7% Ashkenazi
99% European

• Replies: @Anon


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

I have no interest in what was or was not done in Europe 1939 to 1945. That’s why I usually skip Wally and didn’t comment on the articles about the way Germans were treated by the occupation forces after the war.

My interests are very parochial and self centered. All I care about is what organized Jewry has done to White Americans since 1956 Brown vs Topeka.

I’m tired of typing. If you want to know what organized Jewry has done to White Americans in the last 62 years read my other posts in this article.

And get off your knees.


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

One can’t just “attend” a synagogue. One has to apply, be accepted, and at least in the heavily Jewish city where I live, pay from $10,000 for a single to $30,000 for a family membership.

They have ushers at the door and anyone who is not a member is turned away. Guest passes are available if one knows a paid up member. The members are limited as to guest passes.

The board members and Rabbis don’t want Jews sneaking in to worship without paying

Shuls are much much cheaper. But they’re just short morning prayer services, no lessons.

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


A very interesting article. Not many people have the courage and honesty to question beliefs which are in a certain way important to their identity. Most people who would have good reasons to question their beliefs and identiy are not willing to do that.

I have read Shahak’s book years ago and had my doubts that what he said in his book was right. I’m not an expert in religion or history and I never cared to investigate the matter more systematically (according to my limited capacities). So it took years until I read or saw more or less by chance other things (for instance a documentary on tv about the history of Judaism) which confirmed what Shahak said about the historical explanation of antisemitism and about the Talmud.

I think that Jews today are also exposed to some of the same ideas that prevail in our societies. This means that nowadays it’s more difficult to keep the same ideological or practical rigidity that may have existed in other times, but this means that some may answer to that influences creating new forms of hostility (I know different people who chose opposed ways and either became almost ferociously attached to the group and others who decided simply to leave the group behind them). There may be more diversity and dissent, but also new forms of community integration based on hostility. (I continued my original comment at this point speaking more concretely about this theme but decided not to post this as it might make the comment too long). One very interesting book in this respect is the book by Stephen Bloom, Postville. It tells the experience that Bloom made meeting a community of Jews in Postville which isolated themselves and showed how they despised the main society which received them well.


annamaria says:

“Slave markets in Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Syria.”
– Thanks to the Christian warriors Cheney, Bush, Blair, Rice, Clinton and the zionist warriors of the Lobby.

• Replies: @Anon


D. K. says:

For those who are unwilling to peruse— or, for other Unz.com denizens, to revisit— my weeks-long exchange with Ms. Baytch, in the comment thread to the Ron Unz posting that I already have linked to, above, here is just one passage from one of my many replies to Ms. Baytch, back then:


Although I did not read your exegesis on Mr. Unz’ hypothesis, I did read Dr. Gelman’s update (cited in your original comment, above), at his own Web site, and then perused the comments. The prolific Steve Sailer said it best, I think: There are plenty of people at Harvard University who are quite capable of doing a simple survey to find out just how Jewish Harvard’s student body actually is– by, for instance, asking a random sample of sufficient size how many of their respective four grandparents were ethnically Jewish, irrespective of their religious beliefs (if any). Apparently, no one at Harvard University, nor in the organized Jewish community, finds that question quite as interesting as Steve Sailer and some others of us would.


• Replies: @Tyrion 2


AaronB says:

That’s a fair point – and yes, you have a right to be aware of who your enemies are, and I for one would support efforts to create a rapprochement between whites and Jews, if possible.

My point is merely that group warfare is normal and natural – there is nothing unique about Jewish culture or the Talmud that makes it especially anti social. You whites have “extremely successfully” waged war against countless groups for millennia as well as among yourselves.

So let’s stop the stupidity and accept that group war seems endemic to the human condition and take that as our starting point, agreed? Then we can talk like adults.

Jewish culture has a strong universalistic streak as well as a streak of animosity to gentiles, and believe it or not contains pro-gentile messages and ultimately believes in the redemption and elevation of all human beings and the reign of peace and bliss. Of course, Jews play a special role on bringing about this scheme – but the simplistic narrative in this article is a caricature, created by selective quotations. But it is more than just a caricature – it also really does reflect the attitudes of some Jews some of the time. Human nature falls frequently.

Things are far more complex than you would like – I genuinely appreciate Christianity, but the Christian belief that everyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus will suffer eternal torment, no matter how benelovent, kind, and gentle, and Thomas Aquinas’s statement that one of the pleasures of heaven will be to watch those in hell writhe in agony (presumably, many being there simply for not asserting to certain propositions Aquinas believed in), strikes me as utterly horrific.

But I do not automatically condemn Christianity on this account – but see it as a complex multi-faceted phenomena that cannot be reduced to any one of its statements but must be evaluated as a whole.

I understand the modern mind likes simple narratives a child could understand – but if one wanted to, one could create a quite bad picture of Christianity based on selective quotes.

So lets bring the conversation up a level and stop with the childish simplicities, without denying the facts that Jews do see themselves as at war with gentiles all too often, and that gentiles gave practiced group warfare far too often as well – and if we are so minded, after facing reality, try and figure out what to do. If anything.

Or you can just fight for “your side”, which is really what nearly everyone chooses in the end.

• Replies: @Anon@iffen@Crates


Not so fast. Judaism has been around for over 3000 years, which sounds like such a long time that one might assume Jews will always be with us. But there have been others.

Smallpox has been around even longer, at least 10,000 years according to archaeologists, with a death toll of many millions. So long had smallpox been around that doubtless many people assumed it to be a scourge of God, and nothing could ever be done about it. Then, with remarkably little fanfare, it was announced some 20 years ago that smallpox has been eradicated, with only two samples surviving in Russia and the USA.

From ineradicable scourge to test tube sample depending on the holder for its survival. All done in under a century. Pretty cool.

The world is waking up to the Jewish peril, and has ignored it as much as possible due to the consequences. But the Jews never settle for good enough. They keep pushing their advantage until they get a furious reaction. All signs point to that reaction coming up which will determine who will be left standing on this rock, and who will be buried under it.

• Replies: @AaronB


anonymous[107] • Disclaimer says:

Same way Germans holocausted 6 million Jews:

“Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus – mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.”– Raul Hilberg


Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

Triggered !!!!

You said israel is the obstacle to world peace . Explain the Indonesian occupation and genocide of both Timor and Papua.

Ashkenazi Jews 45% of world Jewry not 95%.
Khazar dont exist .

I wont expect much from you . Yemeni IQ is 83. That is close to mental retardation. Multi generation cousin marriage and lack of vitamin D will so that to ya. Yemen is 100% Muslim, yet embroiled in civil war. Is that not a contradiction of Mohamads writings re. Dar al islam ?

• Replies: @anonymous


Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

Slave markets in Mauritania, Sudan , Nigeria as well . Christian and Zionist warriors dont seem to be the cause of Islamic slaving after all .
Seems Muslims enjoy buying and selling abds( slave in arabic , also colloquial name for blacks) in any situation, wars with the west or not.

• Replies: @annamaria


utu says:

You are mixing categories. W/o free speech there would be no hate speech and w/o hate speech you would not know you have a free speech.

Think about the ethical system that does not contain even implicitly the 1st or the 2nd Kan’t categorical imperatives. W/o them evil is bound to be created.


annamaria says:

“…it shows why the article is pernicious…”
— What you don’t understand in this quote from Baytch “research?”- “Jews are the most underrepresented group at Harvard.” She peddles the “most victimized” and the “most suffering” trite. Enough already.
By the way, try to make sense of her methodologies for science competitions and for college admission.
Judging from Baytch forays on the web, this woman is a fanatical zionist, that is, a biased, dishonest person.
In comparison, Unz’ papers show integrity, intellectual vigor, and tremendous courage.
You need to re-read http://www.unz.com/article/correctly-defining-modern-zionism/


annamaria says:

Please, send your complaints and grievances to Ms. Baytch who writes in her “research” that she uses Hillel’s numbers. https://sites.google.com/site/nuritbaytch/


Excellent article (as usual). Watching you tread down this path is quite interesting.

This pattern extends beyond America.

Even in Sweden, which only has a few thousand Jews (and had none whatsoever prior to the reign of Karl XII), the Danish-Jewish Bonnier family is the largest owner of mass media in the country.

This isn’t hypothetical. What are now known as the Baltic States were conquered by German crusaders in the Middle Ages. The German conquerors quickly took control of all the cities, estates, churches, and government in the country.

The Baltic German nobility went on to govern the Baltics for seven centuries, later under Swedish and then Russian overlordship. Baltic Germans furnished many important government officials, businessmen, military leaders, diplomats, and scientists in both the Swedish and Russian Empires.

The Baltic Germans never exceeded more than a tenth of the total population of the area.

The Balts had fewer rights than peasants in Western Europe did, but did not seem to suffer ill treatment (at least not after the conquest and forcible Christianization). Several of Reunified Germany’s ambassadors to the newly independent Baltic states were Baltic Germans, suggesting no lasting ill will on the part of Balts for their former German overlords.

Protestanism result in the spread of literacy among the indigenous Balts, which in turn led to national awakenings.

One of the results of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was the repatriation of all remaining Baltic Germans to Germany. The few who refused to leave were expelled (or fled in terror) by Soviet authorities in 1944-45.

• Replies: @Heros


annamaria says:

Muslims are your cousins; learn how to live in peace with them as you used to live among them for centuries. Leave western civilization alone.

• Replies: @Anon@Helen4Yemen


Perseus has gone into the cave and cut off the head of the medusa.


Haxo Angmark says: • Website

@Unz -

Brenner’s 51 Documents is actually an appendix to his major work, Zionism in the Age of the Dictatorships….which is, I think, the best study to date on this particular subject.


AaronB says:


• Replies: @Hamlet's Ghost


Anon[298] • Disclaimer says:

The difference is that Englishmen can and do write really or seemingly anti-English books and … nothing happens to them. Nobody tries to curse them or force them to recant. People agree or disagree. The British even publish propaganda books with titles like The Crimes of England. And nobody cares. That’s what it’s like being a normal nationality.

• Agree: silviosilver

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


Mulegino1 says:

Evidence, witnesses and paper trails for what, precisely? Nobody disputes that many Jews were interned by the Germans in concentration camps, work camps and ghettos- especially once the war against the Soviet Union was begun. The internment of those who were perceived to be enemy aliens was a common practice among all the major belligerents.

The issue at hand is rather a simple one- is there any physical or authentic documentary evidence that National Socialist Germany planned and carried out an industrial scale mass murder aimed at wiping out the Jews of Europe, mostly by poison gas in mass gassing chambers using either commercially available pesticide or non-lethal diesel exhaust? Are there mass graves or traces of human remains at any of the specific sites claimed by the official version of the Shoah Business to have been the site of extermination activities namely Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek/Lublin, Treblinka II, Chelmno, Belzec and Sobibor? Is there any authentic document or order clearly corroborating the existence of an extermination program? The answer to all three questions is a resounding, “No!”

The official and consistent policy of the Reich was that the Jews ought to leave the German sphere of influence- either by orderly and peaceful emigration or resettlement. All of the authentic documents point to this, including the Transfer Agreement, the Schlegelberger Document, and the Luther Memorandum.

• Agree: Beefcake the Mighty


annamaria says:

“The genocidal work of the Einsatzgruppen, the endless lists, the dates marked, the deportation of the Hungarian Jews…”
– If you care for the historical record and memory than why do you think the 52 (fifty-two) main American Jewish organizations are silent about the revival of neo-nazism in Ukraine? The revival has been promoted and supported by American ziocons.
How come that the “righteous” Jewish community of the US has not excommunicated Nuland-Kagan, the open collaborator with the neo-Nazi? Where are The Simon Wiesenthal Center and its nazi-hunters?
Why Carl Gershman, a president of NED, has not been excommunicated by the Jewish community for his policy of supporting the banderites? The NED’s policies in Ukraine are the gravest insult to the memory of the WWII victims (see the Einsatzgruppen).
Similarly, the main financier of the neo-Nazi battalion Azov, a wealthy Israeli citizen Kolomojsky, has not been stripped of the citizenship and has not been deported from Israel for his immoral activities.
If you are looking for the “increasing antisemitic and racist tendencies,” look no farther than the policies of the Jewish State: “Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine”https://countercurrents.org/2018/07/05/israel-is-arming-neo-nazis-in-ukraine/
“The rifles are produced under licence from Israel Weapon Industries, and as such would have been authorized by the Israeli government.
IWI markets the Tavor as the “primary weapon” of the Israeli special forces. It has been used in recent massacres of unarmed Palestinians taking part in Great March of Return protests in Gaza.
Fort, the Ukranian state-owned arms company that produces the rifles under license, has a page about the Tavoron its website. The Israel Weapon Industries logo also appears on its website, including on the “Our Partners” page.”


DB Cooper says:

Here is a quiz for everybody.

This is a country created after WWII, is a democracy, has invaded and grabbed land from every single of its neighbors. Is occupying United Nation recognized disputed territories. Has annexed a small neighboring country by the end of the last century. Despite all the gross human rights violation is pretty much a Teflon country. The name of the country starts with the letter ‘I’.

Which country is it?

• Replies: @Anon


Moi says:

and one of rare intellectual honesty. Be safe, Mr. Unz.


Anon[130] • Disclaimer says:

Muslims are my cousins ? Hmmmm I did not know I had relatives in Aceh or Burkina Faso . Thanks for the info Annie !!!!

Btw , Muslims cannot get along with anyone , even themselves. A fulfilled prophesy from genesis :

“a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell over against all his brethren” (Genesis 16:12).


Anyway, the world could be a much better place with less prejudice, more tolerance and less violence. It just happened in Germany: an Israeli professor was attacked by a Palestinian young man or boy (as far as I understood only lightly). The professor run after the Palestinian and the police was called because of an “act of antisemitism” (as it has been called). The police came and thought that the Israeli professor was the Palestinian agressor and beat him much more strongly than the Palestinian had hit him. Now the policeman is in big trouble, the Palestinian boy is in even bigger trouble and the Israeli professor was beaten twice, first by a Palestinian and after that by the German police. A few weeks ago a German cartoonist published in one of the most important newspaper a cartoon of Netanyahu. After that he was hardly criticised because he had drawn Netanyahu with too big ears. Then he was fired and lost his job in the newspaper because of his drawing of Netanyahu. Days later I saw Netanyahu in television (possibly calling to bomb Iran, I don’t really remember anymore) and was surprised to see that he really has bigger ears than in the caricature.


annamaria says:


You accept black/Asian priests-popes. You’re the problem.

• Replies: @Echoes of History@Anon


annamaria says:


geokat62 says:

Sam Shama, is that you?

• LOL: iffen


annamaria says:

Was there slavery in the prosperous and civilized Libya before the neo- and ziocons joined their efforts at “humanitarian” intervention that fitted so well the famous Oded Yinon plan?
How about Syria that continues to suffer the assault from the “only [theocratic] democracy” in the Middle East? This theocratic democracy has been also on the best terms with fanatical Islamists of ISIS and A Qaeda. Guess, this is a realpolitik… So “superiorly moral”

• Replies: @Anon


What is the meaning of “Ethnically Jewish”?

Can one be “ethnically Muslim”or “Ethnically Christian”?

• Replies: @Tyrion 2


Interesting article. However, Mr. Unz is writing from a Jewish perspective and thus is limited in his world outlook. I can tell you about the last one hundred years. It boiled down to the most evil ideas in human history of the past 2000 years – universal brotherhood and universal church.

We have to look at the world from the present and that almost everything we’ve been taught for the past 2000 years is wrong. At this point in time, now that the entire world has been mapped and settled, there is one objective truth that stands out and sums up world history – IQ. IQ is tied to race. IQ and race determine a civilization. While Mr. Unz provides many interesting insights and facts, these things don’t matter any more. Right now, it is the RCC and the Zioevangizers who are the “Jews” busy destroying the Western world. Jews are not Western and cannot be in the West. Also, today’s Jews are not related to the Jews of Old Testament or even when Jesus lived. They are a mixed, mostly Afro-Asiatic people who have adopted some Western ways. Until we get RCCers and Zioevangizers to see this, we will continue to have problems. Of course, placing IQ and race at the fore is a threat to the RCC (universal church) and the Zioevangizers (they want the temple rebuilt because this cause Jesus to come back). So, as the many insane anti-Semitic commentators here babble on about the Jews, many of them refuse to deal with the IQ/race issues. We need to first repatriate/separate blacks/Asians/Jews/Muslims from the West. They have their own countries. Then we can focus on rebuilding the West. This will require moving the papacy to the Congo or the Philippines. This will require that Western schools teach the West is best because of the Western people. The Talmud, the rabbis are distractions. Focus on the cowardly Caucasian RCC/Zioevangizer male who is standing in the way of saving the West.

Brother Nathanael recently aired a youtube criticizing Jews for calling themselves the “master race.” They are not. Israeli Jewish IQ is 93. Western Jews were small in number so the little IQ gains they made over 2000 years in the West amount to nothing. However if Jews in Israel want to worship their “Joooooiness,” I don’t care as long as they are not in the West. I worship my Westerness.


Tyrion2, you’d best be arguing with other religious Jews and not with Ron as they all disagaree with you.

In fact, just google the topic yourself and do your own research instead of cluttering up the comments section with your objections to fact.

• Agree: Them Guys

• Replies: @RobinG@Tyrion 2


Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

I don’t believe in God, but Christian Western European is my civilization and is like to preserve it and its people which includes me and my family.

In America, affirmative action school desegregation school bussing affirmative action for FOB immigrants unlimited immigration and the official state school curriculum of hate Whites hate Whites hate Whites are all Jewish causes that became the ferociously enforced laws of the land

I know who my enemies are.

• Replies: @AaronB


RobinG says:

The only thing, Art, there are plenty of non-Jew war profiteers joining in the Trump-bashing. The Deep State has no religion but power and profit.

And no question the press is Jew dominated, but they’re already in full blown TDS. No need for any directive. They’ve got to keep their fake narratives going.

But Trump was great. He hit them with the DNC servers, HRC emails, Awan scandal, and liar/traitor Bill Browder. What am I forgetting? He was terrific.

• Replies: @SolontoCroesus@Art


Are we really having a discussion?

People only care about what it means to be “white” because for 50+ years we have been forced to self-identify as such, for the purpose of picking and choosing favors on the basis of demography. The cumulative effect of that is a world of mutual resentment and a cottage-industry turned mass-industry for the sustainment and manufacture of grievance to simultaneously force a triple-down on the affiliation with “white” while justifying the immiseration of the most vulnerable of the same kind. It works so well that there’s an article up above using sweeping generality to smear millions of people with Satan worship.

People care about their ethnic affiliations. It might not be a bad thing to promote that, extra-legally, while at the same time pulling the rug out from underneath the arbitrary legal decision to force “white” on everyone.

Want to see intersectionalism, postmodernism and the “Frankfurt School” all disappear? Disappear the demand for them. Know how? Ban collection of racial and gender designations for employment or academic purposes. The only reason to make an exception for African Americans is that in sufficient numbers so many would request or demand it, that it’s a necessary concession to take the heat off the problem.

I kind of think you know all that.

• Replies: @utu@Thorfinnsson@James Charles


iffen says:

– there is nothing unique about Jewish culture

Disagree. Existing after two thousand years in a diaspora. What other group has done this?

As Judaism comes to be defined by Israel, then it will be nothing unique, just one among many.

• Replies: @AaronB@bjondo@renfro


Seraphim says:

Hens are not reputed for their IQ. There are doubts that they have brains at all.


Anonym says:

Congratulations Mr Unz. Reading your previous articles I think I mentioned that your testicles were of an immense and metallic nature. This articles demonstrates that they are of planetary scale.

I pray you have the IQ to match the scale of your gonads. It certainly seems that way. Occasionally in life you get to meet such a searing intellect, to know you are in the presence of an intellectual superior. It’s frankly awe inspiring. So… it seems that way. I pray that Jewry, and also the Jewish berserkers as you term them, enjoy your writings so much that they are more interested in what you next have to say than in preventing you from saying it. (I am not religious btw.) The nature of Jewish IQ, the bell curve and the like implies that there are Jewish activists of at least your intelligence and resources. I hope they stay their hand.

The above was indeed hilarious.

There are very few non-fictional things in life that I have read with such interest. It is like reading a real-life Emmanuel Goldstein serializing his book “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism”. Watching the Man X scene in JFK. Seeing the Loose Change 2E documentary. Reading Steve Sailer’s early work on the reality of race, IQ and the like. Reading Yggdrasil’s work.

I love the way you introduce the forbidden knowledge, an author that you really would like to read if only I could get my hands… and then BAM! There it is in html. If I had the time to read those I would and I bet it would blow my socks off to a similar extent.

It’s interesting that Shahak died a few months before 9/11, like Col Fletcher Prouty.

You know, I love truth, I love learning how things work. And I must say the info on a few of the things were not new to me, e.g. JRM, the Talmud being a driving force, what it is basically about, the practices of hiding the truth. A few things were new, for example the emphasis on magic in Judaism. And possibly new, the authoritarian control held by Rabbis. Certainly others.

One thing I am curious… what was the purpose for the massacre of the Palestinians? What caused it to happen at that particular time?

And also, I would love to know where you are going with all this… what is your aim? What do you hope to achieve? You do not have to disclose it, but it does make me curious. I intuit you are building to something magnificent and it makes me curious.

• Replies: @NYCTexan


bj says:

William Browder is a jew who hates Russia and has done more than any man alive to attempt to use the USA to destroy Vladimir Putin and Russia. He appears enraged that a goyim dares to protect Russia from the predatory jew.

Vladimir Putin said he has evidence William Browder gave 400 million dollars to Hillary Clinton from money’s taken from Russia in the looting of the 1990′s. The transaction was facilitated by USA intelligence agencies. The information is from the Helsinki Summit news conference with Vladimir Putin and Donald J. Trump.

William Browder uses his stolen billions to threaten humanity with thermonuclear war to satisfy his blood lust and vengeance. I wonder what 400 million would buy, if Hillary Clinton were president?

The Killing of William Browder…Alex Krainer

“To the people of Russia
and the United States who
hold the keys to the
future of humanity”…..Alex Krainer


AaronB says:

A perfectly healthy instinct. I don’t object. You should fight to preserve your civilization. And you will succeed. And then you will go on trying to expand, overcome, and conquer others, as your people once did with so much gusto and energy, and as every healthy biological organism tries to do.

And exactly as Jews are doing – whites once happily conquered Asians, and Germans once happily conquered French, and English conquered Indians, and so on endlessly.

There is nothing unique about Jewish culture in any of this. Every people secretly thinks the rest of the world should be their slaves.

I am glad we can be adults about this and discuss it in a calm, objective manner.

Of course, should one wish a way out of this endless biological struggle – there is the spiritual struggle.

But it is for the few.

• Replies: @Anonymous


Dumbo says:

No it isn’t, or at least, doesn’t need to be. Maybe that is the Jewish paranoid mentality, and maybe if they didn’t think in this way other peoples would have less trouble with them and they would not be expelled from a different country every 200 years.

I don’t think anyone would hate the Jews at all if they were not so anti-social (in the sense of being always trying to undermine society) and were not involved in things such as usury, pushing mass migration, pornography, etc etc. Yes, not all Jews, but you know what I mean. There may be many good or even admirable individual Jews, but as a group, they tend to generate hostility. I don’t believe in Kevin’s “evolutionary strategy” theory, so it must be related to their religion and in that case Unz is right. In fact Jews who (sincerely) convert to Christianity tend to be less hostile. And the Orthodox (Haredim) seem to be the ones who most hates Christians.

• Replies: @AaronB


Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:

Pakistan – Bangladesh 1971 -3 million + killed
Cambodian genocide -2 million killed
Nigerian occupation and genocide of Biafra -2 million+ killed
India Pakistan partition -1.2 million killed
Sudanese occupation and genocide of South Sudan 1.5 millon plus killed
Sudanese occupation and genocide Darfur-800,000 killed
Alawite occupation of Syria -500,000+ killed
Indonesian occupation and genocide Papua -500,000+ killed
Indonesian occupation and genocide Timor-500,000+ killed
Somali civil war -500,000+ killed
Russian occupation of Chechnya-150,000+ killed
Islamic insurgency Philippines-120,000 killed
Turkish occupation of Kurdistan and Cyprus-70,000 killed
Kashmir conflict-70,000 killed
Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara-50,000 killed
Boko Haram insurgency-50,000 killed
Israel PaLie$tinian conflict-24,000 killed

Mr Cooper you are correct , Israel is clearly the worlds big problem post Ww2. Islam is the religion of peace.

• Replies: @attilathehen@ploni almoni


utu says:

Move to France. They have already implemented your plan.


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